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Everything posted by Gillz

  1. whenever i hear of teams playing in green i always picture defenders lying prone and using the kit as camouflage so they can jump out and tackle unaware attackers....
  2. Just finished watching all 3 seasons of Archer. very different from anything else i've ever watched but so so funny. Well worth a go.
  3. i just don't see why KP didn't wait a few months till the world cup was done. What a way to end an ODI career it could have been - helping england retain our title!
  4. hahaha. Im sorry i just can't help telling that 'joke' and waiting for people reactions.
  5. A young knight called Sir Robert set on his journey to become the greatest knight of all time. He decided the best way to do this was to travel to Camelot and receive a quest from king Arthur. So he saddled his white horse, put on his red cloak and sliver armour and set off to follow his dreams. Whilst travelling through the forest he came across another knight who challenged him: "who goes there?" shouted the knight "it is I, sir Robert." replied our young hero "You are not Sir robert, I am sir Robert" cried out the knight "oh" the young knight sheepishly replied "I have been a knight for 30years and completed many dangerous quests and killed many foul beasts. I will no let you steal my name!" bellowed the knight "Fair enough, i shall call my self sir Robert of the white horse." suggested Sir Robert The two knights agreed and were both on their way. Continuing upon his journey Sir Robert of the white horse entered a mountin pass where once again he found his path blocked by another knight. "who goes there?" shouted the knight "it is I, sir Robert of the white horse." replied our young hero "You are not Sir Robert of the white horse, I am sir Robert of the white horse" cried out the knight "oh" the young knight sheepishly replied "I have been a knight for 20years and completed many dangerous quests and killed many foul beasts. I will no let you steal my name!" bellowed the knight "Fair enough, i shall call my self sir Robert of the white horse and the red cloak." suggested Sir Robert The two knights agreed and were both on their way. Once again Sir Robert of the White horse and red cloak set off on his journey to Camelot when he came across a river. Eventually he found a bridge but alas there was another knight blocking his path. "who goes there?" shouted the knight "it is I, sir Robert of the white horse and red cloak." replied our young hero "You are not Sir Robert of the white horse and red cloak, I am sir Robert of the white horse and red cloak" cried out the knight "oh" the young knight sheepishly replied "I have been a knight for 10years and completed many dangerous quests and killed many foul beasts. I will no let you steal my name!" bellowed the knight "Fair enough, i shall call my self sir Robert of the white horse and red cloak with the silver amour." suggested Sir Robert The two knights agreed and were both on their way. what horrid luck our young knight had however he thankfully found his way to Camelot without any further disturbances. He waited many days for an audience with the king but was finally granted a meeting. "My King, I am sir Robert of the white horse and red cloak with silver amour. i have travelled long and far to meet you and would have the honour, if you deem fit, to be a knight in your service. Please, M'lord grant me a quest and i shall not fail you!". The king was quite moved by the young knight but was uncertain of the Knights worthiness. "Young knight, Your desire and passion do you proud but i fear i cannot help you. i have no quests suited for you currently. the only quest i have at the moment is to kill a dragon that has been terrorising a village. A deed to great for your first quest i fear." The King said. "Please Your grace, grant me this quest and i shall not fail you!" sir Robert begged. "Fair enough, your words have moved me. Complete this quest and bring me proof of your victory young knight and you shall be famed throughout the land and able to pick any name you desire!" The King declared. Sir Robert was overcome with Joy and the prospect of getting a better name. He set out on his horse immediately to slay the dragon. He crossed perilous lands until he eventually arrived at the village which to his dismay had been burned to a crisp. no fuelled by further passion and a sense of vengeance he climbed the mountain the the dragons liar . Here a battle of epic proportion took place that no words can do justice to. After several hours of endless battle the knight emerged victorious and the dragon was dead. The knight was tired and exhausted but the Kings words ran through him "Bring me proof of your victory." Realising he could not bring the entire dragon back to Camelot he decided to cut of the dragons ear to serve as proof of his victory. The knight's journey back was long and arduous as his battle had taken it's toll. however he eventually made it back to Camelot were he sought the King to tell him of victory. Upon entering the King's hall he marched down the centre towards where the King sat. With great pride and dignity he set down his proof of victory at the king's feet. The knig rose and moved closer to the knight looking bemused and confused. He looked a the Knight and asked "What's this here?" I fully understand if you all want to kill me now considering this doesn't make as much sense written down as when you say it But trust me next time someone asks you to tell a joke tell this tale, make it as long as you want and you shall have so much fun at their expense.
  6. watched safe house last night with Ryan Reynolds and Denziel Washington. In two minds about the film. the action was great and well thought out but the story line was a bit predictable and disappointing as it had the potential to be so much better. Plus the ending left alot to be desired and didn't really suit the films 'feel'.
