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Everything posted by gharperr

  1. Maybe ive just been too spoilt with beards over recent years ive forgot whats good or not disclaimer: im just jealous i cant grow one
  2. love his movement. Very impressive. Shame he isnt 10% quicker though. overhit some things last night but was still very good Work rate also very good for a big fella im 99.999999% sure he will be starting against Bounemouth,,,hes played too many games for us in recent pre-season to not be involved and it sends an incredibly bad message if form != place in first team. + any other striker we sign will need time to get fitness up.
  3. Need to work on your beard mate. Not impressive at all
  4. Berbatov or Adebayor. Not both. Just one. Dont care which one Ill be quite sad if we dont bring in someone young though. Weve seen what can happen with benteke. Although i imagine we got incredibly lucky with him and its always an issue whats on the market/what isnt so wont moan too much if we dont. But think we should try
  5. Im with BOF with this and just think who cares. Were never going to go down the same route as we did under MON and i have way more faith in Fox/upper management to know what they can afford and what they cant. I very much doubt its going to stop us from signing another player. Think people just try play football manager far tooo much when its not their own money. Have a bit of faith. Just care about the quality of players we bring in and not the fees/wages (which i imagine is often reported wrongly)
  6. pretty much like all fan forums...
  7. not amazing. not bad. good 15 mins but couldnt really get the ball out from the back after that much. Kozak movement for a big fella is very impressive. Shame he isnt 10% quicker something about sinclair i just dont like. He just doesnt do much when he has the ball apart from run with it and kind of reminds me of nzogbia a bit.
  8. This window just confirms why im so so so so so so happy we didnt get Tony Pulis
  9. Is he reading off a piece of paper to answer what his qualities are? Speaking to gil would be so annoying Ehrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....*speak*
  10. realised other day its impossible for me to tell my calories as every meal i eat is from a restaurent/takeout I probably should learn how to cook or just get a private cook
  11. Did i imagine it or did we sign somebody who works similar to a DOF role this summer?
  12. "I like Veretout a lot, hard nosed, smart and decent touch, can do many things in midfield, he's been rather highly rated for a while and he delivered to expectations every step of the way basically. Of the 3 Jordans i'd bet on him to have the most success." From the only frenchy i can speak to
  13. City are a bit different to most teams though
  14. This is weird. 2/3 days i thought we would be relegation battlers again. I dont even know these Jordan guys and now im super excited for the new season. Hope we can push top10. Maybe im just riding the hype train into delusion though
  15. Wheres supernova when you need him and his expert knowledge of the french league...? Has he gone into hiding ?
  16. Who is this crespo i keep seeing popping up in peoples line ups? I guess nothing concrete as there isnt a thread on him?
  17. we do this everytime haha selling club for many years having to pay of stadium. Vs not being a selling club anymore. Theres a pretty big difference between the arsenals. I remember they lost nasri who was their top 3 player. He wouldnt even get into this arsenal side anymore and they would never sell anyone as "important" as him now. (obv if someone threw 100m they would) Honestly dont think mourinho would have won the league with majority of arsenal previous squad. Just wiki'd their 2010 squad. so aids. No surprise that when theyve stop being a selling club and can buy decent players theyve won 2 cups and they finally finished higher than 4th
  18. hangover takeaway pizza is top 5 feeling in the world
  19. How does he not have the ability? Hes #1 manager in the prem when it comes to attacking/possession and theyre known for just steamrolling the lesser teams. Last year they significantly changed their style against the top 4 which made them earn more points than usual vs them and hes lost that "naivety" which people kept blasting him for. backup striker is literally the last position they need to fill. welbeck/sanchez/walcott/akpom are all very good backup players for that role. What they need (and what theyre doing), is waiting for a top10+ worldclass striker to come available. Its madness for them to spend 30m on a backup striker which stops them from being able to buy a worldclass striker when one comes available in the future. A backup striker doesnt change their title equity one bit. Shame liverplp are dicks and blocked the release clause bid from arsenal for saurez.
  20. i probably still think Chlelsea > Arsenal > city > united. But i think its going to be so close and pretty much down to who gets injured the most. John terry will be fine. Hes an elite defender when you have to park the bus and mourinho will protect him so much when they have to play a higher line where he becomes shit. I do not think Chelsea will run as hot with injuries this year and wont walk it as much as last year City are an odd one. Aguero/silva/sterling/toure is just going to boss so many teams but again, keeping aguero fit will be key. I think coquillin is going to be huge for arsenal aswell. He was so good last season. So strange to think they was going to get rid of him, had to bring him back from loan because of injuries...and then he was just consistently good+ and destroyed city/us. yeh i can understand the nonlove for title challenge, but i have a huuuuuuuuge soft spot for arsenal so like to follow. I can see hating it in in spain/germany more though. And liverpool did nearly win it other year
  21. download adblock or download advert free YT app on phone...
  22. you would have said "clearing in the words who train in groups of 3+" if it didnt matter. but w.e. No point going back and forth over it. i could hve read it differently than what you intended...
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