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Everything posted by sidcow

  1. This If he had even the slightest feeling for the club he would take the best loan he can find and see out his contract with someone else picking up half the tab. However I think he will be the new Zog and sit on bis @rse picking up his wages Only chance is if he has a relegation clause and his wages reduce a lot and he gets an offer from Turkey, MLS, Middle or Far East. . One of those new money leagues if he gets an offer that say doubles his now reduced wages he might take the bait. Hopefully his reputation overseas is not quite as tarnished as it is with us and someone will just see him as an experienced PL striker who has been in his time a little bit of a name.
  2. Sounds like a typical Villa player to me. Where do we get him to sign? Tailor made
  3. This is the thing. We ARE going to lose a lot of players, the noises are already being made. And our foresight including relegation clauses will help them leave because they will find new clubs willing to pay more than our 50% reduced wages. We are not going to be like the scum with Ziggich or Wolves with Doyle. They were happy to stay put picking up their huge wages but ours won't be able to do this because of the relegation clauses. Then there are several players who we WANT to get rid of. We are likely to have the biggest rebuilding job ever. Forget whatever previous budgets have been. Plus the huge money increase in the PL will filter down. Players will be more expensive to buy this summer than before.
  4. Peter crouch is sooo much better looking with those bleached white teeth
  5. Lose to the Welsh and we are in deep doodoo
  6. It basically all went wrong after he took sterling off. Sterling to play every minute of every game for me.
  7. Hopefully it was but still worrying that it go in if it was!
  8. Sterling is the English currency
  9. Whoa that's no way for a doctor to speak!
  10. Is sterling actually doing this on purpose?
  11. Wtf was that Russian wall though? There was no wall really
  12. Yes accommodating Rooney just because he's Rooney weakens England. So what are we doing now. Dominating a poor team and will probably sneak it somewhere down the line but as soon as we come up against a decent team we will fall short and I am sure a big part of it will be because we accommodate names rather than play the best player for that position
  13. Sterling at it again. Set free down the left, exciting run down the wing, acres of space, lots of options, runs straight into the first defender who comes near him. The new Sean Wright Phillips is exactly it.
  14. How many times has Rooney thumped those in against us??
  15. Absolutely I'd bet vardy more to create something out of nothing or poach better. We've put what 3 balls clean across the face of goal and no one's poached anything
  16. That's what I mean about flattering to deceive. Looks good but always runs down the blind alley or fails to deliver the final pass. End product is nada.
  17. Sterling does my head in. Utter rubbish flatters to deceive all the time
  18. I can't understand how so many people are pointing to our budget as unbelievable, far ahead of any other previous teams spending. We are going to have to buy far more players than any previous team. There are almost none we either want to keep or will be able to keep. We will need almost a new first team. It's scary and we have to get it right.
  19. Was about to do this as whilst reading I have Rhod Gilbert's best part time band on in the background.
  20. It's amazing what can happen when you employ a professional who is qualified to do the job required of him isn't it Randy. If only he had learned this 10 years ago.
  21. When beards go out of fashion how will I recognise the hipsters?
  22. I think you missed the irony in my Post!
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