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Everything posted by Robbie09

  1. The key game for me next saturday is the Fulham fixture as I really cant see Naarich or Cardiff overtaking us. After Fulham dropped 2 points in what their manager had described as a must win fixture yesterday I'd still much rather be in our position than theirs.
  2. You can re-post whenever you like. The fact remains most(nearly all) fans believe that many managers could have done better! My opinion will not be swayed with a result against hull at home, i know that much. Most or nearly all that post on here maybe. Not everyone is of the same opinion across the wider fan base.
  3. Dreadful display today. League 1 player.
  4. Fulham will stay up If they do it won't be at our expense. They need to win both games to finish above us and they won't do it.
  5. Just back from the Liberty and have to agree with romavillan. Our play today was decent at times. Up until the 3rd goal we were the better team. Had we not conceded the 2nd goal so soon after equalizing we would've picked up at least a point. The crowd really turned on both the players and Lambert so there's no way back for him now. Without doubt Baker is the poorest central defender we've had since Steve Sims. He was nowhere near Bony for the first goal and I said to my kids just beforehand that Baker was going to be caught out. We'll scrape enough points to survive but after forking out for 3 tickets, travel and food to get soaked and taunted by a load of Welsh inbreds isn't acceptable. Thanks AVFC for wrecking yet another weekend. Westwood MOTM for me
  6. Depends whether your site manager is into watersports
  7. I'd give Lambert at least until Christmas. He's worked under the remit of reducing the wage bill and moving on the high earners. He has had to sign players to boost the squad size on a limited budget hence why most are £1m - £2m and command low wages. This season he's been unlucky with injuries to Benteke, Okore znd Kozak who are his most expensive signings. On the basis that the emphasis will be that the future signings should be quality rather than quantity he deserves the opportunity to show what he can do now that the club is in better shape financially.
  8. They're only easy goals if you get yourself into a good position to make them easy. Exactly. I still don't understand where all this Kozak hate comes from. Has to be one of the most underrated Villa players in recent years purely because of how much unjust shit he gets from some fans. Because some cannot see past their own disdain for Lambert and cite Kozak as evidence. Despite some of his goals winning us matches. That's a bit unfair. I'm sure many people are capable of forming an opinion on a player without looking at who signed them or on what they cost. Or not as the case maybe. Back on topic, we're not going down.
  9. Pack the midfield to stop them passing through us. Guzan Lowton Vlaar Clark Bertrand Westwood KEA Albrighton Delph Weimann Gabby
  10. If they lose against Wet Spam this weekend the pressure will really be on them. How apt if Odemwingie scores to send them down on the last day.....
  11. Whoever followed Ferguson was always going to be the fall guy, will be interesting to see who fancies the Utd role now that Moyes has gone.
  12. Let's hope it gives the players a lift ahead of the Naarich game
  13. What the hell are you on about? The defence of this shocking owner. Is your glass ever half full or is it permanently half empty?
  14. When Gabby is on his game he is vital to our counter attacking style, Unfortunately he is rarely on his game which is why we either change our style or get a better, more consistent version of Gabby.
  15. Agree. Lerner arrived with the best intentions and will go with my best wishes despite the last 3 seasons. He's been a far better owner than Ellis that's for sure.
  16. Clearest indication yet the club will confirm the sale once our premier league status is confirmed.
  17. Cardiff, Norwich, Fulham and Sunderland are all odds on to go down. No need for pant wetting.
  18. Southampton have some of the most overrated players around - Lambert, Lallana, Shaw. What did they do against a p**s poor Villa? I can't see us winning the World Cup can you? Lallana was excellent today, his movement off the ball was first class.
  19. Sandwell Town will not beat West Ham next week
  20. They have home games against Cardiff and Albion so if they win those then it drops them both in it. It's almost an ideal scenario.
  21. Happy with a point, edging closer to safety and a new owner. Sunderlands win cranks up the pressure on Albion and Cardiff as they face them before the end of the season. Voted Vlaar as MOTM although KEA, Albrighton, Westwood and Bertrand were good as well. Special mention to Baker for not making a howler today. All in all a better saturday than we've had in a while, fingers crossed both Liverpool and City don't slip up.
  22. Weimann done ok today as he had to prevent Clyne bombing forward.
  23. We owe them big time for mugging us at Villa Park last season with the phantom penalty.
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