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Everything posted by gharperr

  1. The gym on a saturday round here is full of skinny clearings in the woods in vests who train in groups of 3, gets me in a rage This is why many people hate going to the gym. The fact youre judging people for wearing an item of clothing and linking it to their body type. Especially when vests are perfectly fine gym clothing (well i would think it would be). well done. Maybe its more comfortable for them? So anyway, tomorrow im going to join a gym. I have really skinny limbs/chest but starting to get quite a bit of fat on stomach/face. What should my calorie intake be? Should it be the standard 2k-2.5k cal for getting bigger or should i aim for around my daily burn # to get rid of the fat on face/stomach?? Also, how bad are machine weights compared to free? I heard some people say free weights work more muscles but machine helps with the "fundamental muscles"? Do both or start with machine or just go straight to free weights? Im weak as ****. Finally, Im a vegetarian in Philippines which means the food options which are protein is even more limited (quorn and linda mccartney have quite high protien #'s, and im an awful cook)...how bad is heavily using shakes to get my protein? say 4-6x a day? I dont really know the difference between shake protein vs food protein. Supposed to be 100g+ of protein per day right? no idea how i can hit anywhere close to that number in this country unless for a lot shakes sorry if these questions are easily found in google...theres just so much different and potentially false information i dont know whats legit and what isnt. thanks
  2. played pretty decent. Made some pretty decent runs behind which he couldnt get on the end of, played 2/3 awesome crosses. Won a couple of flick ons. General movement was pretty dam good for a big fella Wasnt exactly bent-esque performance
  3. first time watching him play.Very impressive with playing it out from the back and not some hoof up the line
  4. Cant wait for this season to start. seems redic difficult to predict anybody league position (apart from liverpool finishing 5th). Title challenge is just going to be awesome. Literally no idea whos going to win and all of the top 4 could win it. Am i missing something with city? The only good signing has been sterling hasnt it? And why havent they got a new manager this year (guess there is nobody really about apart from Ancelotti)? Thought they would be splashing the cash a lot more. Even united team/depth is looking pretty awesome. One or two more signings is needed (well the back four) DDG Valencia Smalling Jones Shaw Carrick Schnederlin Memphis Mata Young Rooney GK Rojo Di Maria Blind Schweinsteiger Hererra Fellaini --- Januzaj Wilson Hernandez Rafael Evans Add the fact that quite a few teams are spending "big" now. As cliche as the saying is...but think anybody can beat anybody this year even more than previously
  5. hurrikane is legit good. Volkaneo > berahino. Kane will be playing in the C.L in one or two years.
  6. a frenchy replied to me asking if he is good or not. "he can score goals but he's dumb as **** and a complete bellend so it might limit his potential." xD guess wait and see
  7. From the Rolan thread, a player in the French league. You're basically saying you don't watch French football here. Can't have changed much in 2 days. Which is it? #rekt
  8. went to an "upscale" physio clinic in philippines. But to go to the physio you need to see a doctor first so went to one of their doctors. He didnt even check what the problem was/see how bad it was just prescribed two drugs and that consultation cost £15 and he booked in 6 PT sessions. Go see a PT 5 mins after who again, didnt even check what my problem was or doing any arm manipulation to see why im actually there. All he did was put a hot cloth over my back and left me for 20mins and told me "you can do this by going in the shower when youre home". lol? Next for some unknown reason he just started ultrasounding my back for 20 mins and said it was done. He then says "how do you feel now? good?" as if my dropped shoulder/collar bone popping in and out is supposed to be miraculously cured by a hot cloth/ultrasound and then told me session is over. That also cost £15 seriously WTF. some women before speaking to me in the elevator said it was her 50th session...i can see why! What a waste of £30 and 2 hours of my life
  9. were not good enough for him to move lol holy shit hes 26? i always thought he was 20. Weird career
  10. Didnt know where to post but can somebody give me a quick tldr on how we have looked so far preseason? I know a lot of it is about fitness but still interesting to know formations? Whos played bad, whos played good? Possession or direct or both? Any youth players?
  11. your point is only valid is if CP bid for them. (i dont know if they did) No. My point is they joined because AVFC still is a huge attraction to players. was it? weird to phrase your sentence as "Palace are a much more attractive proposition than us...which is why 2 promising, highly sort after prospects in foreign leagues have signed for us", if that was your point. Youre linking the two together for some reason which has nothing to do with your (apparent) point
  12. your point is only valid is if CP bid for them. (i dont know if they did)
  13. why wont he? Hes played on the wing for the past so many years.
