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Everything posted by gharperr

  1. I think thats very harsh. He could have earnt a little bit less and have a much easier job. Would be very surprised if most people didnt say he was extremely hard working. Just things didnt work out and he lost his way. He had a harder job than sherwood has now iyam (obv both really hard) Also shouldnt you state why you thought he was in it for the money first? (replying to your post to stevo)
  2. but then it has to be a predefined $ buy back clause when the contract was first signed when he was 16 or w/e. They surely cant just dictact the amount the buy back clause will be as we just come to the same scenario again where we just say the $$ is too little, and you have to accept, raise your buy back $ amount and predefining it at start of their contract seems a super bad way to do it @Qcpzxjor1 ^^ rest of you, ahh ok i see
  3. im confused...its required for a player in spain to have a "release clause" right? So how are barcelona able to dictact whether they include a buy back clause or not? If they have to accept our bid then surely we can tell them to get lost with bs clauses?...this obviously isnt the case but why?
  4. dafuq. theres nothing to suggest his "head as gone". he was 1 of the most influential players in the prem last time he played regularly. Once get back to full fitness, he will start. Probably with 2 upfront with benteke. Although the pressing style doesnt work as well when benteke plays but it still will be effective . edit, think i misread: i actually think you might be referring to apparently he didnt want to play incase he got injured. Not sure how true all that is and im sure they will make it so his head is in the right place
  5. I don't think Kane is all that to be honest. If there's ever a definition of an over-rated footballer it's him IMO. like which parts of him is being over rated? Hes had one season in the prem, 21 goals in 34 appearences....30 goals in 39 appearences + 5 assists including the cups. In his first season, at the age of 21/22. Thoroughly deserved all the hype he got given in the media as thats one hell of a return. Better return than Benteke who is often labelled as "world class" on this forum. And everybody is saying its going to be difficult to replicate that next season but he could still do it and if he did hes going to be extremely good. Has anybody called his current ability world class? The form/ability shown last season is very very good. Still struggling to see the overhype lol And its not like he just scored tap ins like darren bent. He was very good at leading the line and linking up
  6. something ive always been confused about because this forum is so big on saying "X is over rated massively". When people talk about them in the media do you think theyre talking about current ability or potential? Because ill be surprised if theres many in the media who talks about sterling/wilshire/kane as being world class or extremely extremely good. Most of the time, imo, theyre often talking about their potential, which you just cant deny for sterling/wilshire/kane. They are good players, potentially extremely good (sterling only one i would put in who is potentially world class). I just dont see how anyone can argue that. I dont know, i just think a lot of fans think media are bigging them up due to their current ability when a lot of the hype is about their potential could be wrong
  7. Hes one of the biggest bellends in football, but it is a shame he cant get a consistent run. Great potential. Wonder when wenger will say enough is enough. Probably another couple of years but just cant see it changing
  8. As someone who is very poor at english, whats wrong with it? should it be "where will we finish?" what makes it incorrect?
  9. think your burning points having gestede in so early. And having clyne with the start of the season liverpool have.
  10. I dont think its that outrageous to say 25 goals for him. Things have to go super his way in terms of injuries and brent not dicking about changing everything every 10 mins...but it could happen. He'll probably get injured for a month or two though
  11. me like ! united instead of liverpool. sterling for best and bargain signing As days go on, the more i think chelsea arnt going to win the league. Anybody know if costa is fully fit or?
  12. i didnt know where to post this and dont know if you guys would be interested but.... Theres a guy on poker forum who ranks the 300th players in the world. He also does individual positions and so far this year has done the top 100 best LB/RB's. 100 best CB's. and 200 AM/Wingers. Hes also completed the top #'s of forwards which he will be releasing soon. In the blog below he just gives the ranking, but in the blog he links to the poker forum where he gives a small description of the player and why theyre rated where they are. He watches an insane amount of football from all leagues and is the "go to guy" to ask about anything football or player related. I would easily put his knowledge ahead of anybody in the media hes that elite So yeh, if anyone is bored and wants to waste some time reading some rankings of players then blog is: (hopefully this isnt classed as spam, i have nothing to do with the guy): http://300bestplayersintheworld.blogspot.dk/ and if you click on the lists, there will be another link where you can read small descriptions. note: it isnt over the players career, its up to date, how theyre performing in the last year or two and unbiased.
  13. upscale restaurants. Food tastes good but portions are awful for the price. Need about 3 or 4 mains to get full.
