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Everything posted by veloman

  1. Isn't this a bit faster than the final record ? If so, it is a product of not allowing the drummer to count in . (Morello still brilliant though; his eyesight was very poor even back then)
  2. Have you made a decision yet ? If so , what did you buy ? Just hope you didn't buy anything too big as often shops will try to sell you what they have in stock rather than what actually fits you. Don't have hybrid or gravel bike so couldn't add useful comment.
  3. My experience of dealing with such individuals was whilst working in a YOI. There were three groups responsible for gang rapes: two black London gangs and one from Nigeria who comprised two brothers and their cousin. The latter group fought tooth and nail to avoid being deported and I gather that this was because they feared a much harsher regime in Nigeria. Whilst appreciating it was his job, I don't know how the lawyer who defended them slept at night; presumably he didn't have a daughter. The others , some of whom were not borne here but were counted as UK citizens did have appeals pending and wanted to avoid deportation for much the same reasons.
  4. It seems as if quite a lot of the British public might have thought that, judging by the last Election result !
  5. Has any one actually competed in a sport with a transsexual ? In my sport , cycling, I was in club with a bloke who changed to a woman; the story certainly made local TV news. The person. now a woman, wanted to get changed/ showered etc with the women (so did I ) but the "cradle" women were uneasy about it; so this person sued the sport's governing body for not providing separate changing rooms. The result was a significant financial loss to a sport run on a shoe string (at this level). This individual quit the sport soon after and was never seen again. At the time - possibly mid 90's - in a field of 120 riders, probably only about 10% would be women and, to my knowledge, only 2 other transsexuals racing. I suggest this situation is a minefield at any level and not all sports have the finance to deal with it.
  6. Yep, very interesting. In my (somewhat limited) experience of working with Indians this is quite typical. I worked with a Sikh at my last Local Authority - his biggest problem was that he was an ardent Wolves supporter ! We once talked about the somewhat tricky topic of why there weren't more Asians playing football. His opinion was, sod all to do with racism, but Indian families wanted their children to go into the "professions - Doctors, Dentists etc, not football. An excellent ethic in my opinion. ,
  7. Just an adjunct to the 'Deadpool' thread and the great Spencer Davis. The first band I ever played in supported them at a club in Walsall (The Casino Club I think). This would have been about 1963/4 . They were brilliant(of course) and we were surprised to see that Steve Winwood was about 17 and white; on their record of that time (Dimples) you would have sworn he was black. My point is that their kit was lower end and unremarkable . Pete York had Premier drums, all the other 3 had 'Harmony' guitars with Winwood having the 3 pick-up model - Harmony Meteor I believe. The pick up on Muff Winwood's bass was held on with tape. That was a 'proper' band who achieved success through musicianship - unlike today.
  8. I think I have got the title wrong, it may have been How Wonderful You Are with references to Harrys Bar. It was a top 10 hit a few years ago. A pleasant ditty - but not exactly driving jazz funk.
  9. Only with them for a short while I think. Possibly more famous for 'Harrys Bar' which I think was more his style - as opposed to Prog Rock.
  10. Agreed ! You should read Jonathon Trott's book; he hadn't a good word to say for him. (slight Warks bias here)
  11. Brian 'Licorice' Locking - former Shadows bassist died last week. He replaced Jet Harris and played on a number of Shadows hits. Younger Vt'ers might not realise how good the Shadows really were.
  12. Sean Kelly - top cyclist and commentator on Eurosport. His excellent comments often spoilt by some idiot called Carlton Kirby.
  13. I was going to start a Thread on the Commonwealth Games but apathy took over. I have nasty feeling that this is going to be a disaster. It seems to be being done on the cheap compared to Manchester. As an illustration , I would suggest that Cycling, particularly track cycling, has been one of our greatest source of medals .... and Birmingham is not even building it's own Velodrome !! I Believe track cycling i going to be held in London (now there's a surprise).. Even Derby has a Velodrome !
  14. Breaking news ! (Sir) Ian Bell announces retirement at the end of 2020 Season. What a player he has been for Warks and England; I remember when he broke into the First team with Jamie Troughton. Really hopes he gets coaching or media work (preferably replacing Spike nosed Lloyd).
  15. I have been trying to understand this LGBTQ business; but I can't get a straight answer.
  16. About the ONLY good thing to come out of this awful virus is that it has saved Warks from going down ! What the hell has happened down there !!
  17. Yep , he has that too; 4 years. Perhaps that was the criteria then !
  18. For what it is worth, I think you have picked an excellent example. I watch Bargain Hunt regularly as I have an interest in British pottery (my wife worked in the Potteries before moving to civilisation ). One would hope that the 'experts' had in-depth knowledge of antiques with maybe specialist knowledge in specific areas. The BBC have discovered a bloke called Danny Sebastian who appears to be a glorified market trader/car booter; when asked for an opinion, he just reads out what is on the label of the item - but ticks the Diversity box. However there are three other non white experts who are excellent; an Asian (possibly Indian) lady who knows a lot about jewellery, a possibly Chinese man who knows a lot about antiques from that area and another Asian (Raj Bisram) who has good knowledge on most things. Horses for courses I think.
  19. Agreed ; now I don't have to listen to that Northern monkey Lloyd, who plainly thinks he is a third rate Working Men's Club comedian. (and he played for Lancashire !!)
  20. Yep; he is Dr Steve Gadd now !!
  21. Well, if you mean Steve Gadd, he doesn't message me for advice !!
  22. On FB , yes. Steve Gadd, Steely Dan, Brian Dunne (drummer with Hall and Oates) but most of the others have died !!
  23. The exclamation was at Tony Hatch/Jackie Trent. !
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