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Everything posted by cyrusr

  1. Also definitely do the tour - I did it in the year we got relegated and we were being sold to Xia and even that was brilliant!
  2. Opeth are good, but they have now definitely changed into a prog band rather than “metal”.
  3. With the 3 Heavy Metal/Hard Rock trio this is my take: Led Zeppelin - most technically proficient but the one that the members have stayed away from the "tag/label", which is weird because they were great at it and have written some phenomenal songs. Black Sabbath - certainly the one with the "sound" and that comes from Iommi/Butler duo. You shouldn't forget that sound really only developed significantly from Masters of Reality. S/T and Paranoid have many other more accomplished, technical songs as well. Deep Purple - the forgotten child but a crucial element of the picture. Helped develop and still some great songs. Smoke on the Water though has to be the best example of a great intro but the rest of the song massively declines. To be honest though all 3 are great and have their place. Agree with @mjmooney, I don't think I have every really "loved" a live album (and that applies to all bands). It never captures the essence of the live show and if I want to listen to a song, I'll always pick the studio version over a a live version. Possibly the only exception is on the Ramones last ever live show they cover R.A.M.O.N.E.S and get Lemmy on stage for it. The sound is fine but more about what actually happened is pretty damn cool. And to back up what @Designer1 says, there is a huge scope of music out there, both good and bad. If you look past the Five Finger Death Punch/Avenged Sevenfold/Bring Me The Horizons there are some amazing heavy metal bands. I get the screaming/growling vocals are not for everyone but there are plenty of clean vocalists to listen to as well. Maybe look for something with the tag "traditional doom" - Cathedral, Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats, Ghost (early rather than later - although still love them). That's just off the top of my head, there will be plenty of others.
  4. I'll 2nd Digbeth Dining Club, rotating choices on great street food. They have now set up Hockley Social Club but not sure that is quite the same thing. I recall reading that they are finding another location in Digbeth for the Dining Club. Also recommend going for a curry in the Balti Triangle which is also worthwhile. Barton Arms would be a necessary visit as it where the idea for Claret & Blue comes from. With general sight-seeing/things to do; it depends on what you want to do; there are definitely a lot of options for you. The city really is a good place to visit/live; Brummies just are not as pompous and self-centred as Mancunians.
  5. we didn't release - his contract was up and didn't want to renew. Had no chance of replacing Martinez but might have a better chance at Man Utd. For what it is worth, he was good for the 6 months he managed before he got injured. We certainly would not have struggled in the 2nd half if he was playing. Good luck to him.
  6. https://biteyourbrum.com/ramblings/the-flapper-pub-to-reopen-in-july/ So the Flapper closed its door January 2020 destined to be demolished for apartments (which the city centre did not need). So delighted to hear that it isn't being knocked down anymore and due to be reopened on 21 July 2021. Great little venue for new bands. Really pleased about this
  7. Mings &/or Grealish play = I hope England win Mings &/or Grealish don't play = I hope England don't win I will only be watching to support the Villa players. So proud of them for making the squad, but they don't deserve this. To be fair most of the other players don't either but I don't have that connection with them. Sadly Southgate will probably get a contract extension and it will take a poor qualification to get him sacked rather than the inability to beat actual competition.
  8. I think the current government’s guidance is for you to commence your new relationship before you end your last one.
  9. To be honest, it sags towards the ends.
  10. Also not posted new releases for a while either (sorry - quite a few to go through)! Noctule - Wretched Abyss (full album out now - decent black metal) Epiphanic Truth - Dark Triad: Bitter Psalms to a Sordid Species (an "anonymous anti-facist collective" from Church Road Records so not bad) Burning Witches - The Witch of the North (NWOBHM band) Warrior Path - The Mad King (decent power metal) King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Butterfly 3000 Helloween - S/T (old school power metal) Fear Factory - Aggression Continuum (given the background to this record, comes out OK) Heavy Temple - Lupi Temple (I actually can't remember why I bought this whether someone recommended here or not! Pretty decent though - heavy psych/doom) Amenra - De Doorn (not listened to this yet but 1st album from Amenra not a "Psalm" one) Darkthrone - Eternal Hails (one of the few old school black metal bands that think have got better as they have gone on) And Enslaved (another ever improving black metal band) have released their Cinematic Tour 2020 box set - 4CDs/DVDs of their streamed shows last year. Caught them all at the time (where else was I going to go?) but nice to get a proper copy.
  11. I haven't dared listen to this thread properly for a while as it dangerous. BTBAM - I've listened to a couple of times and even saw a bit live at a festival once, never really grabbed me, but that new track is not bad... might have another look. For all of my love for Ihsahn, I just cannot get into Leprous. Whilst that new one is alright, still not grabbing me. Thanks @JoshVilla
  12. Yeah never got around to getting the EPs before, now just got the first 2 to get, but they are retailing at the moment for around £40 & £20 which is just a touch too for my liking!
  13. Thank you. I put them on whilst working from home so I have been getting through them (think I only have 3 to listen to for the 1st time..) A few have been through recommendations on here so I suspected that there would be some approval (I have really enjoyed the Five The Hierophant (thanks @GarethRDR)!
  14. So it was my birthday about a month or so ago and instead of getting presents, wife instead just gets me vouchers so I can but music, which is great as I get to shop around and try and get bargains, randoms, unknowns etc. Whilst sometimes I grab vinyl I tend to find CDs are my go to and I can get the best bargains/volume of music. Anyway this time I managed to get 50 CDs in total from Amazon/Discogs/Music Magpie which has made for an interesting mix: Some of that leaves a little bit to be desired (mainly those that were really dirt cheap), but nice to get a few classics in there as well as some new stuff as well. I am sure there was some reasoning behind them all... Anyway, the full list is below:
  15. I literally just started watching as realised he was playing about 2 minutes before he was substituted! Not interested in the game now! Did he actually play alright?
  16. Better than Howard Jones
  17. Tory minister caught having affair with aide that has connections with a number of companies that have been handed government contracts in suspicious circumstances. The concerns are dismissed as being "a personal matter" despite said minister suggesting that another public figure was right to resign in very similar/identical circumstances. CON +10.
  18. No chance on the one with all the outtakes, live versions etc, that is way too much money for me. The version with 53 covers of the various songs though is a little more interesting and a lot cheaper so gone for that. Still going to moan about it though because that is fun to do
  19. The album massively tails off half way through though, that’s why when they play it “live in its entirety” they play it backwards. Whilst some good tracks are on it, doesn’t hold anything to Kill, Lightning & Puppets.I am curious by some of the covers (and pre ordered anyway) but there is going to be a lot of rubbish on this. They have also announced the remastered version of the album with 5 LPs, 14(!) CDs & 6 DVDs which include various outtakes, interviews and live shows. All yours for a low low price of £230 (plus shipping)!
  20. Manslaughter can be life imprisonment. Once they have determined the case against the other officer more details will come out I am sure.
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