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Everything posted by JoshVilla

  1. Well, this aged well Jones vs Gane for UFC 285 confirmed. Ngannou released from his contract. Not sure I agree with Jones getting an immediate title shot after 3 years out, but I can't say I'm surprised. It's a shame we'll never get Jones v Ngannou now - seems Francis was dead set on leaving (from what we know so far).
  2. We watched the Ronnie Scott's performance at Uni several times. I remember having to play Led Boots at one of my assessments and that's what made me take notice. Huge loss for the guitar world.
  3. UFC is finally back this weekend so it got me thinking, what's everyone looking forward to this year? I'd imagine that Leon will defend his belt against Usman in the UK. It'll be interesting to see how he gets on since he won't be fighting at crazy elevation this time around. Hopefully he pulls it off again. LHW is a bit of a mess, but I'd like to see Jiri get his belt back when he's fit again. HW is also a bit of a mess, but hopefully Ngannou will be back and it can get moving again. Maybe Jon Jones fights Miocic first, as was rumoured, and then Ngannou fights the winner? Pavlovich is making some noise too so maybe he'll be due a shot soon. Speaking of HW, hopefully Aspinall will be back soon too. It'd be great to see him challenging for the title in the next year or so. Would like to see Arnold Allen get a shot at Volk for the FW title.
  4. Well, the good thing is that we finally have a manager that is able to read the game and make adjustments. It's been a while since I've been confident that we'd come out a different team after the break. However, we REALLY need to sort our finishing out.
  5. Judgement is great. I've had the second one for a year now but just haven't had the time to play it with all the other stuff that come out throughout 2022.
  6. About 5 hours into Ragnarok now. It feels much like an expansion on the "first" game, which is absolutely fine as that game was **** phenomenal. Loving it so far.
  7. Did I really just see Buendia marking VVD for that corner? WTF
  8. I couldn't see a thread already for Gaming 2023 (unless I'm being stupid). What are you most looking forward to in 2023? I'm gonna have a lot to get through next year! Dead Space Like a Dragon: Ishin Jedi: Survivor Resident Evil 4 Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Black Myth: Wukong Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Hogwarts Legacy Bound to be some others that I've forgotten too.
  9. No contest, Elden Ring. I do have God of War on the way for Xmas, and I imagine that may have been close had I played it this year - but Elden Ring was just an absolute masterpiece. I also really liked Sifu and Ghostwire: Tokyo, and there are a few other 2022 games that I'll hopefully pick up in the January sales.
  10. Loved this on the first playthrough, but I'm actually having way more fun second time round. The pressure to finish it is off and I can experiment with things a lot more. I've currently got my character to level 53 and I've not even gone to Stormveil Castle yet.
  11. Well, if it's true about him signing for Arsenal all along, maybe it was Benteke that wrote the story of him signing for Villa?
  12. What a **** weird event. Ankalaev won the main event for me 3-2, as much as I would have loved to see Jan get the belt back. As for Paddy....how in the absolute **** did the judges give him that decision? I had Gordon winning all 3 rounds, with the 2nd being the only one that maybe could've gone the other way. I know he didn't do a lot in the 3rd, but he controlled Paddy for pretty much the entire round. I'm not a fan of it, but we've seen entire fights look like that 3rd round and they give it to the guy in control. Seems a bit dodgy to me. Dana wouldn't say a bad word about the decision or his golden boy in the presser. All he did was criticise Gordon's gameplan in the 3rd.
  13. Currently: Vox VA45 wah Tube screamer MXR distortion III TC Electronic Afterglow chorus MXR phase 90 TC Electronic Sub n Up Mooer Ana Echo delay Line 6 DL4 Electro Harmonix LPB-1 boost Boss PS5 super shifter Theres a couple of others not on the board that stay in the bag ready to be swapped in and out if I need to. I'd be tempted to keep a couple of the main ones (the wah, tube screamer and DL4) and have a small pedalboard with the Katana footswitch on there, but carrying all that around is becoming a right pain in the arse.
  14. Just getting in on the Katana conversation. I currently own a PRS Sonzera 50 tube amp and a shitload of pedals. I love the tone from the amp, but I'm getting to the point in my musical life where I just want things to be as easy as possible in terms of functionality and transportation. Carrying the amp and big pedalboard around is getting a bit tiresome now. I'm seriously considering selling the amp and most of the pedals and pulling the trigger on a Katana (the 2x12). For what I need it for (weddings/function gigs), it's more than good enough. The difference in tone between modeling amps and tube amps is getting smaller and smaller, to the point that's it's really hard to tell the differences nowadays (assuming that the modelling amp is decent).
  15. Vintage Wonderboy last night. So happy to see him get the win.
  16. Bing (the kids TV show, not the equally terrible search engine)
  17. I'll always have a soft spot for Chester. Went to Uni there and stayed for a couple of years afterwards. Beautiful city, easy enough to get to the bigger cities (Liverpool, Manchester) if you need to, only 30-40 mins to get to some beaches if you want. Brum is always home for me, but Chester is my second home.
  18. Ah man, gutted. Was so happy to see Jiri win the belt. Respect him for giving it up though since he's going to be out for so long. I'd imagine he'll end up fighting Ankalaev for it when he's back - he seems the most likely guy to take it.
  19. JoshVilla


    Did my second Karate competition on Sunday, 6 months after my first one - this time it was a national competition instead of purely a novice one. Managed to come out with another Gold medal in one of my categories, which I'm absolutelty over the moon with. Had a good fight too and am definitely seeing some improvement compared to my first outing. Still a very long way to go, but I'm dead chuffed!
  20. I can't wait for this dogshit tournament to be over with.
  21. I was quite surprised that there was such a debate, to be honest. When I saw it in real time, it didn't even occur to me at all that there was an issue. It looked to me like Digne was already in the process of clearing the ball when March came running in. Unfortunate timing, but a purely accidental clash in my eyes.
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