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Everything posted by sidcow

  1. No... What a load of bleedin nonsense. I have always called a spade a plate
  2. I doubt he has been around anyway. Makes you wonder if they have not done it out of spite. If he wouldn't cut a deal make him take his weekly wages rather than pay it all up front and let him go get even more money at the same time signing a new contract somewhere else.
  3. Just started watching Penny Dreadful, I am on episode 6 now. I am quite enjoying it but not sure how they can keep it going for 3 lengthy series I suspect it will get a bit samey. Will have to wait and see
  4. A photo in the "What you eatin' there then?" thread reminded me of something that drives me mental. Restaurants who serve your food on wooden platters or slate and most especially put about 3 chips in a mini bucket What's wrong with a bl00dy Plate? Plates are brilliant for eating off, they have been designed over many years to be the perfect implement for eating food off. Platters and slates mean you end up spilling half the food off the side and they always look a bit dirty to me same as the mini buckets. They always look rather grimy. Plates are easy to clean and the slanted or curved sides keep the food in place. Pretentious sh;te those things. Just give me a plate any day of the week
  5. Got mine down from the loft a couple of months ago. Made me realise I bought some truly awful records in the 80's. Howard Jones does not stand the test of time. I LOVED reaquainting myself with my Ultravox albums though and although I have a lot of Blondie on CD some brilliant album tracks which I had almost forgotten about made me very happy. Giant ants from space Snuff the human race Then they eat your face Never leave a trace La la, la la la, la la, la la la, la la, la la la
  6. No I'm sorry that's the thread next door
  7. I had a can of Golden Hen by Moreland which is described as craft beer. As its sold in sainsburys I am guessing that is is mass produced
  8. Last night I was drinking some cans of Golden Hen. It's OK but for a canned beer is strangely flat. I have had it twice now. First time i wondered if there was something wrong with it but it was the same last night
  9. I don't get why everyone has now started calling real ale "craft beer"
  10. That was me on Saturday and as a double bubble bonus the wife and kids were out
  11. No but they're not going to turn down paying punters if we have empty seats. It's a voluntary closure not a statutory closure so our capacity will be the same, just not all utilised for every game. If we are top of the table and flying the fans will come.
  12. It was only meant as a tongue in cheek comment and not without a small hint of irony as I started it with a post about not getting proper coffee
  13. I can't wait for this thread to properly get going with proper links to the players we are going to buy. The first couple of signings should give us a real clue about how serious Xia is and what kind of season we might have. Can't wait till we start shipping out the dead wood as well.
  14. sidcow

    General Chat

    The same. Would NEVER eat actual prawn cocktail but they are my goto crisps
  15. I've renewed. Villa Park capacity will be the same next year as this year other than the lower North reduction for the new disabled area. Upper Trinity is only closed when there is no demand it can and will be opened when the demand is there. It we are top of the table and flying I would expect it to be opened fairly often. They just can't have season ticket holders up there or they would HAVE to open it and incurr costs regardless.
  16. sidcow

    General Chat

    One to take to the things that piss you off thread I think!
  17. I have noticed this also and it really irritates me. There must be a reason for it because people never used to. I am not sure but I think it might be another creeping Americanism or possibly an Australianism. It's something I could have put in the things that piss you off thread if I had thought of it. Another thought is it might be a media training thing. It's often "So.........." with a pregnant pause. It might be a strategy to create thinking time
  18. I don't get why coffee has taken over this thread
  19. True. They sold us Micah Richards last season
  20. There was something in the news on Friday about 16 of the teams in the PL made a profit last year. Shows again just how badly run we have been that even after several years of austerity with our superior corporate entertainment and large support we somehow managed to make a £30m loss whilst being one of the worst teams ever whilst many smaller clubs with less resources have been putting out decent competitive squads whilst turning a profit.
  21. La La La La Ginkgo is talking but I'm not listening. All we need is to offer Pep Guardiola £20 squillion quid and he can take us from last seasons respectable 6th place in the PL to next seasons champions. I don't understand all this talk about playing next season in The Aston Villa founded football league.
  22. I have failed to see why people rate him so highly. He is probably better than most people we have played in his position recently but that isn't saying much. To me he has looked OK but if he wants to go and we get a decent transfer fee I won't be particularly bothered.
  23. Is it because cricket is a summer sport to be played in hot sunny weather. Most of the cricket playing Commonwealth nations are hot most of the year. Football is a winter sport to be played in hail, snow and fog. I certainly wouldn't fancy sprinting down the wing and shoulder charging a defender wearing in full evening suit and tie with a 4 ft beard in Mumbai in 90 degree heat, not even with a gin and tonic on standby.
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