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The Fun Factory

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Everything posted by The Fun Factory

  1. Yep. The best view of Villa is in the North Stand as you,er, don't have to look at the North Stand. Back in the day I had a season ticket in the lower north in the MON years, which cost less than 300 quid- good times. The legroom and facilities are rubbish but the view of the Holte was brillant. At its best it was like a wall of sound coming right back at you.
  2. We'll play again, don't know where, don't know when.....
  3. Should have hired the Cowley brothers.
  4. Yes, lets wait until about April and see how consistent and how many games Ross has played for us. On paper he would be an excellent signing but the injury record is a concern and even at Everton is form was up and down. On his day he looks good enough to play for England though.
  5. Will Wednesday's game be on? If not that would be 4 games in hand versus most teams.
  6. If this gets cancelled that means that we have only played 15 games by mid January. The equivalent stage last season we had played 22 games. Basically we are about 2 months behind in fixtures. Its ridiculous.
  7. Just going online to Villa Village.
  8. I didn't vote but can I join in the celebrations like JT?
  9. Parker should stop bitching about it. Spurs only knew the original game was off 2 hours before kick off. Games have in the past been re arranged at short notice in the past due to weather, floodlight failures etc. He should see as an opportunity to get the game back in hand before the next inevitable shut down.
  10. A couple of star jumps and half a Mars bar and they will be fine.
  11. Give it 6 months. Just give him the time and space to develop. I suspect probably spell out on loan to a National League/League Two club next season for the next stage of his development.
  12. Used to get further and further from the goal every time he talked about it!. I hope he is getting the care he deserves.
  13. I just can't see how elite football can keep on going for much longer. I reckon about another 10 days and it will be paused. The covid numbers are horrific, even worse than the original outbreak. How they can then finish the league season is a different matter.
  14. Although we have a had a really good start I am increasingly feeling meh about the whole season. I just hate all these empty stadiums it is so soulless.
  15. Yep. I still think we a are to nice sometimes.
  16. Do you follow football? Oh dear Fat Sam is making a right hash of it. I can't see him lasting out the season. Talksport beckons.
  17. He's feeling the pressure in defending the title. I don't know what else Villa could have done yesterday or in last season's league cup tie in which we offered to move the fixture after the word club championship.
  18. No if it was the other way roundI doubt many would have wanted Villa to play a youth side.
  19. I hope it doesn't go ahead. I am sure we would have tried to do so even if we just had half a senior team around but you can't expect a bunch of U18 to compete 2 games versus men in less than a week. We have already games in hand and I am sure if it was possible we would go ahead with the match but it will be palpably unfair and inconsistent if the premier league forced us to.
  20. I am proud of the boys last night but I fear it now sets a precedent for league. Mourinho is already spouting about this for our supposed game with them on Wednesday. Although the boys showed a lot of promise yesterday it would be unfair to the club to expect them to compete in the league versus Spurs midweek.
  21. For a long time the youth set up has been underachieving but the new (ish) owners are turning this around. We should be a real magnet for promising youngsters in the region certainly and also within England. We have a great set up at Bodymoor and with this proposed academy by Witton station we are really putting the foundations in for sustained success. In the meantime Blues look like that they will be closing their Academy so the city is ours.
  22. Disagree. Was a excellent signing for us and really unlucky with the injuries. His time at Villa was a period in which we often came top 6 or abouts. Seems to know his onions as a coach.
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