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Everything posted by limpid

  1. As per the sticky at the top of the forum with the name "PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU POST IN THIS FORUM", can you let me know the browser and OS you are using? Have you cleared cookies and cache? Have you tried another browser? What is it an advert for? Does it change? Thanks.
  2. What happens when you click on the advanced link (the gear wheel) and try from there?
  3. I was hoping for pretty unicorns to gallop across the screen too..! I already have those.
  4. Your ratings and reactions please. Keep it respectful even if you know everyone else is wrong.
  5. New Android version uploaded.
  6. New iOS version submitted today.
  7. That's an impossible question to answer. What are you going to use it for?
  8. Christianity isn't monotheistic. The Christian "Lord" is a compound of three distinct beings, a triumvirate godhead if you like. Your point stands though as they all share a purpose.
  9. Meanwhile, organised religions cut bits off children, but that's okay because it's tradition.
  10. I don't travel to away games any more, but I don't remember ever celebrating more or less based on which ground we were at. An away goal is an away goal. You go mental. We travel in good numbers, so there's a lot of people going mental. Mind you my most mental celebrations were probably at the Sty in the Kiddy Harriers end when Kiddy went 2-1 up in the FA Cup.
  11. Your ratings and reactions please. Keep it respectful even if you know everyone else is wrong. Long 3 Long 11 El Ahmadi 67 Westwood 76
  12. limpid

    General Chat

    Theft by finding is still theft and you just admitted it in a public place...
  13. limpid

    Xbox One

    Please start other threads (or using existing ones) for discussion of particular games. Thanks.
  14. The FA's concerned will pay for the players to have new passports (or more likely will have done so when the team travelled to Israel). StanBalaban asks a good question on behalf of the fans though. I wonder whether Israeli customs officials think that many people only visit there and nowhere else, as all they see are brand new passports.
  15. I've mentioned it before, http://www.secularism.org.uk/ Secularism is the separation of religions from the state. Nothing more no matter what the religious might suggest. There are many religious members of the society, presumably because they recognise that secularism is the only way to guarantee their religion a future. Another way to word it is that rights granted by the belief in any particular magic book(s) do not override ANY of the rights that someone else has, whether they share your beliefs or not. I want religion out of state education. I want an end to tax breaks for all religions where they receive them simply for being religions (if they want charity status then they can become charities). I want (English only, male only) bishops out of the house of lords. I want to see law of the land always being more important than people's feelings. Ultimately I want disestablishment but I think it'll have to be small steps while politicians still seem to think that the increasingly tiny religious minority matter. Sign up and get involved.
  16. You buy things which use open standards. Sadly, and it is sadly, that's not remotely true. The same sweathshops and sweatshop conditions in which stuff for the likes of apple are made, also are used by manufacturers who put open source google software on, or Linux. It's a fair point to say to all of these multi billion businesses, that their, or their sub-contractors treatment of labour is not either ethical, or in accord with their so called branding. ANd it applies not just in tech, but in so many industries Ah re-reading I think I misinterpreted Kingfisher's post. I thought it was complaining about lock in.
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