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Everything posted by Robbie09

  1. What role will CNZ have in the new set up?.....
  2. Except he didn't. Exactly. There's no rfit between Sid and Lambert
  3. Apparently Culverhouse and Karsa have been suspended - the plot thickens....
  4. Indeed but I don't think it will be either of the changes people are speculating about... I too doubt the owner is leaving, I think it is more likely Lambert will go. I'm confident we won't be changing division.....
  5. I'd say he is judging by the fact he is prepared to gamble on our premier league status by not investing in the playing side.
  6. Thats from 2 years ago ...message very similar.I don't see Lambert staying in summer I agree. For Faulkner to come out with this means that change is forthcoming.
  7. I think it's safe to assume he's a major improvement on Baker.
  8. We aren't in a relegation fight though. We are just on a very poor run of form. I admire your positivity but we are in a relegation fight yet again. We'll stay up but it's disgraceful that it has happened for the 4th season running. I'm pro Lambert but today to continue playing 3 centre halves against 1 forward was shocking. Lerner has a lot to answer for but Lambert is close to losing my support because of his tactical ineptness. I agree we have injuries to key players but he needs to be accountable for fundamental errors like his formation today.
  9. Speak for yourself. You might think we deserve relegation but I don't. What about out football club is 'Premier League' class? The fans that turn up week after week for starters.
  10. Yeah Ive heard similar things, beginning of the season time. At the time I wasnt too bothered either way...Ive changed my mind! Aye... I want him gone. I think others might suggest I am only saying this because of the other forum, I've DM'd a few people on here - before the Sun article, website info...etc. Not saying I am right, wrong or that I know things for certain. But we all really need some good news right now. Time for Randolph to find another play thing to wreck
  11. Can't see anyone wanting the job given the lack of funds. This squad needs investment and without a change of owner that isn't happening. Depressing times. He owns us.
  12. Cometh the hour cometh the man. Clearly Gabby is not the man.
  13. Speak for yourself. You might think we deserve relegation but I don't.
  14. We won't go down due to 3 teams being worse than us but this is completely unacceptable. Lambert has his hands tied behind his back but we are awful.
  15. Same as you Smetrov - I will renew our tickets as it's a ritual for me and my lads to support the team regardless of how poor we are. I've had season tickets for so long I can't imagine what else I'd do on match day. I'll take advantage of the interest free payments but it would be interesting to see if we all waited to renew whether RL may loosen the purse strings to encourage more ST sales.
  16. Got mine today and i've mainly sat in the lower tier and found the view ok.
  17. Culverhouse's alleged criticism of the youth team?
  18. Having just read some of the questions on the Evening Mail website there's some very unsavoury questions that have been posted. However the brainchild behind this PR disaster ought to apologise to Bennett because it was inevitable it would attract questions from the low life out there that class themselves as Villa fans.
  19. I'd be delighted if we could tempt Richards to come to us. Sadly finishing around 14th/15th in the league isn't attractive enough to a player of his quality which is why we're more likely to end up with players like Larsson.
  20. The owner and his CEO for starters.
  21. Apparently Culverhouse and Sid Cowans clashed last week at Bodymoor. Seemingly he's quite a spikey character.
  22. Robbie09

    Gordon Smith

    I was fortunate to be at Old Trafford that night although I don't remember the build up to the goal I do remember Little and Chris Nicholl scoring. It might be a sympton of old age but am I right in thinking Smith once scored an own goal at White Hart Lane towards the end of his Villa career?
  23. Again, why would CNZ deny himself the opportunity to declare that he's fit and train? Why wouldn't he declare that he's fit? All we have is a response on instagram (which is still open to interpretation). If he was fit to play, wouldn't he come out and say he was fit to play or at least train? And if he is fit then why would the manager not pick him for the sake of saving money when the prize money is well over £1.5m per position in the league?
  24. Why on earth would a professional athlete go along with some sort of charade and deny themselves of a year of their career? Whilst the club could've been more open and given updates regarding his recovery and rehab I can't believe that if it was a charade that it wouldn't have leaked out weeks or months ago.
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