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Everything posted by Gillz

  1. I get the impression that this link is based purely on the fact that hughes signed Given once before and the two seemed to get along. Also with Guzan going i doubt we would sell our only remaining senior keeper. Furthermore Given has 4 years left on his contract so we are under no pressure to sell as we did with Young and Barry etc. Apart from the bit about Kenny going back to join Warnock( as he has done wherever Warnock has gone) i don't think this story has much to it.
  2. The only issue with Lambert is compensation to Norwich whereas OGS has a clause in his contract allowing him to leave. Randy has already paid more than enough compensation recently and the money could be used much more wisely somewhere else...such as a shiny new signing
  3. OGS. Something new and exciting. i like Lambert but i think it would just be MON 2.0 (not a bad thing but id just prefer something new)
  4. OGS obviously has his mind set on a certain playing style which he has been developing since his time in man u reserves ans now at Molde. Eikrem obviously seems to fit this style really well. Also OGS isn't naive, he's played in the PL and knows what it takes to make it here as a player and he clearly thinks this kid is capable. Don't be put off because he's coming from Norway, i bet if he was Spanish or something everyone would be raving about him.
  5. I still can't get why we loaned him out this season. Really hope he comes back and is welcomed back into the team with Ole. He's the ideal player for Ole's attacking, fast paced game (from what i remember of his Lyon days)
  6. Really excited by this and impressed how quickly it's being done. Even if it's not official until Monday that would still be a turnover in just 1 week which is a refreshing change and means the Ole can get on with all the important work he's facing this pre season.
  7. Meanwhile Liverpool have been granted permission to talk to martinez. Don't know about y'all but id much rather OGS. Very excited by the prospect although a huge gamble nonetheless
  8. Really excited, if this is wrapped up soon he will have all of pre season to undo the work of Big Eck and install his own style hopefully
  9. fourth offical on twitter who is very reliable has just tweeted "ole #avfc" fingers crossed
  10. That video ( ) is an excellent watch has me quite excited by the prospect of OGS. However its very easy to talk tactics on camera and much harder to 'talk on the pitch'. Still, i would be very excited with him as the villa boss and think RL may be onto a winner here.
  11. i remember what OGS as a player playing at Man U. He'd often start on the bench and just watch the game, noticing the flaws of the opposition defence before then coming on and exploiting them, often resulting in a goal. He had a mind for tactics, even as a player. His managerial career, whilst short, has showed his flair and ability to win and importantly his willingness to mix things up and change a system if its not working (the highly revered 'plan B'). I'd be excited with him as the new manager and would really be looking forward to the new season.
  12. Just like that strong statement when we said Downing was going nowhere only for Downing to be sold a few days later The Downing statment wasn't strong at all. if anything it was an open invitation to bid £20m. This reads differnently. So either villa are getting better at the whole PR thing or he's not going anywhere
  13. He's been given the number 29. Worn by previous legends such as Stephen O'Halloran ad James Collins.....
  14. i think he will stay. if he was sold now after AMC's statement i'd be extremely surprised. That's a very strong statement from the club which is nice to see for a change.
  15. depends on who came in for him. However i don't think a 'big' club would look to buy Gabby unless it was as a squad player in which case i'd hope he has the sense to stay at Villa.
  16. Just got sutton utd into the league 2, lower league teams are so much fun to manage. can pick up some great frre transfers as well
  17. Those videos are great, just wasted about an hour watching them!
  18. Finnaly sorted out my pc connection. battlefield is on a whle new level now!
  19. I agree, the players must take some of the blame but we have looked tactically inept at times this season and for that the manager has to take the blame. In football the buck stops with the manager.
  20. Top post selly, i agree. I just posted this elsewhere but i'll post it in here as well because i think it applies: I remember the first time my Grandad took me too villa park. Since then we've had our ups and downs. Lets not deny it, right now we are on a down. However i can't wait for the day when i take my kids or my granchildren to go see the villa play. So if I have to sit through a few season of rubbish football to ensure the financial safeguarding of the club i love, it is a price i am more than willing to pay.
  21. Make sure you put down your football manager history!
  22. i can never make up my mind over warnock. He is a decent player but he just makes errors and gives performances which we know he is better than. To his credit e always puts in a shift and won't hide from anything. If he makes a mistake he looks gutted but doesn't shy away from the next tackle. I will have to see how good edna is though before i call for warnock out of the team becasue atm he's the best we have there.
  23. yesterday against swansea was horrific to watch and im still very annoyed about it. However i haven't celebrated or enjoyed a win like i did with the win against chelsea for quite some time. In a way the lows make the highs even better. In many ways thats the appeal of football for me, there is always the next game and you never know what might happen!
  24. Happy with the line up. AMC seems to be going for it today. it is up to the players to perform now!
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