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Everything posted by foreveryoung

  1. Yeah, I'm not having they can't be arrested. They can be arrested, charging them may be difficult, but they certainly could have arrested them for a public order, looking suspicious, causing a nuisance.
  2. Yeah they were full of shit. The police could have arrested them too. As in reality you are not officially allowed to film a business premises, as it can be seen as scoping it out, especially a place like Collins Aerospace. Also what's with the bull about, "your filming me that's GDPR". Well I would have demanded a copy of their video too. I actually think the police acted a bit soft here. They could have arrested them for public order, wasting police time, how he spoke to the female officer and shoving the phone right in the coppers face. I can only guess these guys are known to the local constabulary, the way they just ignored them.
  3. I would rather see them gased, there face pushed into the car bonnet, cuffed up and taken to the station for public order.
  4. I remember my cousin who was 3 at the time (happened in the 80s), pulled over the chip pan, an the boiling hot fat went all over his chest and arms. Obviously still bears the scars from the grafting, it was horrific at the time, but he was a very very lucky boy it didn't go over his face. His mom (my aunt) can't even talk about it even now!
  5. We got a heat pump tumble dryer. Cost about £150 more than a standard dryer, but I bet we have made that back in a year. Just gotta get the Mrs to get her long hair cut now. Spends about 30 minutes nearly everyday with the hairdryer, then another 20 minutes with the straighteners, there's a couple of quid a day everyday. Is it just mine, or are women not too bothered about saving on energy bills.
  6. All this reminds me of the program "Banged up abroad". What it must feel like to get caught by security at the airport with 20Kg of cocaine strapped to your waist. It's always the last time. Some are seconds from boarding too? You just know your life will never be the same.
  7. Up £200m to £720m a day now, Europe are funding Putin's war through gas sales
  8. Paul walker documentary, hit me when he left us. Good looking lad, had his life ahead of him, living the dream, quite a emotional take. Makes you think, the reaper is only round the corner no matter who you are.
  9. True datt. I watched one of her last fights and she had some right blubber on her, no six pack on this girl.
  10. Can all first team premiership footballers be classed as millionaires.
  11. I can just about understand Nato taking a step back, but the UN hiding from this, is truly shocking
  12. I've also heard them say we have quality, but are a very weak side. Bang on that.
  13. We can't get performances out of the players who we want here, do you think we would be getting a performance out of Targett, being that he wanted to leave.
  14. Some fans saw this as a negative, like Gerrard is running out of ideas. I saw it as the truth, which is rarely told to players. They know who they are too, we cannot put up with these mediocre performances when the owners are investing £300 million+ in the club. Like in any Blue chip company, if you aren't performing and improving the business, your out the door. We have ambition, unfortunately we cannot afford to include the half arsed.
  15. I used to think this, but it's all becoming a bit of a myth. We saw the odd fantastic performance from when Smith managed and it's the same with Gerrard. To me it's either be at 100% 99% of the time or go and play for a team that accepts mediocrity, cause that is not us!!
  16. Grealish is a winner, Phillips is a winner, JWP is a winner. the difference is they play like they want to win. McGinn, Luiz, Watkin's at the moment, don't!! In normal life, some people go to there 9-5, do there bit, and go home. Other's you'll notice, want to achieve stuff in life, promotion, wage rises, or even just to get noticed, the grafters.
  17. Your idea of proven winners are wrong. They don't actually have to have won stuff. I think if we can get Phillips and JWP (wishing) that's a great start. Ship out the 9 to 5 players, McGinn, Luiz (who I love by the way), Watkins, an bring in a proven goal scorer, although I would be happy with a fit Ing's in the squad for goals. Alot of the squad have such a weak mentality. I didn't see hardly any player yesterday work hard, an could post many clips of players walking off the pitch after games like they haven't played 90 minutes and with a face not to bothered about a loss.
  18. I'm not 100% sure Gerrard is gonna be the man, but this is where I am too. Luiz: Just don't do enough, not sure he is good enough Watkin's: Not scoring, poor performances, agreed by most fans McGinn: Not good enough lately, he would be one I would sell bring some money back in Ming's: Not sure he is as good as everyone thinks, but would probably keep him Ramsey: To inconsistant, just not there yet. There's five reasons Gerrard needs time. I hate West ham with a passion, but name 5 who you believe are truely not performing it their squad, or choose 5 in the Wolves squad yesterday?
  19. Watching that back, it was never a penalty. Where was the keeper supposed to go, Watkin's ran into him.
  20. My plumber pal hasn't got a thermostat in his house. He's a bit of a geek when it comes to central heating stuff and says if you balance all your radiators and set the boiler correctly, you will save around 30-40% on heating the house. Great I thought, but what the hell is he going on on about balancing radiators, without a thermostat??
  21. 1 decent player can make all the difference, look at Erikson at Brentford. It's ashame we don't see the same performances he puts out for Scotland.
  22. We are not finished though. I bet we won't be higher than last season come the end.
  23. If you watch him, he is a quick little player. No one is ever ready for what he is going to do. I've watched games and he looks for the pass after a bit of skill and our bunch of cloggers are no where near. Watkin's should be his best pal and play together, but he is just has no idea. Smith coached the team around Grealish, so players knew where to be.
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