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Everything posted by Gillz

  1. Watched the dark knight rises which although started slowly soon developed into a very good film. not quite as good as the dark knight but a worthy end to the trilogy. I think he wrapped it up very nicely with a few nice twists here and there, only a few of which i saw coming. It was odd though, despite good acting by Bale and good character development by Bale for me this film was far more than just a batman film. Whilst i loved the action bits with him in and the described 'rise' of the character i enjoyed the other parts just a much and found myself wanting to know more of other characters stories rather than batman's... On the Nolan debate, i think having wrapped up this epic trilogy well he has placed himself alongside the movie director greats. Memento is one of my favourite films, Inception was clever and exciting, the batman trilogy has been immense and the prestige was solid yet for me not quite as good as his others. However i think we are yet to see his 'true masterpiece'
  2. the obsession with pace, whilst valid to some extent, has been blown out of proportion by games like fifa which are entirely decided by the pace of players. Real football is very different, pace only really matters on counter attacks etc. Acceleration and agility are far more important when defending as a unit. Rarely will a defender be running anywhere near full speed.
  3. wait, so was he anything to do with pictures of the 'mystery player' at VP today. Must be related surely..?
  4. Gillz

    Stan Petrov

    good article, great news.
  5. These figures make good reading adn hopefully they will creep above the 25k mark. A few more seasons like this with hopefully steady growth and RL will have to actually start developing the north stand like he said
  6. obviously a four fingered but i would also settle for a wagon wheel
  7. that stellar managment website is interesting to see how they value their own players: James collins for £4.4m...? i'd sell him for £1.20 and a kitkat myself... Notably he's the same price as martin Kelly, i wonder if Liverpool fancy a swap?
  8. Watched Lockout last night hoping to watch a mindless action film where the good guy kills the bad guys and gets the girl etc etc. I'm a big guy Pearce fan and he was pretty average in the film but didn't have much to play with but portrayed the 'loveable rogue' hero character well enough. Maggie Grace is stunning and Vincent Reegan his usual menacing self. Good popcorn film but nothing to write home about. Although cheeky little twist at the end which caught me off guard (shan't say more as it would be a spoiler)
  9. Drive is an amazing film, it's one of those films that you are still thinking about 2 days after watching it. Don't get me wrong, sometime i love just watching easy to digest, US Marines saving the day, type films but the films i remember are the ones that left me with questions rather than answers. Films like Crash, Memento, Inception, Pulp Fiction and Fight Club. Truly amazing films and Drive is definitely among them.
  10. watched book of eli again last night. Good film although could have been alot better
  11. I'm pretty optimistic. I just want it to stop bloody raining....
  12. But you wouldn't have to split revenue from money made from AVTV subscriptions in foreign countries. If you read that article posted earlier back that's how MUFC and liverpool make alot of their money overseas, fromn their own tv shows etc
  13. Gillz

    Stan Petrov

    It's great to see Petrov still at the club and staying as involved as possible. That video was very emotional and reminded me of just how great a guy Stan is. I remember taking my brother to VP for the first time (2-2 draw with Wolves a few seasons back) and we stayed behind afterwards by the car park gates hoping to get some autographs. To be fair quite alot of the players stopped to sign stuff and i remember my brother asking Jimmy Milner why he'd scored in the wrong goal which caused a few smiles. However Stan stood out from the others. He pulled up to the gates in his car and instead of just signing a few programmes and driving off he actually got out and spent a good 20/30 minutes talking and taking photos with all the fans, he even introduced his wife and kids as well. Words can't rightly justify the experience as it was quite surreal but one thing is for certain; Stan Petrov is a great guy and we all wish him well.
  14. Luke Young was decent IMO. Bouma? he made the dutch squad for the euros and was always solid for villa Yeh choosing the RB was much easier than LB. **** if Warnock's gonna be in any dream team of mine.
  15. laursen as a coach milner and barry as our new midfield pairing cahill at cb whittingham to offer some competition out wide wilfred Bouma who i noticed was in the dutch squad for the euros, loved him as a player, would put him in at lb and thus allow Lichaj to swap to his prefered rb postion.
  16. having played and conquered as almost every faction on Rome total war i have finally moved onto Medieval total war 2. not bad so far but the pope is really pissing me off. i just want to attack france
  17. Just finished my 5th season with Villa and won the community shield, euro super cup, champions league (very lucky in the final against barca), premier league, league cup and fa cup. Put so much work into the game and now im just bored with it. it's a shame too casue all the quality youngster i bought are just becoming world beaters but i have no motivation to play much more.
  18. people wanting to sign Butland as a backup really need to have a look at Siegrist first. Butland looks a great prospect and this has rightly been reflected in his england call up (which will have massively inflated his price) however we already have a great young keeper in Siegrist, he won the gold gloves at the under 20 world cup and has been outstanding for the reserves for several seasons now. Give the guy a chance before spending millions on a back up keeper when the money is desperately needed elsewhere.
  19. would be a good shout indeed and a solid start to the summer rebuild.
  20. I agree, i don`t tghink we have had a real captain since Andy Townsend. i think thats a bit harsh on Barry who was quite a good captain to be fair. Laursen was excellent as well, a real leader
  21. good news indeed. "he'll be just like a new signing...."
  22. Top 8 would be brilliant and actually achievable i think!
  23. looks really nice. Getting really excited for next season now. On another note (This might sound weird) whenever i think of teams who have won things the kits are always amazing. For example when England won the world cup the kit was awesome. When Villa won in Europe in1982 the Kit was amazing. I don't know if the victories and memories they provoke make the kit great or if they're just great kits in the first place.
  24. you say that now but tell that joke to co-workers or at the next family gathering and you'll love it.
  25. thank you haha. I think its right up there with the best of them. Another painful one for you all: i was at a dinner party the other day but there was a bit of a cue for the punch. I went for a walk and talked to some guests and when i came back there was no punch line.
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