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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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It's more complicated than having a 'medical problem'. There's some chemical which your brain releases to indicate you've eaten enough and it works differently for everyone. If I'm hungover I can't stop eating (maybe due to this chemical). If I was hungover every day I'd be a fat bastard.

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What beats me is - how do the morbidly obese manage to breed? Because they clearly do.

Dang, now I have to bite my tongue because we don't know who's reading and I don't want to risk offending anyone in the name of humour :(

For shame some of you


is that what you see when you see a fat person ..someone who is just lazy and hungry



life isn't that black and white

Mine was actually an honest question. Read it without thinking I have an agenda ! :(



my bad ...sorry


don't get me wrong , the obese man in Brazil  who tried to sue McDonalds for making him fat doesn't really have my sympathy  , but not every obese person just eats too much

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I agree with CVByrne, there's no excuse for the average person to allow their weight to spiral out of control.

Isn't that just the point, though?

It's something that happens gradually rather than overnight.

I also very much doubt that even if one were to recognise the point at which someone crossed over in to the 'obese' (what's the definition here, btw? The BMI thingy?) that it is just a case of 'easing back on the takeaways'. Wouldn't there also be a point at which exercise (that is something that most of us would consider exercising rather than simply moving around) and the need for it to address weight problems becomes a bit of a catch 22 situation?

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There are some legitimate excuses for it, but for the average person to get obese, not just fat, takes some serious disregard for their own health. In my opinion, ofcourse.


Even if you have an over-zealous appetite, then I think the average person should be of sound enough mind to recognise this and do something about it. You don't just wake up obese, time gives you plenty of opportunity to take charge of the situation.

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People. Just people. And on topic. And that poster again. And my arm. 


I know what you're saying. I keep popping in to 'On Topic' to try and get involved in what is a really exciting period, but as you say, one poster in particular dominating and killing any kind of interesting conversation. So I leave again.



It's like we're wrong for being positive and here are the reasons why:


' '

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Mine was actually an honest question. Read it without thinking I have an agenda ! :(


my bad ...sorry


don't get me wrong , the obese man in Brazil  who tried to sue McDonalds for making him fat doesn't really have my sympathy  , but not every obese person just eats too much

Yeah I know not everyone is, but if the answer to my question was less than 10% which the cynic in me expects that it would be, then they'd have to provide a medical certificate in exchange for sympathy :P
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I read an article about childhood obesity in which they were trying to establish if children stopped exercising because they were fat or were they fat because they stopped exercising. I think the results indicated the former. 

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Obese people. Really can't stand that level of laziness. I can understand fatness as some people have trouble with weight. But being obese is laziness personified.


For me, I know when i feel uncomfortable if I put on a couple of pounds and I work hard to get it off. So I can't imagine how people can get obese. I feel shit about myself even if I'm the tiniest bit overweight.

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Mine was actually an honest question. Read it without thinking I have an agenda ! :(


my bad ...sorry


don't get me wrong , the obese man in Brazil  who tried to sue McDonalds for making him fat doesn't really have my sympathy  , but not every obese person just eats too much


Yeah I know not everyone is, but if the answer to my question was less than 10% which the cynic in me expects that it would be, then they'd have to provide a medical certificate in exchange for sympathy :P



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Obese people. Really can't stand that level of laziness. I can understand fatness as some people have trouble with weight. But being obese is laziness personified.


For me, I know when i feel uncomfortable if I put on a couple of pounds and I work hard to get it off. So I can't imagine how people can get obese. I feel shit about myself even if I'm the tiniest bit overweight.



Yeah, pretty much this.


There are plenty of warning signs to heed before you get into the realms of obesity.

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People who say "I'm not rude, I'm just honest"


No, that's being rude you silly word removed.


Yeah, this winds me up. People that say, 'I just say it as it is' and say it proudly like that's a good thing.


Sometimes in life you need a bit of tact.




A lack of tact is rude. Being brutally honest isn't ok in every situation.



See also, "that's just the way he is".

If your behaviour has to be excused by someone saying "that's just the way he is", chances are you're a **** word removed.

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Should letting your child get fat be considered child abuse?


probably yes  , as it would suggest the parents are doing something wrong  ( baring medical reasons)


but I'd also say making your child a veggie because you are or making your child go to church because you believe  , are also forms of  child abuse

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For shame some of you


is that what you see when you see a fat person ..someone who is just lazy and hungry



life isn't that black and white



Well I ally my observations with peoples activity. Of the few obese people I've worked with or known passively. The amount of sugar and chocolate ingested has made me link their habits with their obvious weight. Also the laziness, if I was overweight I'd walk up 1 flight of stairs, I'd walk to the shop which is 5 mins away. But any way to reduce activity the people I know do. 


I understand that it's not as simple as obese = lazy. But I believe the majority of obese people are lazy based on my knowledge of the activities of the few I know. 

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The obese people on benefits with 7 kids, who can't afford to feed their kids because they spent all their money on PS3's and 60 inch TV's. **** those obese people.

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The obese people on benefits with 7 kids, who can't afford to feed their kids because they spent all their money on PS3's and 60 inch TV's. **** those obese people.



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The obese people on benefits with 7 kids, who can't afford to feed their kids because they spent all their money on PS3's and 60 inch TV's. **** those obese people.

is that you Mr Duncan Smith ?


The obese people on benefits with 7 kids, who can't afford to feed their kids because they spent all their money on PS3's and 60 inch TV's. **** those obese people.






damn you coda :angry:

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I suppose I mean rather than obese people as a generalisation. Obese people who are that way through their own laziness and bad diet. Then the doomed to fail pathetic attempt to lose weight for 3 days before buying a tub of hagen das.


My older brother is fat and lazy and I'd give him lots of stick years back for eating a salad only to retire to his room with a tub of ice cream.


There's me trying to break 45min 10k with never ending foot problems that require orthotics which merely move the pain around. Then I tear my achilles. 


To have two siblings so diametrically opposed in their levels of laziness always gave me moments of pause. 

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