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Everything posted by lapal_fan

  1. lapal_fan


    I thought it was to get more oxygen into the brain quickly. When you're very relaxed, your breathing is much slower than normal, so you yawn to gather oxygen.
  2. wouldn't he be a bit too old now? It's never really the same is it when they come back, crippled
  3. I sort of understand what he's trying to say.. sort of.. I mean, apart from Ronaldo, we've not had loads of truly world class players like Messi, Zidane, Maldini, Raul, Buffon, Nedved in their absolute pomp.. Henry? He was one of the best ever in changing the role of a forward.. The players in their absolute best years.. from memory.. do seem to go to Madrid or Barcelona or one of the Italian teams (when they were good in the 90s).. But on the whole, the premier league is the most competitive and the top 4 all have world famous stars. I just think their underappreciated in the country (players like Giggs, Scholes, Beckham, Shearer, Hazard, Torres).
  4. Well, casting my mind back to 20-and ****-10 I think my moan was about people who rub the fact that they live in London and it's the be all and end all are the problem, the city itself is okay. Birmingham is a bit poor, but it's home. I prefer London over NYC, but it's not as good a Chicago, Rome, Barcelona or Paris. If I was more well travelled, I'd probably think of a few more too. Las Vegas is basically the best place I've ever been edit; Toronto is better too. Age/history is the only think London has, but it's infrastructure, populus and general feeling - to me - are shitty, unless it's sunny.
  5. lapal_fan

    GTA 5

    You won't have to do it, much like you didn't have to go to the gym and get hair cuts and all the other shit you didn't have to do in San Andreas.. It's just something that you'll get a 2-5 minute tutorial to do in the game, and you can do it if you want. They only put little things like that in to keep the game interesting once you've finished it... unless you're the kind of guy who loved to go bowling? The more they put in it, regardless of how small or pointless you may think it is, the better.
  6. If any of you guys want to play BF3 on the PS3 with me then you're more than welcome to add me (PSN: Lapalfan). I can show you the ropes and talk you through any questions if you're a relative noobie Helps if you have headset, but there's a huge difference between COD and BF games, BF games tend to be a bit less forgiving.
  7. The tipping in America is great. I was told in NY by a local that if I didn't think the service is good, don't tip. If the person who served you asks where's his tip, tell him it wasn't good enough - surprisingly, the only service that wasn't very good on our trip to Vegas, Chicago, Toronto & New York, was in New York. You pay less for food over there, the servers are on a lesser wage equivalent to our waitresses/waiters and it's meant to be an incentive based job. If they do a good job, which most do, they deserve $2/$5/$10/$20 depending on where you are and how they've treated you. I mean, if you owned a restaurant, you'd want to know that your staff are going out of their way to make your customers visit as good as possible.. In America they do that, they treat you like a king, in most establishments. I got back from that trip, went into Weatherspoons and ordered a breakfast and was met with an arsey bloke in his 20s, who looked like a tramp, smelt like a tramp and treated me with disdain. I haven't been back since, but in the restaurant business, repeat business and word of mouth are the best adverts for them. Get good staff, thrive, get arseholes, expect to suffer. Tipping is good and I wish we did it.
  8. OMG I love Carew I wish he was still a beast
  9. I say the same about weed ILLEGAL! Not everywhere... This is the internet. Therefore, the world. Therefore, it's not completely illegal on the internet! Therefore... shaddapppppppp! (For the record, I don't smoke weed either. I just like to see lapal_fan burned). (And no 'lapal_fan', before you ask, I'm not wearing my pink swimming costume. I'm at work!) Doesn't usually stop you. And, I live in the United Kingdom, Britain, England so therefore it is still ILLEGAL!
  10. lapal_fan