  14. 100% agree. Didn't his goals dry right up towards the end of the season? Maybe more teams will have the measure of him this time around. Plus he's now a lot richer than he was this time last year, be interesting to see if it effects his desire. scored 7 in the last 11 games (hat trick in one game though). He doesnt come across as someone who cares all that much about money. Hes very hard working. He isnt really amazing at anything, just good at everything which allows him to score all type of goals
  15. so i graduated last year with degree in computer science. Got a 2.1 (or B ) from top 20 university in UK. Havent done any programming since then as ive been mostly focusing on poker but decided i would try get back into it and look for some freelance work. Dont mind about money i just wanted to create a portfolio so was looking at the cheaper jobs....So i google freelance work and took a quick look what people were asking for...problem is...i have literally no idea where to start on ANY of the projects (not web development projects). Is this common for a graduate or am i just stupid? I dont get how people get into freelance work? Even for low pay stuff it seemed like people were asking for super advanced stuff
  16. something similar but ive spent 5 months in Philippines this year... People who think they can buy love. It is crazy the amount of older white people who think they can just throw a bit of money and it will buy them love. I dont know if they know it will never work. But they pay for their accommodation in one of the nicest residential condo building which is 1k$+. they'll pay for them to live which is 1k$+. They pay for their education (dont know price of this) and they only get to see them for 1 month a year. As soon as theyre gone the pinoys are happy sleeping with anyone. Feel sorry for the guys. I dont know if they know theyre sleeping about once theyre gone or if they actually think theyre loyal. But theres such a cheating culture here and all the girls are redic horny i dont get how they can pay for all that for them. ive even had a girl pay for all my drinks/food etc when we meet because her foreign boyfriend was sending her more than she could spend When i was in thailand last year and you would see "thai brides" and their boyfriend. Literally no conversation between them what so ever. The things people do just for sex...
  17. arnt they building or about to build a new stadium?? Cant see much spending going on with them now
  18. oh thats pretty interesting. Makes it even more impressive that a lot are volunteers
  19. Guess thats what happens when the manager/DOF dont talk about transfers. Feel a bit for AVB tbh. none of them signings is what he wanted were they? Even more of a fuckup given AVB unique style (In english football that is)
  20. More stats in football should be used. Using football manager though is pretty lol. Although dont FM spend crazy money on scouting players and they are usually quite good at finding up'n'coming players?
  21. Have you guys been been following arsenal the past few years? The model has completely changed. Wenger is close to the best thing for them. To constantly get CL whilst having no proper investment is impressive. IMO, the fans who want Wenger gone are ungrateful morons. It isnt wenger fault they were a selling club. They had to pay off the debts from the stadium to help build greater stability/power in the future (aka now and in a few years) When i say proper investment, i mean, they had to buy unknown "up and coming" players and hope they turn into a world class players. Now they have the money to spend 30m+ on proven worldclass players regulary as the stadium has been paid off and are no longer a selling club. And theres no surprise since the stadium has been paid off they have won 2 cups and started to build a proper squad which is going to give a serious title challenge. (2 years ago it was "wenger will never win anything and will always finish 4th"). Crazy how much shit he took for the boards transfer/financial policy. I know someone will mention, Wenger is no longer "defensively naive". You only have to watch/look at the setup against the top teams last year to see its changed and having cech, their new CB and coquelin will add greater stability. edit: hmm, just got told their new cb wont be starting much this year and will be 3rd choice. Weird. Thought whole point of signing him was to push Per.Mert out the side. Guess he has to prove himself and some defenders take awhile to get used to the prem
  22. singapore airport prices of pints were the most redicilous i seen. Was about 12£+ iirc at one restaurant
  23. I know it was his first season and it was v.good debut season for somebody who was thrown in relegation battle at a young age...but i feel he played it far far far too safe when he had the ball last season. I dont think he was as impressive as people make him out to be here. I think his passing stat kind of shows that aswell. He got us a lot of fouls but there were so many times where he could have been more direct/threatening but he just decided to cut back and play a 5 yard pass. Feel like it was missing quite a bit but sure it will change this season as experience/confidence grows/playing with better midfield Sure he will have an awesome season for us but i dont want him to be first name on the teamsheet every week. Please dont burn him out/destroy his confidence like united did with janauzaj. Manage him right and he will be awesome. (Although he does seem the type to not give a shit but still rather not risk it)
  24. Whats wrong about it? having a second favourite team doesnt make you less loyal. Only way i can think of there being something wrong with it is if supporting a team is 0-sum or if teams are in a extremely similar position as there starts to become a conflict of interest
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