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Everything posted by sidcow

  1. At least we have a 10 year plan now. Top 3 in the world in 10 years. Randy said top 4 in his failed 5 year plan, we got 6th. So I reckon we fail our 10 year plan and only make top 5 in the world and I am over the fckin moon though by then I will be an Arsenal equivalent and be booing the manager for only finishing second in the PL. Bl00dy t0sser whoever he is Boooo. Future manager out now!
  2. Aaww crap. That's me exposed as racist. AGAIN
  3. You haven't seen his white pussy!
  4. Yes the mega rich owners probably ordered the cull of unnecessary staff to be taken before the takeover was announced so it's not their bad. I did a post about this in the thread about redundancies. We are and have been for years MASSIVELY overstaffed. Compared to our peers and bigger clubs we have far more employees. It's one of the many things which has made us such a basket case of a club. This deal has clearly been going through for some time and I am sure the current regime have taken the flak for the new regime over this and I am OK with that because it is something which is sad but had to happen to get Aston Villa back on track.
  5. And falling over at the slightest touch screaming rolling over instead of shrugging it off and carrying on. Cheating b@st@rds. Some of them had the temerity to have grass on the pitch as well. Funny how you get used to things. Imagine one of the current poncy PL "stars" playing on Terry Butcher style covered in blood?
  6. I sympathize with a lot of what you have said over this but time and the world has moved on. Personally I am more gutted that I can't stand on the Holte End Terraces than anything else about modern football. I literally shed a tear when showing my son some photos of the proper Holte before and during demolition a couple of years ago In terms of ownership etc that is the way is. Someone has always owned Aston Villa and usually they were ultimately in it to make money it's just that the money was much smaller and the owners were more local, but still businessmen running a business. Give me a choice and I take Chinese or American or Russian ownership and Sky and Friday night football but lament the loss of my Holte End (immediately left of the divide second pen from the top right up against the barrier) that's the only football thing I bemoan
  7. Can I renew my season ticket now?
  8. In all seriousness we probably wouldn't need to do much more unless something really revolutionary happened but I disagree we could look to fill in the corners, widen the wings on the Trinity, or even put another level on top of the Whitton Lane stand by building over the road. Have you seen Old Trafford? It really depends on just how ambitious he is and just how much money he has to throw around The talk about developing VP is the most significant comment in the whole thing I think. If this really does happen I will believe he is serious in what he says. Unless we are actually going to go on a journey and were just going to coast along there is no way they would even talk about this let alone put something into action. Once I see bulldozers arriving I will be a believer
  9. I wonder if Gareth Barry could be tempted home. I am sure he could have a solid year in the Aston Villa founded football league. Make him captain his experience could be invaluable and he might be up for helping to restore us
  10. I reckon we will start on the north stand pdq. It will be developed much larger in terms of seats as that would be easy to do raising the overall VP capacity but mainly I suspect putting in state of the art corporate facilities and other areas behind the seats which would have commercial revenue generating opportunities such as hotel / restaurants / conference facilities. Also if he does deliver on his promise to make us the top team in China you can expect several thousand on the gate from visiting Chinese tourists. We will see more half and half scarves. Do this now we can keep open the upper Trinity whilst the north stand is out of action and we have lower Aston Villa founded football league crowds and development finished in time for the return to the prem next season
  11. Hah you mentioned something Chinese when talking about the Chinese. That's racist that is.
  12. Well our chairman does have an active space company so why not?
  13. Man alive. It's been 3 hours since our Chinese takeover and now I want another one
  14. I wonder where our pre season tour will be?
  15. What an utter t0sser he is. Not content with destroying our club he has now gone and ruined our best song! . Boooooo
  16. It really pisses me off that I know literally nothing about and can find little or no information on the man who now owns Aston Villa
  17. To be fair the Chinese will not be buying us personally with their own wealth, it will be a company with a figurehead. I wouldn't get too hung up about an individuals personal wealth. The company seem to throw about some pretty serious money
  18. Absolutely it's just a swindle. Ticket resellers are also basically organised crime, utter scum making money off people who just want to enjoy their favorite band or team or whatever. They claim to cut down on touts but they are just organised touts. They use inside contacts (who are no doubt taken care of for their help) and buy huge amounts of tickets before the public can get hold of them then sell them over face value. This is what happens when you hear about gigs and whatnot selling out in minutes.
  19. Not interested in a political debate but I do know that whilst my mother in law has been in and out of hospital over the last few months sweet fa happens when she takes a dive over the weekend. Nurses only around saying we will have to wait till Monday till someone can do anything. I am pretty sure that if she takes a serious dive over the weekend she will have much less chance of survival than if it happens mid week and that in my eyes is the end of the argument because she might be an old lady but the same would be true if if was one of my kids or my wife and that ain't right.
  20. Mick McCarthy? Even if not the favorite it surely can't be far behind. I could watch it for hours in a hypnotic state
  21. I am sure it has probably already been mentioned on here already somewhere but the black eagle in Hockley is a Harry redknapp style top top pub and only a short metro ride from the jewelry quarter pub crawl
  22. Someone on the coaching staff should be examining his performances for Blackburn and work out where all the goals came from so we can replicate it. However I am willing to place a large bet that no one has given it a second thought
  23. No way will Derby pay his wages, he will go to one of these mickey mouse leagues which are awash with money
  24. Well the statements on the o/s definitely must have been endorsed by them but I would believe King above them anyway. He has absolutely no reason to make public statements about it Also there is way too much smoke for there to be no fire. This is nothing like last time Also the fact we have said we will not appoint a new manager until the takeover completes and the failure to appointmt or even mentioning appointing a new chief executive and footballing board. The level of stasis is absolute and not even Randy in his most negligent of moods would fail to address those issues Something will happen and soon in my opinion
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