    GTA 5

    It's now my mission to WALK from one side of the map, to the other in a straight line and time it. October you say?
  11. I say the same about weed ILLEGAL!
  12. Lol. This just smacks of everything that is wrong with football doesn't it? He's been in England 1 year, done what he's paid to do at a salary most of us dream of, only to ask to leave for a bigger club. It makes me a bit annoyed, but then I think "I can't wait to give Lambert that money". I just hope we refuse to sell him, stick him in the reserves on a world cup year, he drops his place and then we sell him next year for the same price we got him for, silly bugger
  13. I've been to see Cricket and Snooker live, they're much better live, when you're having a drink with your mates. Can't speak for Rugby or anything, but until you've tried it, don't knock it
  14. You don't have enough strength Stevo, sorry.
  15. Some of the drop shots Djok was pulling off were absolutely unbelievable. But then Murray somehow reaches them, in 100 degree heat, in a major final and you just knew he'd go on to win it. He was faultless all the way up to his 3 championship points. Pleased for him
  16. coming from John "CK" Inverdale what a plonker.
  17. Better because he can **** kick the ball Bozzie was a fantastic shot stopper, but like Given, can't kick a ball to save his life. Guzan is brilliant at shot stopping, coming off his line, organising a defence and kicked. He's the perfect all-round goal keeper. Well done Brad, fantastic we've got you for another few years!
  18. My nan died recently in hospital. The last time she went out of her home was to my wedding reception. She wasn't the most loving or caring of people, but she loved her family. I think we knew (before we were officially told by the doctors that she wasn't going to get better) that she wasn't going to come out of hospital. On the Friday before she died (on the Sunday) I was going down to the Cotswolds for the weekend, which my wife bought me for my birthday which was on the Monday. I remember being a little torn about cancelling the trip but on the Friday I saw her, she was gasping for breath, tired, being beaten by a chest infection and the last thing she said to me was "Promise me you'll never get old, you take care of your new wife, look after yourself and have a happy birthday on Monday". I left the hospital in bits but my mom told me that she'd want me to live my life and do all the things that would make me happy, so I went. Obviously that was the last I saw my nan, but in a strange kind of way, it's the best goodbye anyone could ever give, really. I'm certainly glad my last memory of her wasn't being unconscious and gasping for her last breaths. But since then, I kind of have thought about my own mortality somewhat. I've come to the conclusion that life is so **** short, you need to get the most out of every little part of it you can. I'm 26. If I live another two of those, I'll be in my late 70s. That scares me, the fact that I'm in the prime of my life and I have a mortgage, a steady job which I enjoy, but not enough to go travelling or do anything other than go on a holiday for a few hundred quid and I'm recently married. What I do hate, and I mean really hate, is that I haven't got the option to say "I fancy doing this or that today" and actually being able to do it. I find that, money and jobs and life gets in the way of living and experiencing new things. I want to go and live in Canada, but to get there, I'd have to have around £30,000 in savings and a job lined up just to get there. Why can't I just go over and live in Canada? or Australia? or with the penguins on the North Pole? I hate being part of a system which is more or less a factory line of human lives. You're born, educated until 16 (or 18 or 21), you get a job, you get married, you work until you're 65 and then you can retire... and if you're lucky you can life for 20 years... Oh, but you can't really afford to do anything whilst you've retired because pensions are crap and your health probably won't be too great either. Why do people live like this? freedom to do what I want, when I want is the only reason I'd like to have a surplus of money. I don't think we give ourselves long enough to get a full fulfillment of life. If we lived for 200 years as an average, imagine if you could work for 100 and do what you wanted for the other 100. I'm aware that obviously you'd work until 180, but that's not what's going on in my head So, in conclusion, yes, I'm a little worried about death, but I'm more angry that the system of life as it seems to me, will restrict me from doing and seeing the things that seem important to me.. I think time, or the lack of it, is the real issue I'd be looking at.
  19. Thing is, she's got a small, remote point. But she's just taken it to the extreme where it's just ridiculous. I don't have kids, but if I did and one of them said "I've made friends with this girl called Chelsea/Chardonnay/Porsche/Detroit etc" then I would probably judge that unknown child just by her name. I wouldn't do anything about it, and I'd give that child a fair chance, but I would have an image in my mind of what that child would be like. But this woman just takes it to ridiculous lengths and basically refuses to acknowledge that anyone with a name that SHE doesn't like could make anything of themselves. That geographical bit "oh your child is called India" is ridiculous. What you need to remember is, it's not the kids fault, it's the parents. Kids will be however the parents treat them like, in this case, I wouldn't let my kids (based on the video evidence) go round to Kates or associate with them because what she's doing is grouping people into groups. So if she's so harsh about class, what's to stop her judging people on the colour of their skin or their political views or any other sort of group?
  20. get on his show.. **** can't stand him. have one massive bollock or loads on little ones.
  21. Trish has a look a like porn too.. hawt.
  22. Yup. I don't mind the odd one, but 99% of them are shit and it's the same **** people who think they're word-smiths, but aren't.
  23. They're too big. I've not got massive hands, so the PS3 suits me much better. I hated the original Xbox controllers.
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