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Everything posted by TheMelvillan

  1. ugh Im such an unrealistic optimistic fool that I kinda want Phil to stay and be amazing again. It'll probably be a long time until we get another player in our squad with the sheer level of skill he possesses. Deep down I know he's done but im still clinging to a little bit of hope
  2. Thats a really good point actually. You would say Chambers, Dendonker, Digne are "experienced" players yet this kid has probably played more games than those three combined over the last two years
  3. If we signed Sancho that would be the third £100m + player to play for Villa in the last 3 years! The new galacticos!
  4. hope he's asked for an acting up allowance to cover these new duties!
  5. social media encourages people to find the hate in every situation
  6. I liked how he deliberately called him Jack Greed-lish in the announcement video
  7. I'm guessing the dream of me getting the new villa kit for Father's Day is slowly fading then....
  8. Whats the general consensus on here regarding Rice versus Kamara. Personally I think he is a really good player but I wouldnt take Rice over Bouba. Yet there is a £92m gap in transfer fee. Bonkers stuff really
  9. is that a player? I dont recognise him
  10. all this talk about whether or not we want Tielemans and I never considered for a second that he may not want us!
  11. everyone remind me to boo him when we get drawn against PSG in the Champions League in 2 years time
  12. "Singing Bye Bye Ashley Ashley Young" ah sorry to see him go but another season may have been a step too far
  13. wednesday?. he knows the drill already. good lad
  14. does he only score bangers? watched a bunch of vids and not a tap in to be seen - only rockets from distance
  15. Those form tables really highlight how good you have to be to finish top 4 or win this league ive never seen a run of form like this team has shown since emery took over. Yet it would only just get us in the top 4 or 6 depending on what table you use the top couple of teams in this country really are a force
  16. God I hope west ham don’t win it this year or it’ll really take the shine off us winning it next year
  17. likewise he’s clearly taking the piss and I thought it was funny if anything the others calling him a clearing in the woods shows a pretty tight knit group
  18. Didn’t agree with him getting the captain ship at the time but willing to eat humble pie and say yes he is our captain and deservedly so i think history will have him as one of our greatest servants as he has been through so much with us. One of only two from the promotion team and got us that crucial second goal on the day getting better too
  19. What a guy. He managed to un-gay Alisha and gay you
  20. Holy crap sky just started a segment about villa and have managed to just talk about chelsea remarkable stuff
  21. I’m going to boldly assume that the average Europa conference league teal are weaker than the average premier league team if so bring it on - can’t wait
  22. With spurs and brentford winning we had to do the proper way -by winning and doing the double over an excellent Brighton team. Well done villa so proud. The media and sky bizarrely don’t seem to recognize how remarkable and achievement this is but we, the fans do
  23. Get a snazzy gillet with his name on the back and I promise I’ll buy you a pint if I see you wearing it at villa park!
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