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Everything posted by Gillz

  1. Downing would be a bold mood by Lambert and split an already unsteady fanbase. He was a brilliant player for us but could people forgive him for leaving in the way he did. Furthermore he has been woeful at Liverpool. Really mixed emotions about having him back. However if we were to sign him and a decent target man i would be very happy
  2. Gillz


    First two game are quite concerning however there are 36 more to go and alot can change. I don't think we will be relegated. Even if we are in trouble in January i erckon Randy will protect his investment and seriously open up funds to dig us out. Would prefer it if he did it now though...
  3. the Mcleish sage was horrid but its hard to pinpoint the absolute low during his time with the club as the whole year was terrible. The cup final losses to man U recently and in the FA cup a decade ago to Chelsea were hard as i though the club would finally get some silverware once more. The milner and Yorke sales were bad times to.
  4. went for escape but suggested thunderstruck by AC/DC. would get everyone pumped!
  5. Same was said about Delph . Just saying like. Same was said of Bale, Walcott, Ox.....and Beckford. Just shows how it is a risk and could go either way but i ever time i watch Rhodes he looks special and always stands out as the start performer
  6. Rhodes scored his first international goal tonight. I know he brings divided opinions on here but i reckon he is a player we really should be looking at. huge talent and will be snapped up by a PL soon enough, so why not us?
  7. indeed. I come on this thread hoping to read some bullshit ITK crap from twitter and instead find 50 pages odd of debates about MON, Doug and finances. Keep it to the respective threads please. On a transfer note i reckon a lb and striker will come in before the end of the window but am not expecting a 'marquee' signing due to the PF/Incognito twitter comments.
  8. from what i read it sounded as if he played very well and took his chances well. Excellent that both him and Bent are finding form just at the right time!
  9. The Incredibles is as good as Shrek IMO. Also Toy Story and its 2 sequels were very good, if they can be counted as "comedy". I loved toy story as a kid but if i watched it now i probably wouldn't enjoy it that much apart from nostalgic reasons. Shrek and the incredibles, as you mentioned,i still find really good and get a laugh out of. Monsters INC is another good one. (tbh most Pixar films are brilliant)
  10. Shrek was on tv the other night and whilst many may consider it a 'kids' film i still think it's one of the best films in recent years. might have to watch shrek 2 at some point soon too (hard to find a sequel for a comedy that is as good as the original)
  11. That takes the piss.... Why would he wanna go and play in Paris? My buddy has now told me we have had a bid accepted for 'someone'.... I still stand by my prediction of us bringing no one else in though. Freaking rumours. Any ideas on who? If its your mate then it should be an Ajax player no? I wonder if it's Toby Alderwiereld. Another CB but could be a good option for our defence. have watched him play a few times, looks an excellent defender but not sure Ajax would want to sell. He's got a big future ahead of him, could see it being a big fee needed to lure him too
  12. im in. Happy i got Allen before he went to Liverpool and was only 5.5m. Reckon his price will jump now he's signed!
  13. fallout 3 - simply amazing call of duty modern warfare - really got me into multi-player Assassin's creed - Whilst the 1st game wasn't great for a launch title it showed so much promise for what was to come over the next few years and has since developed into an excellent series mass effect 2 / dragon age origins - 2 amazing games by bioware with endless replay value and excellent stories red dead redemption - had the feel of a gta game but i was playing as a cowboy instead of someone wannabe gangster. loved it.
  14. Given Lowton Vlaar Clark Lichaj Bannan El Ahmadi N'Zogbia Ireland Holman Bent swapping Bannan with Delph or Herd for 'tougher opponents' and swapping whoever plays worse from Holman, Ireland, Zog for Gabby when fit against 'wekaer' sides
  15. Ever played fallout? I expect something similar
  16. interesting read. Have to say i kinda of agree with no. 1 http://www.empireonline.com/100-greatest-movie-characters/default.asp?c=1
  17. When i grew up i loved star wars but my favourite character was always Wedge. it really used to annoy me when people didnt know who he was.... Tucker in all the Rush hour films as well was brilliant. Stiffler is also amongst my favourites Hans Landa from inglorious bastards who was brilliantly played by Christopher Waltz, one of my favourite 'baddies' On the subject of baddies i love hans Gruber from Die Hard others that come to mind are Jason Bourne (killing people with pens and the like), Simon Pegg in both Hot fuzz and Shaun of the Dead. neo in the first Matrix film. V from V for Vendetta
  18. most accurate and fair article on the club, fans, players and our position i have seen in a very long time. Top work by the guardian.
  19. what i cant comprehend is the money involved in this deal. $1bn! Randy bought villa, a historic and 'well placed' club for just over £50m or something if i remember and here he is selling a club that has little history or success for $1bn! This isnt meant to be a dig at the Browns or their fans but i just find the money involved in the NFL beyond belief. For $1bn you could probably buy any football club in the world you wanted whereas in the USA it doesnt get you anywhere near a competitive team let alone a championship team. I think Randy may share my scepticism and realise alot more could be done with $1bn than just a club. (again no offence to any Browns or NFL fans. I love American football but i just find the money side of it ridiculous)
  20. watching the womans hockey. GB looking good as we have throughout the games so far. Also the player who takes our penalty corners has caught the eye a bit.
  21. not sure how our bxer made it through that last fight. I thought the Cuban guy destroyed him in the final round yet only scored 4 points..?
  22. goldfinger is amazing and my favourite Bond Film. Goldeneye was my childhood favourite. The tank scene, death by sex, Sean Bean dying...twice. and an amazing video game to boot Casino Royale. Re invented a series that was fading away and had ,me re watching all previous bonds.
  23. I had a co worker come onto me the other day in the stockroom at work. I turned her down because to be honest she's not the greatest but there was something very tempting about doing it at work and the risk
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