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Everything posted by Morley_crosses_to_Withe

  1. I think the elite strikers in the PL are distorting your view. Those strikers are of the calibre that only a handful of teams can afford. Take a look at a video of Raul Jimenez’s goals - the majority are inside the box. Watch this and be honest: how many of these goals do you think Tammy couldn’t have scored? https://youtu.be/2tdUX34WUmY
  2. There probably is some aspects of wanting to sign Lolley because of him being an ex-poster on here. And he’s a Villa fan, too. He really is one of our own. We could even have our own song for him: “One Kryten Lolley, there’s only one Kryten Lolley...” But saying that - he’s also pretty darn good at that football thingy and he’d really compliment our attack options. £10M seems cheap plus isn’t my money to moan about.
  3. I remember the days before the internet and smart phones, I’d come back from a day of aimlessly walking around Merry Hill/sitting in the park with my mates whilst letching at girls (but being too scared to talk to them) and I’d get back to my house, in anticipation for MOTD, and I’d say to my Mom “Don’t tell me the Villa score”... She’d quite often reply with “They won/lost/drew didn’t they!?”
  4. Sorry mate, I just don’t like it for some reason I probably am on own as most fans seem to love it. Probably one for the “Things that piss you off that shouldn’t” thread
  5. I think Don’t Look Back In Anger is much better than that woeful Alliez, Alliez, Alliez song that we ripped off from Liverpool and just sounds rubbish. DLBIA still make sense because we’re not looking back in anger and we’re continuing to move onwards and upwards as a club. Raising the Claret Club issue is a really great shout! Absolutely fair play to any fans who utilised it to full effect and I respect that entirely. I wish I’d have done the same. I still can’t help feeling bitter towards the club, though, that I had a four game plus semi final booking but still missed out. The question as to why the semi final didn’t count also needs to be asked. It didn’t make any sense and neither does not including the cup games.
  6. Seems that he was in the O’Neils on Wardour Street. It’s a proper shit pub though so you saved yourself the trip
  7. I’m not sure how worthwhile making unsubstantiated claims about our captain are, tbh. Actually yes I do - not at all. He’s effectively on holiday now, and he is 23 years old; I remember going on massive piss ups over a few days when I was his age and on holiday - no gear needed.
  8. I doubt our odds will stay like that once the big signings start rolling in
  9. I think he was a Walter Mitty type character who got swept away with the adulation he was receiving. He was totally intoxicated by the praise; his addiction to it made him take more & more risks that he simply couldn’t afford. His ego swelled with with every transfer and in the end he was a victim of his own hubris. He gambled the whole future of the club. We are extremely lucky there were willing buyers in the shape of Edens and Sawiris to save us from ruin.
  10. Has anyone ever seen @StefanAVFCand @villalad21in the same room?
  11. Lambert was looking for young and hungry in football’s equivalent of Poundland. Smith most definitely won’t be.
  12. If you just saw McGinn play for us this season, but didn’t know how much we paid for him, and then got told yesterday he was £20M, you’d probably still think to yourself “what a bargain”.
  13. Come on @screwdriver, let’s hear it - make us laugh son.
  14. Eddie Howe has clearly messed up. It’s obvious, from what I can see anyway, that Mings is an excellent CB, and one who I have no doubt will thrive in the Premier League. He’s also had the benefit of working with John Terry since he’s been here, and it’s clear from his recent interviews that Mings feels JT has helped improve his game a huge amount.
  15. Is it weird for a man in his 30s to have a life size poster of Tyrone Mings on his bedroom wall? Asking for a friend.
  16. I was one of the people who initially thought this, but I’m clearly a know nothing word removed and will forever hang my head in shame
  17. I hope she gets to see this post bro.
  18. The Championship play off final: two teams fighting it it out for the right to battle against relegation in the Premier League next season.
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