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Everything posted by foreveryoung

  1. Are the MET now grafting and doing the job right, instead of brushng it all under the downing street carpet, because Cressida don't run the show anymore. I wonder?
  2. But but, Boris said no rules were broken. How the hell can he be believed on anything is beyond me.
  3. Starmer saying Rishi Sunak is completely out of touch to understand the struggles families are going through. I completely agree with this, how can someone who's worth £500 million be in the real world. Is there such thing as being to rich to be chancellor.
  4. He is one of my favorite players, but if we are to go forward, Europe, he ain't gonna be good enough to take us there.
  5. Bernie Ecclestone struck a deal with HMRC. Starbucks, stuck a deal with HMRC, there are plenty of companies who have avoided paying owed tax. Huge companies do it all the time, as they as good as blackmail the government that they will take there business abroad, which is a big reason they don't tax them more or take windfall taxes.
  6. I would love to see them recover someone without closing the motorway on the M5. The works will be on for at least 6 months.
  7. Was thinking these convoys will start to be taken out now, sitting ducks. Not like we saw at the start of the war that massive long convoy waiting to attack.
  8. It's profiteering I've no doubt. Shockingly went up after the panic buying and has ever since. The prices have never been so wide apart either. Around £1.70 for deisel up to around £1.85 , even over £1.90 at some services. I have a fuel card, but still refuse to pay top prices.
  9. Funny, I thought they were putting smart motorways on hold due to having no hard shoulder. Shock horror just come back down the M5 from Gloucester, they are starting some works closing off the fast lane and so using the hard shoulder for at least 10 miles. Is this not defeating the object of safety??
  10. Salah don't score goals every game either, shocking .
  11. Would he take out Khabib or is he not in his weight? What about this up and coming Liverpool guy is it Pimblett, I know he is not in big boys territory, but is he going places?
  12. Yeah watched him, your ***** if he locks you in on the floor, known as the Boa Constrictor.
  13. Bailey and Buendia don't suit the system when Cout's is on the pitch, this is a problem and is why Gerrard keeps saying we are in-balanced.
  14. Think I mentioned it on here, was quoted nearly 4 grand to prepare and turf our 120 sqm garden, so decided to give it ago myself, with help from the Mrs. Just finished it today, took about 3 months of weekends, may have been worth paying the 4 grand, proper hard work it was, digging up the old turf, getting rid of stones and weeds, roots and them putting down the top soil and finally turfing. Put some sleepers round the edges looks proper professional, quite proud of ourselves we are. I'll try post a picture once cleaned up.
  15. Liverpool wanna beat Man city for the title. But the bull**** from Sky saying it's one of the biggest rivalries is nonsense. It was a nice game, no moodies, 1 yellow card for man City even. The days of rivalry and the big aggressive derby are gone. Speaks volumes for the players passion really, like our game against Wolves, looked like players treated it like any other game................................a lose!
  16. I realise this, an really want it to happen, but it won't even under another government.
  17. They are phasing it out for next season I think.
  18. Engine was turned up on the car and was over heating, which is why he didn't have the chance to catch Russell, had to back it off
  19. What about McGregor, I mean I know he won stuff, but was he the real deal, did he fight the big names apart from Khabib?
  20. All big companies dodge tax. They then get a big bill and barter with the government to only pay a percentage of it. I worked for a company many moons ago who nearly closed for a £40 million quid tax bill. They swapped accountant firms which cost £5 million quid an ended up paying £18 million in taxes the rest written off. The UK would be a much more well off country if it all could be sorted. The rich never pay the tax they should, however innocent they may be. While you all slagging the government, you can slag off most football players and clubs too. As alot of their earnings and profits are registered to over seas companies. It's rife, deal with it!!!
  21. Getting into this a bit lately. I guess Khabib Nurmogomedov was the man, but has retired never to return. Was watching some footage him saying he could take 2 guys at once in the ring, pretty believable too, guy was a animal.
  22. Ex players talking b*****s again on Sky. Salah not performing because he has the stress of a new contract not sorted yet on his shoulders. What a load of crap. He is more than in the driving seat with his contract, he would have no worries.
  23. I know we always go on about when subs are used. But f**** me Gerrard drives me insane with it. McGinn was knackered, again, Konsa could have been changed for Chambers, Ing's and Watkin's wasn't working and Gerrard waits till 70 minutes on the dot to make 1 change. He makes changes far too late and they rarely have a impact. If he wants to play the bigun by letting the players know who's boss, "BRING THEM OFF EARLIER". Konsa for Chambers at half time or earlier even, would have changed the game!!!!
  24. Yeah this is my only worry. Gerrard don't really react to changes. All they did was start to play long ball to Son and Kane, wouldn't have been too hard to black that out. Conte vs Gerrard I guess.
  25. He was having it on a plate last season from Grealish. Sometimes you have to work harder. I've seen none of his hold up play recently, an he is rarely in the right position. He was a pest for defenders, now he is hardly a worry for anyone.
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