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Everything posted by sidcow

  1. Wow. Didn't think this would develop into such a heated topic I NEVER used to drink whisky but I do now. I think it might be a taste that develops with age although I also had never tried a good single malt whisky until I won a bottle of 15 year old Jura single malt at a corporate doo a couple of years ago. I totally agree with the comment above. It really is one of life's joys and the complexity of the tastes is astonishing. I always have a single malt in the house now but I make sure it lasts about a year. I drink too much beer already and I do not think it's a good idea to start drinking quantities of spirits. Ale is my thing but I am sorry even amongst lagers budweiser is an awful beer it is only as widely drunk as it is because of very very good advertising campaigns, rather like carling black label in the 80's a d 90's. I literally cannot find drink Hobgoblin though. I went to Nottingham beer festival last year and inadvertently bought a half of mild when I wasn't paying attention to what I was buying. I hate mild but as I had it I was determined to drink it but I really couldn't and had to find a quiet corner to chuck it away after a few sips, it really was rancid . Yet my dad who was a founder member of Blossomfield club in Solihull resigned his membership of 40 years when they stopped selling mild and upped sticks to Kings Heath. . Weird
  2. Welcome Roberto. Rinse and repeat the promotion you achieved with the Baggies please
  3. Always need an assistant manager with healthy bowels I say.
  4. I don't buy this most of the players were actually OK really. The plainly weren't. With or without Richards and Lescott we were the third worst PL team ever. You don't get that just because of a couple of bad eggs, the team from back to front left to right was totally dysfunctional under two different managers. Riley was responsible for this. He was the main man. He put together a set of utterly atrocious / incompatible players making us a total shambles. It's almost impossible to see how anyone could have made a worse job of it.
  5. sidcow

