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Everything posted by sidcow

  1. Is it because cricket is a summer sport to be played in hot sunny weather. Most of the cricket playing Commonwealth nations are hot most of the year. Football is a winter sport to be played in hail, snow and fog. I certainly wouldn't fancy sprinting down the wing and shoulder charging a defender wearing in full evening suit and tie with a 4 ft beard in Mumbai in 90 degree heat, not even with a gin and tonic on standby.
  2. I am pretty sure it can destroy your dick if you sneeze mid piss, pretty sure yes
  3. My friends used to live next to a right nutter. He painted his own parking space signs on the road outside his house (parking on the road was a total nightmare) and used to go totally mental at anyone who parked there. Everyone in the road knew to steer clear of it, my friends were always warning me. Once someone was parked there when he came home and he just rammed the car over and over until he had shunted it out of the way.
  4. sidcow


    Like I said earlier Dogs are all evil and should be exterminated . ."he isn't usually like this" "he's just trying to be friendly" "he's only trying to play"
  5. sidcow


    Greebo, Greebo, Greebo
  6. Accrington Stanley... Who are they?
  7. I just want us to appoint someone who the press have said is probably going elsewhere just to prove them wrong so. RDM is fine by me. We are bigger than bl00dy Lazio if we're in league 2. Arses
  8. I like the plan. The only problem I have is that most people I work with would probably struggle to detect the change in my behavior
  9. I have a tale to tell. I have no recollection why but in the late 80's when I was about 18/19 me and my mate found ourselves in The Great Oak in Selly Oak one midweek late afternoon. This was before Wetherspoons remember so the only other people in the pub were rough looking borderline alcoholic residents who pretty much gave us the evil stares from the moment we walked through the door. My mate decides he wants some music on the jukebox so goes over and sticks a quid in for 10 selections. His first song comes on and I am stunned to hear Nothings Going To Change My Love For You by Glen Mederios blaring over the speakers. Cue even more evil eyes and mutterings about the gay boys from the regulars whilst my mate visibly red of face has to stand at the jukebox of shame making his further 9 selections. When he gets back I give him the what the **** was that all about. He surmises he must has put the wrong number in the box. . I can't remember now what it was he actually wanted to listen to but he was pissed off he didn't hear it so when his selections had finished he went back up with another quid determined to put the right number in this time....... As he is stood there with another 9 selections to make on comes Nothings Going To Change My Love For You, it was labeled with the wrong number. . I nearly died and probably could have as the atmosphere in the room was palable. We made a swift exit!
  10. You jammy bugger missing that lot. Can I come?
  11. Saturday every week here. This should be in the things that make you happy thread though
  12. Bus driver wins £6m on the lottery but went to work in the morning because he knew people relied on him. There's a knighthood right there. I have often thought if I won I would go in for a while so my colleagues don't get dumped on..... I really hope I am that kind of person but I really can't promise
  13. sidcow


    Don't actually have any pets but if I did it would be a cat. . Dogs are all evil and should be exterminated except for working dogs. And they should be worked harder the nasty little bleeders
  14. Lowest average attendance in history. Not even close. I remember looking around an empty stadium v Southampton on 1 February 1986 and being aghast seeing the attendance in the sports Argus..... 8,456. Our average attendance that year was15,218. . If we finish bottom of the league next season with 5 points I would bet my house our average attendance will be more than 15,218
  15. Aaaaaaaaggggggggghhhhhhhhh I respond to people who write lol with RAWS When they ask what it means I first have a go at them asking. Did you really REALLY laugh out Loud? Did you? Did you? . Actually....... Laugh...... Out.... Loud???? . No you didn't, not at all. I on the other hand Raised A Wry Smile which is probably what you did as well. Which reminds me (slaps self on head) why the bl00dy hell am I letting my piss boil about the lol brigade when the OMG people are in the room. My friends wife started writing that and I had to warn people before a party we were all going to to tell her not to say it in front of me or I would have to kill her.
  16. Has anyone seen those new apartments going up on the ring road near millennium point opposite The White Tower pub? Everytime I see them it feels like I am in the 1960's watching a bit of brutalist architecture being built as new. They look like all those old buildings being pulled down other than they are shiny and new. In a few years once they are grimy I bet people couldn't tell the difference. It's like they have learnt nothing!
  17. There are still quite a few wooden frame medieval buildings around coventry, certainly a lot more than our old crown in Digbeth. Only problem is is filled to the rafters with utter twonks with a huge Aston Villa shaped chip on their shoulders who genuinely don't believe that we couldn't give a t0ss about them. Oh yes and an awful lot of concrete monstrosities. Thing is in brum we are gradually working our way through them with various regeneration schemes but literally no one wants to invest in coventry
  18. Please.... I beg you..... Please. Do NOT get me started on people who write" lol" my brain will just implode with the sheer weight of hate and anger
  19. I make it my main priority not to glance ESPECIALLY when they are accelerating as hard as they can on a busy street begging people to look at them. Eyes front!
  20. Guinness pisses me off. An awful drink. I can't think of any alcohol that is more overrated. Actually I can, Champagne even worse than Guinness but costs a sh;tload more. Apparently Guinness as a brand is so strong that if everybody actually drank it who claims they drink it in surveys their sales would be around 10 times more than they are. What this means is Guinness is a hugely aspirational brand that people want to associate with but not actually drink as its foul. Now Bathams.... Mmmmmmmmmm... Bathams
  21. I hate these "I'm a better coffee drinker than you" type of arguments
  22. Now you have gone too far. No one deserves to be despised more than cyclists
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