  14. Yeah, he's not a legend at all in my eyes. He's a footballer who's done his job. You're too young to actually know of any villa players who were "one of ours", they do exist, some players you make a connection with. To 'lol' at people who know what that's like comes across as a bit elitist really. I agree with them, Benteke couldnt give a shit about Villa and wanted out the minute he got here.... legend? no **** chance. i cannot remember making that post. woops. my bad
  15. lol at people not being gutted because "hes not one of ours". people need to realise 99.99999% of footballer will not be one of yours. you should be gutted because hes the best striker we will likely see in the next 10 years probably. we struck gold with him deserves so much applause when he comes back to VP for keeping us up for 3 years. Legend in my eyes tbh
  16. toilet is 1m away from wifi range. pretty annoying
  17. He said Liverpool are a "big, big club". That is just bollocks. They are a formerly major club now slipped to a top 10 club. In the past 5 seasons they have finished 6th-8th apart from 2013-4 when Suarez had a standout season. They do Europa League as default and Benteke can do better than that. Obviously they are bigger than us but to paint them as a major club where Benteke will flourish is just foolish. Liverpool are a stepping stone to greater things, just as we were. There's also just a tiny question in my mind as to whether Lambert may actually have encouraged this move. Apart from all that, great, no worries at all with his statements. but they are big big club. Theyre not elite/major club anymore like liverpool fans think they are. Villa are a big club, newcastle are a big club. Liverpool is on the next level to that Im sure he did encourage the move. I imagine majority of villa players encouraged the move and majority of people in the world would have aswell. Hes done literally everything he can for villa and still the top4/elite teams are not in for him or are interested for the price. Hes got this move and 1 more left of his career. If he dominates and is as good as everybody says he is....then he will easily be sold to an elite team in 2/3 years when hes 26/27. This is the next level step in his career and would have been encouraged by majority of people. We dont dominate the ball enough or play in tight spaces for the elite teams to be interested in him. If he shows he can do it for liverpool, he will get his move to champs league in the future. Heck, even i encourage the move in terms of just thinking about his career alone (obv dont want him to leave and plop fans dont deserve him). Benteke/lambert will be seeing liverpool as a stepping stone Sounds petty to flaming on a guy for just saying how it is (ofc if hes just constantly speaking about villa like pieface has said its different, but this story in isolation is not bad at all)
  18. Youre going to be massively let down by every single player we are linked with if this is what you want from our next striker. Nobody is a replacement for benteke and nobody will be able to keep us up like he did. Im w/e about ade, seems just as much of a risk as buying some unknown striker from abroad. We all know he can boss games if he wants to and im sure he will score quite a few goals under sherwood. As long as its a loan+bring in another younger striker i dont care. Fine with paying high wages aswell if its a loan
  19. well lambert was the guy who gave him the chance to play in the prem and make his career so i could see why they're friends/benteke respects him
  20. so what did he say that was so bad? Liverpool are a big club. Bigger than us. And it will be a good career move really. If ever wants to play for an elite side hes going to need to show he can do it for a side like liverpool. obviously hope he fails as i hate liverpool. If them quotes are going to earn you couple £k and its the truth...i dont blame him at all for saying it bit OT: how much do people earn for providing quotes like that (or to provide a news story)? I might be massively over estimating how much.
  21. I dont think its that bad tbh. Im sure they know hes going to develop into at least a really good player. Basically signed him for life, and if he doesnt work (or become elite) im sure they will be able to make their money back in the future. edit: for some reason i thought he was a CB
  22. because i doubt it is true. Just a news paper filling gaps Arsenal are waiting for a ~top10 striker to become available and will very likely wont be signing anyone else upfront. Benteke costs 32.5m which is extremely expensive for a mostly backup striker which doesnt add enough of a title equity shift to make it worthwhile. It stops them in the future from buying a worldclass striker as you cant keep spending 30m+ on strikers year after year. Theyve got good enough backup to put them over the line against majority of teams when giroud is injured/rotation so benteke isnt worth it to them.
  23. imagine restarting life where youve only seen 5 films. Would be amazing. Dont think i would leave my bed for a month. Im very jealous
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