  7. Having a voice on the FA council will only be beneficial to villa so for that and his role in bringing in Lambert he should stay. He was given far to much abuse for bringing in Eck as if it was entirely his decision and no one else has a say on the matter.
  8. May sound weird but i'd love to see villa win 6-5. Would be a great game of football. Remember that cup semi final when we won 6-4 against Blackburn - pure entertainment for all. Really hope Lambert brings something like that to Villa. Win or lose at the end of the day i just want a bit of excitement.
  9. may be a blessing. I expect norwich would demand stupid money or average players seeing as we've probably just nicked their manager.
  10. Not overly excited by Lambert but think it is a sensible choice which will get the club going in the right direction again. Looking forward to being able to relax over the Euro's and then see what the transfer market has in store now.
  11. You were doing so well until you mentioned Bramble.......
  12. the thing with bannan is that he offers something no one else in the squad does(with the exception of ireland perhaps) . A killer pass, which he can do from both short and long range. I remember earlier against arsenal in the fa cup he came on and within minutes had split open the defence with two delightful balls and just gave the defenders a new thing to think about. He's a decent player but i think people are just frustrated because he could be great.
  13. Not sure about Poyet. Don't know enough about him to feel excited or to worry. Anyone got a 45min documentary on him...?
  14. It's equally exciting and frustrating. We have no idea currently who the board are considering. The one person we could be sure about was OGS and that has fallen through. Whilst it is frustrating that we the fans have no idea it has brought a sense of suspense and excitement. It could go both ways at this stage and i forever remain an optimist, albeit a naive one.
  15. I now feel also we should try to pull out all the stops to get AVB as you say, or maybe another top European manager we may have missed. I still wouldnt be averse to Martinez though. More than anything we need a manager who is creative with scouting and who can attract certain players. Whilst i'd love us to get AVB i can't see it happening/. If we can't attract OGS what chance do we have of convincing AVB?
  16. gutted that this seems to have fallen through. Like others im holding onto hope that there may be another twist in this but i think that it is more wishful thinking than anything else. Was so game for OGS all other mentioned names (with the exception of AVB which wont happen) seem dull and uninspiring.
  17. Sounds like we might be moving closer. Whilst i understand there is alot to be discussed and sorted out and both clubs will want the best deal i do wish we would just hurry up with this. Im stuck swapping between sky sports, twitter and VT and have done no revision today. exam tomorrow. make it worth it Randy!
  18. Fourth official just tweeted: "No approach has yet been made for Paul Lambert by Villa so no need to worry about that one #AVFC #NCFC" and as ITKs go, he extremely reliable.
  19. Just a question. If we did sell Given (which i hope and doubt we will) our only remaining keeper would Siegriest who has been attracting alot of praise in the reserves and youth international stages. Is he capable of being our number 2 this season, or even our number 1 if Given was to be injured?
  20. Yes, I bet their frothing at the mouth at the thought of us sending over all our shyte players and for us to cream off their best players! Who could turn down a set-up like that? Im thinking more along the lines of the young players - and not Collins. Its a bit late now, but Albrighton for example could have benefitted from playing out there for a bit. Just adds a bit more to their game and learning from different experiences and surroundings. Not just that, Norway leads the world in the field of rhinoplasty. Imagine how well Albrighton could cross if he could view the angle into the box with both eyes. I may of had to google the word 'rhinoplasty' to get that joke. I guess you learn something new everyday...
  21. I think I have a solution to Molde's managerial problem. Sounds like they need an experienced manager accustomed to working on a small budget. Eck it is, then. Sorry! Bad joke! That's a bit distasteful isn't it? The real question is: If Eck is available, why aren't villa in for him. He' just the type of big named and experienced manager we need. Fair point. He will shore up the defence after the Houllier debacle and have us mid-table. I hear he likes to play exciting and attacking football, with raiding full backs and the like. Sounds good to me.
  22. I think I have a solution to Molde's managerial problem. Sounds like they need an experienced manager accustomed to working on a small budget. Eck it is, then. Sorry! Bad joke! That's a bit distasteful isn't it? The real question is: If Eck is available, why aren't villa in for him. He' just the type of big named and experienced manager we need.
  23. ever think of taking up journalism. you already mastered most of the art Aye, all that article was missing is a headline with a pun. The old image of monkeys and typewriters comes to mind. ( Also if this somehow becomes true i will feel like a right tit...)
  24. Having potentially nicked their manager who has 'transformed' the club and just won them their first ever league title i could imagine them being pretty pissed at us. I doubt they'll want to hold hands just yet....
  25. Im getting the impression that it is all done and dusted but can never be to sure with football, especially when concerning Villa. Hoping this does come in, my student loan is starting to run a bit thin.....
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