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Everything posted by sidcow

  1. This really winds me up. A other example of modern day scum "hiding" and being protected by the system They preach romantically like they are some kind of ancient noble traditional institution. Free spirits wandering the world keeping traditions alive. Reality is they are (there are exeptions but very very much in the main ) utter scum. Total freeloaders thieves vandals con artists tax avoiders benefit cheats. The horrendous mess they leave behind is a disgrace. I remember going past a "camp" on a car park off Golden Hillock Road on my way to work one morning and see some kids 8 years old or so laying about some young trees with an axe. After they left there were piles of junk and a row of cut down trees destroyed for no reason other than mindless. Vandalism which the parents obviously ignored totally. . Not what you would expect from a noble ancient breed of people. I bet most of them have absolutely no connection to proper gypsies. I agree, they should be moved on IMMEDIATELY before they have the chance to do any real damage. Why does it take days/weeks to get rid? And why are they or others able to return again so quickly starting the whole cycle overagain. The law needs changing although it shouldn't really as it should have been sorted years ago I work hard pay my taxes, play my part in society and then these people are allowed to stroll in destroy the place, rip people off of thieve from them and suck my hard paid taxes away trying to get them moved then more wasted clearing up. . IT'S PLAIN Wrong.
  2. Was going to look at them earlier then thought why?? . Really have zero interest
  3. Did they get £200m over 2 years from X-TEP. we should wear kit from Primark if they paid us that
  4. That sounds like a horrible experience. I have never done much cricket but got into it a little bit with corporate doos and enjoyed it. Got thinking that when I retire (I am a LONG way off) I could do worse than a season ticket at Edgbaston to while away the summers. Then I thought what a total contrast is must be from a packed test or 20/20 to an empty stadium with one man and his dog PLUS you really couldn't get trollied every day of you would be a raging alcoholic/dead by the end of the first summer. So now it sounds like a stupid idea because cricket itself is fairly dull really. I think I'll go fishing instead
  5. Glenmorangie. Got a terrible throat and couldn't sleep last night with coughing. No such problem tonight!
  6. I was wondering about this. A weird Chinese manufacturer you've never heard of before desperate to break into the European market and offering us a £200m deal over 2 years
  7. I would love to know who all the players are who he has phoned and they have said they would like to stay. I do wonder if money is not an issue if he has phoned some and told them of the owners ambitions and then said something like "of course there are relegation clauses in your contracts halving your wages but if you want to stay and be part of this we don't have to activate them" This would help to keep the ones we want to keep and hasten the exit of those who want to go as their halved wages could be easily met somewhere else.
  8. I live in Solihull and I am associated with the Villa so you are right. Good year this I have managed to tell my son that Simon Fowler of OCS and the new Villa CEO both went to his school. I think I can safely say that he was singularly unimpressed
  9. I would assume this is why Alex Ferguson was so famous for his meek and mild dealings with his players whilst they went about winning more trophies in a decade than most clubs have in their history
  10. Yes it happened during the pre tournament friendlies
  11. Paul McGrath was definitely overlooked by England
  12. To be honest I am astounded the previous regime didn't get rid of him full stop and then as part of the takeover discussions... You get rid of him please so it's not our bad..
  13. I would say 14000 at this time is a lot. If we had 18000 in total last year after that sh;tfest of a season and relegation I would have thought 14000 was optimistic but if it's what they budgeted for they must be delighted. If we make a couple of decent signings we might end up with even more season ticket holders than last year which would be remarkable when you think about it. I would wonder if a lot of lost sheep who swore never to go back whilst Randy is in charge are now returning to the flock?
  14. I would definitely think the is good enough to play in the Aston Villa founded football league. Remember this is a big step down from the PL and he has at times looked good enough in the PL. His poorer performances I am willing to put down to poor management and fu(kwit colleagues I would definitely cut him some slack.
  15. Yes it **** up Bournemouth's promotion charge at that level.
  16. This is all very well but what does his next car look like? Until I have seen that tweeted I will reserve judgement.
  17. Both Wyness and Xia have made reference to people making false promises and not delivering. I think if you are going to be full of sh!t you just make the false promises. They are both saying they know they have to deliver with actions not words and I believe them. You would have to be a very special kind of chunt to go on about not making false promises whilst making false promises.... You just wouldn't bother going there I think
  18. Oh man. I had almost forgotten about that! Looking back he was like the false dawn before the blazing glory of the Xia years. Some of those chunts we signed towards the end of his ownership wouldn't be fit to lace the boots of our current triple champions League winning squad. And remember that Bacuna feller who finally got his move to Barca only to score 2 own goals for us in the final. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
  19. *ahem* The Aston Villa founded football league!
  20. You make all this sound like it's a bad thing but Randy ended up romantically nourished at the end of it all so alls well that ends well!
  21. Hahahahahahahaha. All you who doubted he REALLY was a Villa Fan, you see there he is with his Villa scarf on!
  22. How do I unpin the blog which has started appearing at the top of my screen. Its SO annoying but I can't seem to get rid? Ta
  23. I expect when the club says they want a clause to reduce the players wages in the event of relegation the first thing the agent says is OK but to protect our position we need a release clause which gives us a reasonable chance of escaping. A bit of security for us in exchange for a bit of security for you. That would make sense to me or else refuse to sign for anyone wanting a clause for reduced wages following relegation
  24. When you think about what we have had ever since Mellberg and Laursen you could weep.
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