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Everything posted by gharperr

  1. 12th-15th. Defence still seems far to leaky for top 10. It could change before window ends
  2. I dont usually follow preseason games that much but do the team that usually plays the last friendly end up being in the First 11 for the first prem game?
  3. So is kozak leaving? Weve got too many strikers Ayew/gabby/Kozak/Gestede + seems like were still in for one? I guess loaning Adebayor with loaning Kozak out would be ok. Just seems a bit unfair to me and think a loan to championship side will be kind of pointless. He hasnt been playing like a guy who has lost confidence pre-season and hes better than championship.
  4. Why cant it be ---------Gay------Veretout--------- Gil-----------praet-----------Grealish --------------Striker---------------------- with the 3 floating/interchanging when in possession? Amavi to provide width down the left. We might get destroyed on the counter though but sherwood doesnt care about defence lol + i dont think i want Grealish to start every game this season or be the main creativity man all the time. They get burnt out quite often. It seems to have hindered januzaj everyone putting so much pressure on him. And he played quite a bit on the left last season drifting in, right? *must learn how to spell Gay name * Leaves Ayew/gabby/sinclair/westwood/sanchez/bacuna to fight for places on the bench
  5. Debuchy Think people are over hyping a bit too be honest. I know he was just kind of dreaming but somebody said 7th. Anything where were not in relegation battle with 4/5 games to go and ill be happy
  6. its not a reasonable evaluation because theyre judging the players qualities in relation to their team/where they should be in the league. Not aston villa positon They can give a more detaled evaluation on how he will perform for aston villa as they watch him week in week out. But thats not what you said. But that means they can happy for him to leave because hes not good enough for them, but also happy for him to join villa as hes good enough for us
  7. I always find that it's not good to do that. Really! Obviously a lot of the time comments have to be taken with the understanding that they will be emotional, but I cant think of a better way to judge the player other than by the fans who watch him every week. doesnt seem great way to do it too be honest. Youre saying if fans dont want them and are happy for them to leave, then they arnt that good. Top 4 teams selling a players to relegation battlers are more likely to not want that player as he isnt top 4 quality. That doesnt mean hes going to be bad for us, the player could be awesome! e.g United fans happy to get rid of cleverly but he is clearly good enough for a side like us Same goes for a side in championship, they may not want him to leave but that doesnt mean hes good enough for a prem side. It only makes sense to look at it how youre looking at it if the teams are in similar position to villa.
  8. still think hes a bit of a bellend. Less so than i thought when he was at spurs. Still have my doubts, quite a bit too be honest. I wont be forgetting the thumping we had vs soton. Was worried about the defence last season, even more worried about the defence at the moment. Its been so far a pretty dam good summer and way better than i expected (in terms of his targets, obviously sucks to tose benteke) but one good window isnt going to make me go into full on sherwood love mode. I think will be complete unknown/unpredictable team next season and we could finish 10th or get relegated and thats why im pretty excited for next season. Its still a case of "wait and see" for me as to whether i like him or not
  9. So if he was to turn around and say "yeh i just wanted to try lion and see what it tastes like, im hungry", it would have served a purpose and been ok? He could have fed a whole family for days with that lion. You could argue its incredibly unnecessary to kill that type of animal for food but then so is '20%-80%' of the farmed animals but nobody gives them the same outrage. And then theres the people that get outraged that they left him to die for 48 hours. How is it that much worse that he probably had a "good lion life xD" with 48 hours of suffering compared to an animal which just gets shoved into a cage from birth, pumped food in a cage and only comes out of that cage to die. The suffering in the latter seems worse to me. I dont understand how people only care about the method of killing of the animal and not the quality of life. Ill stop now. I know people find this debate/topic to be the worst and i imagine nobody will change their minds so its pointless. sorry for the derail
  10. How rare are pigs and cows? A hundred years ago it's estimated that there were around 200,000 to 250,000 lions in Africa. Today, the estimate is 35,000. It's been suggested that the trend means they'll be extinct in our lifetime. It's predominantly down to our need for land, from Jaguars, Leopards, Lions, Rhinos and Tigers they are all suffering due to our desire to grow cattle for burgers. If you're ok with that, then no problem. Cows, pigs and chickens are not in danger of extinction. Do animals only start to become important when numbers are low? Is that how usually vegan/vegetarian vs meat eater mind works? You guys only give empathy/care/think about the species as a whole, and only start "caring" about the individual animal when numbers get low ... where i imagine (well i know i do, im pretty sure pieface does aswell) we think about the individual animal that is dying regardless of population #'s/type of animal? Just seems a weird way of thinking to me. I dont know, been vegetarian since birth so i cant really comprehend your (apparent, it might not be) way of thinking. When does the mind switch? Is it when scientists classify the species as "engandered"? Meh this is derailing a bit and turning into veggie/meat eater debate so i probably shouldnt click the reply button lol Feel free to ignore as its kind of a pointless topic to talk about edit: feel like i should say because people often think it: im not "looking down" on you because of it. Youre free to do/eat whatever you want and im fine with that. It just confuses me hehe I guess its stupid for me to get annoyed at those who i think only cared/commented to score internet points as any talk about endangered species/animals dying is always good, even if people are doing it for personal gain/satisfaction
  11. Major problem with LVG is that hes an idiot who has major fancy play syndrome and will be constantly be playing players out of position. Quite a few of united fans i speak to are getting quite worried hes just over complicating things massively again. Hes supposed to be doing it in pre-season just like last season. Apparently hes been play Depay in midfield 3 when he tore it up LW/RW before they signed him
