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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Oh, and this.

People (here in Singapore) complaining about domestic maids asking for days off, more pay etc. Just because she's your servant doesn't mean she's your slave - besides, if you can't afford domestic help, just goddamn learn to wash the dishes yourself.

I shouldn't even have put this in this thread, it's gone from "pisses me off" to "violation of fundamental workers' rights" for me now. I swear some of these subhuman employers forget that they are dealing with living, breathing people sometimes.

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Oh, and this.

People (here in Singapore) complaining about domestic maids asking for days off, more pay etc. Just because she's your servant doesn't mean she's your slave - besides, if you can't afford domestic help, just goddamn learn to wash the dishes yourself.

I shouldn't even have put this in this thread, it's gone from "pisses me off" to "violation of fundamental workers' rights" for me now. I swear some of these subhuman employers forget that they are dealing with living, breathing people sometimes.

You're getting very outraged of late

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I still can't make my mind up about morbid obesity. I want to disregard the whole "It's hormonal" thing as a pathetic excuse.

But on the other hand, I actually cannot conceive how anybody could possibly eat enough food to get like that. It just seems impossible.

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You know what I mean though right Wiggy? When breathing becomes a challenge its time to review the salad/sausage ratio of your diet.

I do know what you mean mate and yes i do agree. Ive got nothing against someone who works 5 days a week but spend all their wages on Big Mac's, they've earned their money that can spend it all on drugs and whores for all i care!

Its the lay abouts who do feck all and cant work because they are mobidly obese but still have enough money through government handouts to have a £30 take-away every single night!

And as Mike said, i too cant get my head round how someone can eat that much food. I mean surely when someone gets to 25/30 stone you must realise that you may need to watch what you eat a little?

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Oh, and this.

People (here in Singapore) complaining about domestic maids asking for days off, more pay etc. Just because she's your servant doesn't mean she's your slave - besides, if you can't afford domestic help, just goddamn learn to wash the dishes yourself.

I shouldn't even have put this in this thread, it's gone from "pisses me off" to "violation of fundamental workers' rights" for me now. I swear some of these subhuman employers forget that they are dealing with living, breathing people sometimes.

You're getting very outraged of late


Actually, yes I often get outraged, it's not a particularly recent thing.

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I've (unintentionally) observed the plight of an office colleague who has gone from fat to obese within about 12 months. I've noticed that, typically, people do make an effort to lose some weight, at some stage. But evidently, not enough effort, so they give up and the subsequent depression just leads to further "binge eating" and the problem seems to manifest itself in an unhappy circle where food is both the problem and solution to their issues.

It is a sad plight, no one really wants to be morbidly obese, I'm fairly sure of that.

EDIT: But they still annoy me, and yes Wiggy - I've often thought that such benefits should be handest out in redeemable vouchers that can't be spent on more Chicken McShit Burgers.

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