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Everything posted by delboy54

  1. My comments: I was more upset at losing against Liverplop to be honest Leicester are the best team I have seen play at Villa for a while, they could have scored with nearly every attack Well once Mings went off injured if that is how we are going to defend without him, then we will go down. Leicester played like Villa did under Ron Saunders, so quick on the counter attack compared to our plodding build up, and as for Wes, I really want him to do well but he offered nothing during the game. We are playing with 10 men, my mother who is 85 would have scored more goals this season than Wes. Why are we so scared of shooting? Jack had a poor game, are other teams working out now that if they keep Jack quiet as we have no creativity if he is kept quiet? I know there was not much time to organise a proper send off for Ron Saunders but what Villa did on Sunday was shocking I was upset to see such an amateurish haphazard memorial of our greatest manager. oh well onto the next game Regards to all Derek
  2. Seeing as when DS was manager of Brentford when Bruce was manager of the Villa and how easily Brentford beat us or outplayed us every time, then all we need to do is play like Brentford and hope that the barcodes play like Villa... I admit am getting a bit worried now that we are going to go on a losing streak... Regards to all Derek
  3. From my view point at the back of the Holte, it is sometime difficult to see individual players (must get better glasses!) so I look at the team and the movement of players and patterns of attack, I have to say I am still frustrated by our final ball, corners and crosses, we should really be doing much more than this aimless stuff at times. I thought we kept the ball well and other than some major defensive lapses that we really should have been punished for (and would have if we had been playing liverplop), I thought we played well. DS gave some of those players the opportunity to show why they should be considered to play in the normal starting 11, some took the opportunity some didn't. Feel sorry for Keinan he looked gutted, he played his part but seemed to need to take two or three touches to get the ball under control. Good to get a win, thought the atmosphere was strange at times and it almost felt like a friendly. Other than the 3 1/2 hour drive back home to Newmarket in Suffolk, thanks to the M6 reduced to 1 lane and the poxy A14 closed I enjoyed the game last night It will be great to stop liverplop and their unbeaten run on Saturday... Regards to all Del
  4. Still nothing, I tried phoning but no reply (all lines are busy - as usual - I suppose that is a "good" thing). Is there a suitable email add I could use? I bought this for my daughter back in JULY! Not really good enough at this level to be honest, this sort of behind the scenes stuff needs to be looked at. As Demitri_C says, my daughter could use her membership without the card......so remind me what is the point of this mythical card ? Regards Del
  5. This dates me, ........watching Grealish play reminds me of watching "Chico" Hamilton or Frank Carrodus play all those years ago........please don't say "who?" Regards to all Del
  6. My daughter hates football on the TV, so 4 years ago asked her if she wanted to come and see a game of "football" at Villa with me cos its different live...... I said the only place to experience it is at the back of the Holte End..... she could not believe the noise, swearing and politically incorrect stuff being said (I think it was the Sunderland 6 - 1 game).........Well she loved the experience and loves going with me to see the Villa when she can ...but she is nearly 27 now...it is her DNA.....!....oh and she wears her Grandpa's scarf as well. To make it clear there is no way would I take a young child on the upper Holte... Regards to all Del
  7. My daughter is still waiting for hers...time to give VP a call I think
  8. Been watching Villa since the late 1960's.....I have to say a concrete traffic bollard has more movement than Wes... I am not convinced about him at all, and as for his "dying swan" act on Saturday, I hate to see any player doing that but even worse a Villa player. Still prepared to give him time but he does seem to be slow (in many ways) to adapt to life in the premier league. Perhaps others see it differently? Regards to all Del
  9. Last Saturday I wanted to buy a program, the kiosk inside the Holte did not have any change (no 50p coins). So why is there only one kiosk inside the Holte End? (maybe there is another one but I cannot find it). Why can I not use my contactless card? Why if the program is £3.50, is there not a supply of 50p change (or make the program £3)? Sorry about the "grumpyness" but it is the little things that can easily be sorted esp for a big club like ours Regards to all Del
  10. So this is the match where Ashley Westwood plays the game of his life and scores a hat trick against us...and after the game we will all wonder why why sold him?