  12. Whats going on there is that hes been heavily blasted for being the weak link in their defence (from fans and pundits) and from the very same post you decided to nitpick terminology And theyve replaced him with a new defender in January because he isnt good enough for that defensive style. Sorry but the reason AVB got sacked is because his team got constantly "destroyed" defensively(for a top 4 team that is). It wasnt just a couple of bad games in a system. They got exploited massively, enough to warrent him to get the sack as he was too stubborn to change style fwiw: when i said destroyed...i was talking for a top 4 team and how much they would/should be getting exposed. Not as in average defender etc. Sorry for the confusion. JT still is an excellent defender
  13. Love to be educated how terry wouldnt get badly exposed. Please do. Will happily change my mind if the arguments are legit and not just "hes elite for chelsea so he will be elite for arsenal"
  14. Terry would get exposed so badly.. hes 34 years old and hasnt got the legs to cover all that ground. They got pretty exposed when AVB tried to play it and they would if he played in arsenal side. heres just a quick google of AVB at chelsea... "The young Portuguese manager tried to replicate that style at Chelsea but to no avail. Defenders like John Terry and Alex didn’t really have the pace to track back when caught out of position, whilst David Luiz’s playing style was always a calamity in a structure that allows minimal errors." "It involved heavy pressing which expectedly led to playing a high defensive line, which would suit younger more dynamic players. Naturally the key senior players like John Terry and Frank Lampard were not too pleased to find themselves frequently warming the bench." " The high defensive line which had not worked with John Terry at Stamford Bridge did not look convincing with Michael Dawson," "However, that policy has proved problematic for Villas-Boas at Chelsea, whose back four is simply not equipped to play it. John Terry is a battering ram of a defender who is at his best when the ball is in front of him. But leave space behind him and his lack of pace can be exploited. At 31, the limited pace he did once have is deserting him, making him even more vulnerable " Hardly rediculous to think few years later hes going to get even more exposed than he previously did at this stage of his career. I *think* last season mourinho started with higher line/highish press and moved it further back the longer the season went on edit: i just lumped cahill/terry together. Cahill wouldnt get destroyed/exposed badly. Terry would
  15. i cant see him being moved too be honest. (or theyre not planning to move him). We would have put him as RB for some period of time in preseason if that was the case
  16. Makes you wonder if they might be planning something like that. By all accounts Adebayor and Veretout are close to being done. Sherwood hasn't given an interview in a while so perhaps they're thinking such a conference would give the club a lift? Getting players in training ASAP at this point of the window > getting people excited with multiple chairs. Just cant see them ever waiting just to do it. If it happens itll be coincidence more than tactical thinking
  17. Its weird...you may aswell never post again in On Topic. Nobody is going to engage in discussion with you anymore and everyone will just think your opinions is to troll. Literally wasting your time from now on.. why isnt there an ignore feature on this forum?
  18. English perceptions of high line defence has been behind for a couple of years now. Its weird how people from this country will always say "arsenal/barca/bayern cant defend, chelsea/stoke etc have excellent defenders and can setup a proper defence" when it all comes down to styles. These teams defenders are going to "look" like theyre worse as theyre sitting on the half way line as they need midfield to contain/press. As soon as the opposition team break past the midfield they are left "exposed" as usually the fullbacks are up the pitch and attackers have achers of space to run into. This just leads to super high variance defence which leads to perceptions of them being bad defenders when things go wrong (but its not really going that wrong) But you have a team set up so the defence only have to move 10 yards forward and back and only have to deal with crosses (which is like the easiest thing for defenders to do)/have protection from fullbacks and CM, they get labelled as world class/elite defenders. (Terry) You only have to look at viva la AVB reign under chelsea to see how horrible these defenders become when trying to play high line/play from the back. (but ofc it was "AVB cant set up defences") Kos has to play a high line with Per mert which he has to cover for over and over again. And hes had no DCM or good goalkeeper and hes still managed to look elite. He is #1 when it comes to the "high line defender" itw. You stick all these defenders from the pressing teams into mourinho 11 where they get constant protection and happy to concede space then you will get them all looking like theyre top 3 defenders itw Kos > terry/cahill. or to look at it another way, would cahill/terry get ahead of kos in arsenal setup? Noway, they would get destroyed. Just how Per.Mert gets exposed. Hes been the next level for about 2 years now. The only defender who was on his level was Kompany, but hes dropped off a little bit the past 2 years
  19. koscielny gets in the first 11 and its not even close. Easily best CB in the prem atm and hes better than cahill/terry. (prob top 5 itw) sanchez > willian Ramsay/Ozil gets in for oscar but you may have to move cesc higher for ramsay (although this is closer) Apart from that...thats it really ha. i still think Chlsea > arsenal > city > united. just think its going to be pretty close. i think Arsenal squad > Chelsea squad though (obv not first 11). Chelsea were just on the postive side of variance last season when it comes to injuries which allowed their first 11 to be played so so much and just run away with the league. Dont think it will be as one-sided this year though
  20. I know its opinions but i just dont get how sinclair gets praise for last night and kozak is "poor overall". Should totally swap the two opinions around. Running with the ball when hes got about 12342342 other options available to progress the attack is not excellent. Just killed so many attacks by just holding on the ball for so long
  21. Erm, Ayew? i want younger and bigger ! , spoilt
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