    Carles Gil

    Not good enough for the PL. Reports suggest he is going on a loan. . Why would we do a loan? It's not like he can come back next year if we are promoted and contribute to the following season as he's not good enough. Sell sell sell and reinvest in someone who does want to be here and contribute to the promotion push.
  6. I have no interest in Iron Maiden yet that picture still made me feel happy
  7. Has any player flattered to deceive more than Raheem sterling? Ironically possibly for England anyway Glenn Hoddle the commentator
  8. You can tell this by the way he got them promoted
  9. Golfers. I have played the sport once and after hacking around for half an hour I hit a sweet shot right down the fairway. My mate who is an experienced player turned to me and said that's what golf is all about.. You don't know why you hit that sweetly and the trick it to repeat it again and again. I knew right then I would never play golf again because I really didn't give a flying t0ss why I had hit the ball sweetly. But the reason golfers piss me off is because of their obsession in reliving ever dull stroke of every dull hole the day after they play and hearing them talking about all of the silly petty rules which they mainly see as good and proper without seeing what a load of nonsense it all is. Sounds like an almost institutionalised form of bullying designed to catch people out so they can be punished and ridiculed to me. Really pisses me off and I am glad I have no part of it
  10. I have literally no idea what you just said there
  11. I used to think that too until the first time I went overseas on holiday but had reached an age where I wanted to know what was going on in the world / back home so tried reading the mail and the express thinking they would be better than the red tops but not so hard going as the Telegraph or times That was when I realised they were a load of old tosh and full of political agenda as well. I think the red tops actually give out more proper news just very abbreviated.
  12. No its Ike going to the cinema and focusing on the film throughout the film. . Your getting beer confused with pork scratchings In your comparison you are also watching the same film over and over and over again too.!
  13. Hang on you said you drink beer for taste but then say lager is nicer than most ales............. Does not compute........ Error..... Error....... Error....
  14. Carrying on the beer topic I seriously can't understand why people drink sh;t mass produced beer I remember being in a lovely country pub in Cornwall a few years ago marvelling at the range of interesting ales on offer and plumping for something when the guy next to me orders a pint of tetley smooth pour If he wanted Carling or something I could at least understand he is a lager drinker and knows no better but if you stand up in public and announce you are a bitter drinker why have that Rubbish? It's like saying I am a lover of serious quality music now play me more of that Stock Aitken and Waterman. I love beautiful cars so I drive this 1985 Skoda WHY would you ever drink Tetley or John Smiths. And I double dare you ANYTHING smooth pour which is advertising over substance any day of the week month or decade
  15. It's because I have given up now. Sorry for the inconvenience
  16. Dooohh. Met Sid a couple of times including in The Baggies away end. Makes you weep at these multi millionaire playboy's who can't pass a ball for sh;t and have nothing useful to offer the world but twattishness and here is a humble lovely man with skills and passing ability that would dazzle now irrespective of how the game has moved on. I thoroughly believe that if he played for us as he was in his prime last year we would have avoided relegation he WAS THAT GOOD
  17. I once saw Marti Caine going up those horrible dodgy stairs that used to go from station street by the electric cinema up to the back of the palisades. Such glamour in such a grimy location. I shook hands with Michael elphick and told him I though he was a top bloke (probably thinking he actually was boon) when I was extremely drunk and he was dancing with a couple of twenty something blondes in town. I have sent Tom Ross so many times I have felt like telling him to stop stalking me though I appreciate that is pushing "fame" Joan Collins on once asked me to excuse her so she could get to the bar Had a beer with Paul Merson and Ian Olney who I have to say was a thoroughly decent bloke along with quite a few other Villa Legends with The Old Stars. Scored a penalty against Spink whilst wearing a dress (me that is) Seen Roman abramovich at hotel du Vin. My favorite was walking out of a sandwich shop and straight into Robert Vaughan. I mean Jesus not only a man from UNCLE but was actually a star in The Magnificent 7 proper old skool Hollywood in fr1ggin church street B3. Met Craig Gardner but less said the better. Dion Dublin when he had his broken neck. Probably a few more I can't remember now will have a think.
  18. I don't disagree or have any problem with players being mercenary and making as much money as they can. They are professionals doing a job for money and like 95% of all workers want to earn as much as they can but the length of a footballers career is now a total irrelevance. In years gone bye they had to scrimp and take whatever they could and hopefully get a pub somewhere if they were lucky to see them through to retirement. Now however even a player in the second or third tier of English football will earn enough in just a few years to exceed what most people will dream of earning in a lifetime and of course in the will do this in the PL inside just 3 or 4 months in some cases.
  19. Only thing is the riches of the PL now are so much much greater. I can envisage clubs in the Aston Villa founded football league spending a whole lot more now than in the past. The potential gains are so huge it will put upward pressure on prices below.
  20. Unless it's a really really MASSIVE dick. I mean obscenely huge. Then it's really really cool. Honey if you've got it flaunt it. Preferably in the faces of Man City and Chelsea who have been waving their surgically enhanced specimens around. Not so much against Arsenal and Man U who are eau naturelle
  21. I literally cannot believe their bareface cheek. Less than 24 hrs after proclaiming the takeover is on the rocks "and Randy Lerner has already been told the takeover will not be approved" now they are saying all is sweet and the manager has a huge budget. Can they not see they are a complete joke? I was mortified/ambarassed /concerned last week to have to write to a new customer and correct a figure within 5 minutes of quoting when I realised I had misquoted by a few £k even though it was a fraction of the total yet these jokers get paid to actually write total cr@p, change their story like the wind and have no consequences of any retribution for making a c0ck up in fact probably get paid a bonus for bareface lying as it generated extra clicks on the website. They preach /boast/jealousy protect their right of free speech /lack of sensorship in this country like they are some kind of noble profession that needs to be put on a pedestal and preserved but constantly abuse their privileged position by making up and printing sh;t with no comeback.
  22. Off work tomorrow to look after the kids so just been on a midweek beer run. Happy days
  23. Yeah I actually almost mentioned them when talking about the chip bucket but hipocritically I do find those quite cute.
  24. I was going to a class of 86 reunion on Friday but have had to drop out as my mother in law is very ill. We did one about 15 years ago and another about 8 months ago and have now decided to do them more regularly. The one 8 months ago was very reminiscent of school days we were all rushing round selly oak kings Norton and stirchley trying to find a pub who would serve us as it was gone midnight.
  25. When I was at school I hit the jackpot by getting a girl to go out with me. . It was common knowledge she was a sure ticket according to pretty much everyone. She wasn't though...
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