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Everything posted by cheltenham_villa

  1. I completely agree that in its current form, it's just too much temptation. I believe though that it would be very easy to implement the rather level of controls to really help people.
  2. I feel the opposite, I'd ban all other kinds but force the online companies to share data and properly support customers. Through online you have no excuses, you can track and share information in real time about any customer, it's just not in the betting companies interest to do so.
  3. If the delay is due to a housing developer, they will be desperate to complete before christmas so they can take the sale in this years financials. That certainly my experience, we ended up moving on the 23rd December, they had to pay a months rent to my purchaser (who needed an extended stay in their house) and they ended up acting as our removal company when we could find another.
  4. dont fall into the pride trap, find out whats driving the 7 weeks and look to work around it. house sales are complex and the decisions are big ones. The reality is, 7 weeks would still be much quicker than finding something different. If this is enough to make you walk away, it probably isnt the thing that should represent your most expensive purchase ever. Try to remove the emotion.
  5. On the other hand, my kids school always host a large display for our villa, typically makes 5-10k for the pta which is so essential for extra equipment for the kids. Not being able to host events like this will have an impact, no way could it go ahead safely though.
  6. I thought the way to stop leeds pushing forward down the right was to punish the space they were leaving. I was surprised to not see grealish swap sides or Watkins play wider. It was very comparable to the first half against liverpool where we were constantly over run in the right back position.
  7. not our greatest performance but we were definitely in the game going into the second half. our lack of depth shines through unfortunately, 3 down and only one change from the bench. Regroup and go again, we can be better.
  8. Midfield needs to do a bit more, they dont seem to be supporting the front 3 and the back 4 seem isolated.
  9. I think we just all underestimated the effort in settling a new player. I remember John McGinn talking about his first 6 months and how he didnt who to pass to, which run a team mate would make, where they wanted the ball. Multiply that by 12 new players, a few different languages and an elite level of competition and I think their lies the problem. Were now seeing reward from a reasonably familiar team with some quality enhancements.
  10. i wondered about the subs but other than Traore, who would you change. It didnt feel like anyone else would improve us. If anything you would probably have replaced Barkley with conor, glad he didnt.
  11. i feel like its a case of not changing a winning side. trez has risen to the challenge so far and is looking dangerous. traore looked really good when he came on, ive not issue with these two battling it out.
  12. Were all guessing really arent we, no idea how much we were paying one, no idea how much were paying the other. I'm just guessing that Barkely does not come cheap.
  13. I think our business is done, going back to the purslow interview regarding the challenges of managing wages and investment in the first few years, we must be really pushing our budgets with the deals weve done. Barkley must have cost a lot as well as the number of new contracts weve given out. Of we dont get more off the book now, I can see any flexibility for players to come in.
  14. I didnt think the club were that specific though I thought the argument had been more about not developing other clubs talents. Either way I take the point and also even if they have changed their mind, I'm ok with that. Barkley is an excellent loan signing who I suspect was beyond a club that had just finished 17th. I say this from a club and player perspective, I just dont see him joining permanently at that point in time and I dont see us being able to afford him right now. Hopefully a strong year will change that.
  15. Liverpool certainly poor at the back but klopps summary was spot on. The way watkins played, he was unplayable for them. The only way they could have stopped him was to get to the person supplying Watkins and they failed to do that.
  16. im less worried about a winger, id rather see a back up forward, centre half or left back.
  17. safe to say that Jack will be breaking some social distancing rules tonight. what a performance from the skipper
  18. also looked like deano tweaked the formation second half. trez played deeper to help sure up the right hand side, barkley pushing more through the middle, felt like a second man upfront at times.
  19. Well adjusted after a tricky first 45 minutes
  20. Thank you dean, klopps comment to him on 90 minutes was ... wow. I just wish sky would talk about how good villa were not how bad liverpool were
  21. Odd to mention it, no ask for it, is this the expectation weve sold martinez, watkins, barkley
  22. Interesting that he references Europe, I wonder if this is the internal target for dean and the team this year.
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