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Everything posted by lapal_fan

  1. lapal_fan

    GTA 5

    Not straight away. It was made for this gen. Anything after 6-12 months is a possibility though.
  2. Cliche I know but this game could go few ways; 1. We're on the crest of a big happy wave at the minute. We beat Arsenal and we very much deserved a point, maybe more, against Chelsea. We even have the media on our side. We win and adrenaline takes us through. 2. We've played 2 of the hardest fixtures we could possibly play this season in the space of 4 days. Fatigue, a possible new and unfamiliar line up may cause a slightly lower performance which a rested Liverpool team (who aren't terrible btw) win. 3. The new players really want to show their new homes' fans how well they can do, raise their game and beat the living shit out of a team who is not poor by any means, but they look to me like a MON team. I.e. a team of highly paid players who are good, but not good enough for what they want to achieve. Hopefully number 3 will play out. UTV.
  3. I saw that hand ball watching the game on a stream on a 42" TV.. there were only about f**king 5 pixels and I still saw the f**king handball. The ref was in exactly the right spot for both the handball and the elbow, he was just a complete pussy in front of a home crowd and Mourinho. He pussied out, nothing more, nothing less, it's just the implications of him pussing out mean that we're 1 point less off. He's a coward.
  4. same here. I didn't join this site until 2006/7 I think, but I'd been reading posts and stuff since the old OS website closed. The only name I can remember from that was Nibbypig or Nibblypig or something, I think it was a woman, I don't really know. But I joined and I don't think I post much, mostly in OT and the gaming forum. As you say, a couple of post here and there and you're in the 1000 club I'm one of those people who can't think for myself so basically I get knowledge and opinions from here and share them in the real world I'm like that bloke in the Harry Enfield Show
  5. I think we'll lose 3-1 but I'm not going to be upset. I think it's about time Mourinho beat Villa and I just think having so many big games will take a little out of us. I'd love to be proved wrong though, I just think they have enough players with moments of brilliance to stick it in the onion bag more than we do. I'm finding it very hard to anticipate which villa will come out though, could beat them 3-1! It's going to be fun either way.
  6. lapal_fan

    GTA 5

    on PS3 obviously I might be finally able to hang up my AN-94 battlefield career because of this... 28 days now?
  7. guys.... excuse me guys? guys..... GUYS!!.. I just wanted to... Want to.... I JUST WANT TO ADD THAT I LIKE BENEKE! glad I've got that off my chest... As you were
  8. lapal_fan

    GTA 5

    but 100 wouldnt would break the game and reduce draw distances to about 2ft though
  9. You could argue that watching football, which has more or less the same outcome each year and expecting the outcome to change is pretty retarded. Women like talking/gossiping and those shows listed have a lot of points of conversation, not surprising they like them. fwiw, I agree, soaps are poo, but they've been going for 50 years for a reason
  10. Goin' down to Pompy for a few nights to see some very good friends Really looking forward to it. May have a dip in the Solent if weather permits!
  11. I've pissed the bed a couple of times when drunk, most notably in my wifes' mom and dads house... They got to know about it when my best man dobbed me in, in his best man speech do anything for cheap laughs won't ya?! **** you Rob182, Fuuuuuuck you. I also actively got up at a house party when i passed out and went and pissed on one of those little sofas you have in a hall way for when you're on the phone, in front of how many people I don't know, because I was walking around pissing unconsciously But I was 16 then, so I reckon that's allowed
  12. Think Baker needs to stick to CB, when he went forward all of our moves died because he can only pass backwards, in some cases 30 yards back! I really like him but his technique is 2/10 I thought our MF were to far from our forwards sometimes, meaning our attacks somewhat petered out near their box. It was a very OK performance, but from the brilliance that was Walsall, I'm happy enough with it. Nice to see Okore and Tonev get a run out, and our goals were nicely taken
  13. Dom goes for another run on the beach
  14. Office regs/school regs say an acceptable room temp for A/C or HVAC is 18-21c. down to 13c for warehouses/sports halls. there you go
  15. I've been absolutely on fire in the last few games I've played on this. My current set up goes; An-94 (kobra sight, heavy barrel, 320 buckshot) Suppressed 1911 De-fibs It just drops people left, right an centre and almost any distance. Here are a couple of games I've had; http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/battlereport/show/4/100987881/180276572/ http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/battlereport/show/4/101026271/180276572/ http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/battlereport/show/4/101030478/180276572/ http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/battlereport/show/4/101033793/180276572/ all good fun
  16. He's got that wonderful spanish assurance. He never seems to panic, even when surrounded by a few players and always looks to pass into feet. He looks quick, put in a couple of dangerous crosses in and he won a few aerial challenges. **** brilliant so far. Keep it up!
  17. Midfielders should be aiming for 4-8 goals a season, depending on how they play I would guess. Attacking wingers should be after 6+, CMs should be after 3+ Considering their position on the pitch is behind the strikers, 1 midfielder should be given lay-offs from forwards a couple of times a season. Last season was slightly disappointing from a CM point of view, hopefully the strikers can keep up their scoring, but if not, then midfielders have to try and add a couple. Or just given the ball to Lowton and see what happens
  18. Benteke will be here after the deadlines over, but there is a small chance he could still leave. The worlds best defender in Thiago Silva signed a new contract at Milan and then left about 5 days later, and he's the worlds best defender at one of the top clubs in the world.. never say never! That being said, I don't think there is a big enough demand for Benteke for that to happen. If he goes on and beats last seasons goals tally, then we'll be in the driving seat for more dosh and we'll probably more likely to be in a position to pull in better talents to replace him with.
  19. I honestly think Matty Lowton will be our best ever right back. After watching his confidence grow after THAT goal, the game he played against Sunderland was just incredible. How many games which were won 6-1, including a hat trick, could you say that the right back was the best player on the pitch and by a good distance too? I think, like Barry, he could play anywhere too.
  20. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/lapalfan/stats/180276572/ps3/ They are my stats; I'm ashamed about the amount of time I've put into it But I've gotten much better in the last year since I've "squaded" up with a few guys regularly. I wanna see PieFaces's because I reckon he's good!
  21. Looks pretty good Although, when I die, I change my loadout whilst i'm dead anyway, not sure why I'd want to do it on my phone when I already have it in front of me?
  22. Well pre-season, regardless of the importance of the actual games, will give Lambert a good idea of what we need. He's not stupid, but these preseason games, as well as being practice and fitness are also tests for some players.
  23. Everyone on social media is banging on about thunder (no pun intended) & Will and Kate's new baby and I'm just sat here masturbating..
  24. I was in London over the weekend doing the monopoly pub crawl, we went past the palace and there were thousands of people walking to the palace down the mall and 10s of thousands of people already at the palace gates. We spoke to some americans from California and they couldn't get enough of the royals. Most people there had bought some tat, I'd say they bring enough to the country to make them worthwhile and to be fair, the changing of the guard was awesome fuckdahaterz. lolololol
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