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Everything posted by Gillz

  1. https://twitter.com/deanhemming/status/353579379084910592/photo/1 Seems Bannan is in the reserves....plus Joe Bennett of all players is giving him shit for it haha!
  2. We should definetly get good old Steve back steve Sidwell...? Totally agree, best ball boy Villa Park ever had!
  3. When you put it like that, i retract my previous point!
  4. Good Guy Luna? Well he's got the beard... Good Guy Luna..?
  5. Strootman, now there's a player i'd love Villa to sign! (would never happen though)
  6. No players but Aston Villa Official does and Benteke has obviously seen it as legit to retweet it.
  7. I feel a bit bad, both Colley and kendrick are having quite a dig at her tonight. Fair enough she's been giving it back / started it, but its a bit unprofessional from them surely?
  8. I'm obviously reading far too much into this but..... Delph just tweeted: Fabian Delph ‏@16FabianDelph5h Have a strong feeling that @bentekechris20 will be the premier league's top goalscorer next season. Phenomenal talent. Go well bro!! #UTV Which Benteke himself just retweeted...Maybe they had a little chat about his future, or am i just getting desperate?
  9. John Lennon: “When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” George Best: I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered. Oscar Wilde: "i can resist everything except temptation
  10. Antonio Luna ‏@AntoniiioLuna4m simply spectacular villa park!!!!! pic.twitter.com/xMKzbmD2qe Seems like he's just been for his first visit!
  11. you're obviously itk...come on, who else did you sign!? sidenote: i didn't know people still played pro evo, i thought fifa had total domination these days!
  12. He does'nt normally show that many emotions. Almost only scoring and winning can put a smile on his face I see what you mean, he seems genuinely struggling to 'force a smile' haha
  13. Hiroshi's Ma will probably Steer clear of Villa Park in fear of Tonev's Atomic Strike. too soon man, too soon....
  14. Weimann isn't back yet. he return tomorrow Andreas Weimann ‏@andiweimann 3h At the airport ... Bye bye Vienna and Birmingham here I come ! #newseason #cantwait
  15. Kendrick giving people a heart attack on twitter. Cheeky bastard. Mat Kendrick ‏@MatKendrick 26m Tottenham target Christian B told he can talk to clubs (Yes, I had to do a double take too!) #avfc http://www.http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/tottenham-transfer-news-christian-benitez-2025169?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
  16. Im not worried by the contract situation because if he does well (which i have high hopes he will) then Villa will offer him a new one before the end of the season which He'll be likely to accept. He will 'owe' villa a lot for his development and helping him through his injury. plus he is an actual heart on sleeve villa fan so should be easy to keep at the club!
  17. James Nursey ‏@JamesNursey25m Watford have asked to take Gary Gardner on loan but #AVFC refused & want to see what GG can do in last year of his contract Think it shows that Lambert and the coaches are giving him this chance and he will be in and around the starting line up this year. I think GG is a wonderful talent having watched him a lot in the Next gen and really hope he takes the step up yet i fear this season is his final chance, just hope he stays injury free!
  18. I reckon the reason he's not training with the first team and the reason he isn't coming to Germany is because a deal is close. Instead of being stuck on tour we want him available to head up north and agree terms etc. .
  19. Mat Kendrick ‏@MatKendrick8m Daz Boot: Darren Bent asked to train away from the first team squad and could miss #avfc tour to Germany http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/aston-villa-transfer-update-darren-4829592
  20. http://www.avfc.co.uk/javaImages/42/c6/0,,10265~12043842,00.jpg "Niklas Helenius loving his first day at Bodymoor. Pictures by Neville Williams/Aston Villa/Getty Images." Not sure the caption quite fits the picture there....
  21. Whilst Im confident we'll hold onto benteke for another season I'd hold fire on selling Bent until we've secured Benteke's services for another year!
  22. Antonio Luna ‏@AntoniiioLuna58m 19:15 flight to birmingham ... begin a new adventure pretty much illusion!!!!! Love how excited he is about Villa and Pre season!.
  23. Gardner is a step above those two. He wasn't just a player who's shown potential he is a player who has dominated the lower levels both domestic and European. Plus an impressive display in his under 21 match. With this in mind the potential 'pay-off' of Gardner 'turning good' is greater than those others and imo deffo worth the risk.
  24. Was extremely hungover the other day and had a few old VHS hanging around so ended up watching Rat Race and Evolution. They were my two favourite films as a young teen and i have to say the comedy, especially in Rat Race still holds up, brilliant films if in need of a laugh!!
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