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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I am disappointed to have returned home not to discover you the newly appointed minister for culture. :)

It's for the best.  I'd have made pretentious music a mandatory part of the GCSE syllabus.

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I am disappointed to have returned home not to discover you the newly appointed minister for culture. :)

It's for the best.  I'd have made pretentious music a mandatory part of the GCSE syllabus.


But you have the makings of a politician: not content with one portfolio, your next thought is to take control of another (the education) brief, too! (I think Stefan would approve of this ;) )

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Linux, what is it like?


I would say that it offers a sneak preview of what the world would look like if the dreams of anarcho-socialists ever came true.


Everyone would be free to do what they liked but nothing would work.


The latter-day Napoleon of open-source software, Dave Shuttleworth, is even exiled on the Isle of Man, just like Boney on St Helena, in a spooky historical parallel between the last guy who promised liberte, egalite, and fraternite and the death of a tyrannical monarchy (King William of Gates). 


Feeling disgusted by Microsoft's decision to pull the plug on XP and withdrawing Win 7 from OEM sales, and revolted by the cross-platform BS which Metro (Win8) is, I thought I would check out the competition.


To my amazement the number of Linux distributions is more than a hundred.


All look different and all are meant to cater for different needs and levels of expertise.


But are they any good?


Not really.


While millions of geek-hours have been expended on tweaking the looks, some of which are every bit as good-looking as any Microsoft offering, the basics still leave one hell of a lot to be desired.


Even the most highly recommended distributions don't do the things you expect to take for granted (like playing a Blue-ray disk), and some look fantastic (KDE4), come with every piece of software you could ever dream of (PCLinuxOS FullMonty) but haven't even sorted something as basic as the installer and don't survive their first update. 


The community are every bit as idealistic as your paid-up member of the Occupy movement and are just as big on their promises, tetchily defensive and unwilling to accept criticism of what they fail to deliver.


Ten years into the Linux project and it still hasn't delivered what it promised - freedom from the tyranny of Microsoft et al - they have just created their own.


Linux tyranny comes in the form of the many hours wasted by the millions of users who waste their time just trying to remedy its constant and recursive glitches, which may range from not being on speaking terms with your printer, to deciding not to boot any more.


Windows 8 is £85 on Amazon, which seems expensive, but it is cheap compared with the many hours needed to keep a Linux operating system on its feet.


It just can't help but completely piss you off.

Edited by MakemineVanilla
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I have tried many linux systems over the years it pains me to say I always return to Microsoft. Recently I have been considering it again but wonder if its easy to move a pst over, and back again should I get disappointed with it within weeks.

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Example (the musician/DJ/whatever he is supposed to be).


Yeah, I try not to get upset by pop stars, but he is particularly annoying.

Edited by dAVe80
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Example (the musician/DJ/whatever he is supposed to be).

Yeah, I try not to get upset by pop stars, but he is particularly annoying.

Re: his latest ear hurting nonsense - "Behave like kids again" - did he finish producing that then think "That's good that is".

If so, how!? How is it possible to think that!!

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Example (the musician/DJ/whatever he is supposed to be).

Yeah, I try not to get upset by pop stars, but he is particularly annoying.

Re: his latest ear hurting nonsense - "Behave like kids again" - did he finish producing that then think "That's good that is".

If so, how!? How is it possible to think that!!



Thankfully I've managed to avoid that so far. That one about "missing the way you kiss me" or how ever it goes, was unavoidable for a time. It was on eveywhere.  

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Wait. Were you hoping I would say Everything, Everything?

Yeaaah.  I had an internet high five ready in anticipation.  You've let me down, t_v.  Frankly, I don't know if I'll ever be able to trust another human being again.

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