  11. I think if we had lost by the expected 2 or 3 - 0 then I would feel a bit better about yesterday, but to lose the way we did......! It was funny and predictable to read the VT melt down though . I also find it strange that some on here praise player A of having a good game and yet another VT'r says player A had a shocking game. I suppose its all about expectations and view point I suppose. Ok let us assume that DS has no experience in game management, but next to him is JT, surely JT is able to advise what is currently happening to the team in the last 20 mins or so and take action? I am not a tactics or team formation expert as some are on here, but following the game yesterday on VT it was obvious that sitting back and inviting Arsenal to attack was very wrong. I would like to think that DS and JT know more about football than me and yet we make the same mistake over and over again. whisper it..."maybe we are not good enough either as a team or manager to cut it in this division, maybe we went up a year too early"
  12. If we do get a pen, who is going to take it this season? Jed and Tammy are gone....
  13. Q 3 What is your favourite colour? Q 4 Where is Bury located in the UK?
  14. I cannot understand most of the financial con jobs going on behind Bury FC, but the link below shows just how convoluted it was (hope the link works). It does make you wonder just how useless you have to be to actually fail the EFL "fit and proper person" test. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2019/aug/27/bury-historic-club-football-league-financial-ruins So sorry about Bury FC awful for their supporters and proud history to end up like this.....shocking for this happen when the premier League is awash with so much money....Bolton next....who is going to be after Bolton?
  15. Me too mate I missed it as well...I could not make it.....but I agree with you about the atmosphere, if we can do that week in week out the players will feed off that...."the 12th man"....
  16. I could not make the game last night due to work commitments, but managed to resell my seat in the Holte End back to Villa. Saw that it got sold so glad that some fortunate lucky bugger (not jealous at all ) could attend. 6 hours ahead time difference here (Vietnam) meant that I kept waking up every 15 mins looking at the score and reading the Villa Talk comments during the game ! Sounded like a great night. That win, as mentioned by troon_villa, was worth more than 3 points to be honest and the confidence that will bring the team will be huge. It also seemed that the last 5 mins before the second goal the "12th man" helped Villa secure those points....nothing like a goal in the last minutes of a game to secure a win! This was an important victory... VTID
  17. Wow, 2 games into the new season and been beaten by a top 6 team and champions league finalists and then taught a lesson by Bournemouth and already some folks are getting twitchy about DS.... Terrytini made a great comment earlier... Come on let's get real here, Villa are learning some harsh lessons in raising their game, the season has just started, fitness and stamina levels increasing. Let's trust the players and staff. We are a long way off the dizzy heights of being a mid table team. Just let's get behind the team and stop bloody whinging... Big fat sam, Moynes, "the special one", Mick McCarthy and Pullis all say hello we want a job......! VTID
  18. As soon as I saw this from my view at the back of the Holte I knew it was a pen. I must admit I was surprised at the challenge and I put it down due to nerves at first home game and caught in two minds. However no real chance of preventing the second goal, but you cannot give a gift like that within the first min esp in this league. However as TRO as said, we did have 89 mins to put it right but we didnt take our chances Can I just mention the Telegraphs view of the game the headlines said "streetwise Bournemouth punish naive Villa for nightmare start" exactly as I saw it. just substitute streetwise for bullying, cheating and feigning "injury". However I hate to say it but Bournemouth did a good job of seeing out those last minutes.
  19. Remember seeing that on MOTD....I was 14. Look at the state of the pitch in those days!, I have forgotten how bad the playing surface used to be, look at the shortness of the shorts!! and.....48 000 for a 3rd division game!
  20. My concern is that if we lose more then 2 or 3 games in succession at some point in the season (and we will lets face it), some on this forum and elsewhere will be wanting DS sacked........and then we will get Pulis, Big Fat Sam or Moyes etc etc.... We have a good manager and back up team let's trust and get behind these guys, I know its difficult to adjust and accept this as we have been led by a shower of sh*te for the last decade
  21. My eyesight is not what it was, and I don't have my glasses on at the moment, but I am surprised that we have signed Hutton - thought he had left us? .... Regards Derek
  22. Hi all I have enjoyed taking my daughter (she is 26 yo now) to see Villa on the Holte End for a number of games during the last 4 to 5 years. She loves it. We went to Upper Trinty stand for the Norwich game (as Holte was sold out) and she said the view was good but not as atmospheric and fun as being at the back of the Upper Holte.... I am a season ticket holder she is not, so unless I buy(!) her a membership it will be unlikely (a) that she will get a ticket (she has a booking history) and (b) sit next to me....which is a shame, but these are new, different, exciting and slightly nervous times as a Villa fan. Its just unfortunate that the more "casual" attendee supporters could find it difficult getting to see Villa play this season. Regards to all Derek
  23. I am new to all this podcast stuff, but been listening to the "Villa View" with the Sir Brian Little interview. SBL comes across as a person that has genuine love for the Villa. I saw him play many times and had the pleasure of meeting him before a game a season or two ago. What a great guy and ambassador for us...... I need to explore more of these Villa podcast things.......thanks for the recommendations... Regards to all Derek
  24. A bit concerned about where our goals are going to come from this season. We have an untried new striker I know, but up against good quality defences we will need to take every chance and half chance. Tammy's 25 goals put us back in the big boys league, we need to ensure that other players on the pitch can make up that deficit. Regards Derek
  25. You forgot "we will be there or thereabouts"
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