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Everything posted by veloman

  1. Agreed , and I haven't suggested which group of maniacs is responsible but ... faites vos jeux .
  2. Oh come on ! I don't think one can equate these atrocities (which I believe were committed mainly in a theatre of war) with the Terror threat posed in the UK. NVB - in no way do I support or seek to justify the Far Right but I wouldn't be surprised if atrocities committed in the UK by far right supporters are much fewer than those committed by (largely) discrete religious groups.
  3. Surprised the latest terrorist atrocity in Liverpool hasn't received it's own thread (unless I've missed it). Any guesses who might be responsible; probably not the much-reviled 'far right' that we are constantly being warned about.
  4. Lots of big stars in the crowd. However, did anyone see that shot of Shoaib ? The effects of his PEDs were plain to see. Not a good man I think.
  5. The wonderful BBC is currently promoting a 'drummerthon' (sp) on behalf of Children in Need; this involves a rather strange Welsh weather presenter playing drums for 24 hours. Part of the programme involved him in a large room/studio with many other drummers on drum kits; someone at the BBC has deemed it necessary to go 'round and stick a bit of paper on the logo of the manufacturer which appears on the front head of the bass drum . Pity they didn't pay such attention to detail when employing :- Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Stuart Hall, Jonathon King et al.
  6. I' m sure all music fans will want to know that Jarrett sued Steely Dan for copying one of their numbers . The SD song 'Gaucho' sounded suspiciously like one of his numbers and he sued; think he won and some liner notes included him in the credits. re. Brand X - yep they were tasty and it is a damn shame that Phil Collins was such a good drummer; it detracted from the fact that he is a pratt.
  7. Definitely was a feature when I played but usually involved name dropping top American session players. For instance ; if the bass player didn't know who Victor Wooten or Stanley Clarke were , they tended to be sneered at by those who did. Likewise a drummer who didn't know Jeff Porcaro (RIP) , Steve Gadd , Dave Weckl et al , received the same treatment. Not good really but went on.
  8. In the same 'genre' as Mulholland Drive I think. Sorry , wandered OT.
  9. ^^^^^^^ Great film that (IMO) . Rarely , if ever shown on TV. Features the great Dennis hopper as ' Frank' - was it ?
  10. Is that likely, given that Warks won the County Championship with several of the Windies squad. one of whom was Captain ? There have been a number of really good Asian players at Warks ; Asif Din , Dilip Doshi just spring to mind. I don't much care for Ali but wonder if there was another reason he left; all too easy to claim racism.
  11. Yep , I was at that match. Never been really frightened at home match before but when thy charged the Holte my mate and myself were off. Think it was 4 - 0 at the time.
  12. Has anyone got / ever bought one of those 'direct cut' LPs ? There was a shop near The Swan at Yardley that sold them. I had one - by Stanley Clarke, but ex took it with her !!!!
  13. Think I have bought some bits from there and they were ok - no problems. Don't know anything about the kit you are interested in but you might look at GAK too. Definitely found them helpful.
  14. Don't know much about this person but .... along with Anthony Newley, he wrote a beautiful number (IMO) called Pure Imagination. I think it is in a Willy Wonka film or something like that . However, a better , if not the best, version is by American keyboardist Bob James. If you want a really relaxing piece of music - this is it ! (And it has Steve Gadd on drums !!!!!).
  15. Why do you think this will happen after this particular murder ? I don't recall "surges' of attacks after the other atrocities committed by followers of this peaceful religion.
  16. Yes you are right of course but I can't even get through to get an appointment for a phone consultation. Receptionist wants to know what is wrong; well I don't want to discuss it with her, I want to speak to a Doctor. I feel like saying, "Well I've got a permanent erection and don't know what to do about it" or some other such trite answer.
  17. If anyone has had difficulty actually getting through to even speak to a Doctor, you will be glad to know that the NHS is looking to recruit a number of new Doctor's Receptionists !
  18. There is no doubt my dislike of the Northern monkey David Lloyd knows no bounds but his latest comments just reinforce it. He has said that England will be white washed in The Ashes, the squad isn't good enough and suggested 3 players who should have been included. Now, have a wild guess which County they play for ? Is voicing opinions like that , in the National press, before the squad has even left these shores , an intelligent or diplomatic thing to do. Realise he is entitled to his opinion but he must have known it would be widely publicized - how must the players feel on reading that !
  19. Has the Potteries accent been mentioned yet.? My wife has such an affliction - but doesn't think she has ! 'Yer conna beat it'.
  20. If you like this track , can I suggest looking on YT for the Jeff Beck version; Live From Ronnie Scott's I think. Features the brilliant Vinnie Colaiuta on drums. I wonder if many of those who knock the Beatles were around when they first started ? Teenagers were fed a diet of American 'pop' singers like Bobby Vee, Frankie Avalon, Dion etc. The Beatles were something new and revolutionary at the time - also introduced many people to the likes of Chuck Berry and other black American artists. I never saw them live but know they played at The Plaza in Rookery Road , Handsworth. They may not have been the greatest musicians (bass players I have played with often rate Paul M though) and they could have had Buddy Rich on drums but I don't think he would have improved them. Just an opinion. (and a pity they came from Liverpool:) )
  21. I see Moeen Ali has been awarded a Central Contract with England. Now I could be wrong but I thought he had stated that he didn't want to play Test cricket any more. If that is the case, how on Earth has he been given a Central Contract ? That and the fact that he has been a wicket down for some time now. Must lead a charmed life in cricket !
  22. Caution !! Comments from an elderly person ! Some may have heard of/remember an ace B/ham band called The Move - numerous hits in the 60's. They used to open their spot with a great instrumental version of 'Dr No'. Also Bond fans might like to listen to this. I played it in a Soul Band I was in for a short period.
  23. One could argue (quite rightly IMO) that winning the County Championship is the pinnacle of the cricket season. So has anyone noticed how little coverage this has received in the MSM ? Sky is obsessed with Ryder Cup and didn't hear anything on BBC - maybe a brief mention. If this had been Surrey or Essex it would have been all over the sports news. (was going to say Lancashire as well :))
  24. In my usual sporting manner, I don't know what gives me more pleasure - Warks winning or Lancs NOT winning
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