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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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people who like hurt by johnny cash, the only song that they know by johnny cash. I hate these people more than any one else. I hate them as much as I hate people that like u2 or coldplay.


People who think that Johnny Cash was the only good country artist. People who couldn't name any other country artist. People who think country music is all shit. People who use the term "country and western".


Perfect post. I point people to the last Jamey Johnson CD and wonder how anyone could think country is shit.


further to that, although Cash is my favourite artist, country on the whole is pretty much all I listen to with bits of rockabilly and psychobilly thrown in for good measure.

Edited by Seat68
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Going off on a bit of a tangent but also people who claim to like Jimi Hendrix but can name no song other than 'All Along the Watchtower'.


People are always amazed when they find out it was a cover.


To be fair, Dylan considered Hendrix's version to be so definitive, he and The Band played it in that arrangement virtually note for note on the '74 ("Before the Flood") tour. 

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I was once in a heated argument with a lady who was convinced that 'Hurt' was a Johnny Cash song and refused to accept that it was by Nine Inch Nails.


Almost as bad as the time a guy was convinced Vietnam was in Europe and I told him otherwise but he refused to believe it until I found a globe and pointed it out.

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people that use the word mint to describe things. The only time I find this acceptable is when buying vinyl off ebay.

 Or when buying mint.

Or when describing a taste. What does that After 8 taste like? Mint ....

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Back to the topic,


men who make an unnatural amount of noise when using the toilet.

If I'm having a shit I often hear men come in, use the urinal, but huff and puff and groan like they've just run a marathon.


I would genuinely like to know what's going on there.

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Mr Gascoigne


There comes a point in every mans life where you need to sort yourself out and take responsibility for your actions. He has had a lot of help throughout his life, more then the average person would due to his profile job in the public light. It is time he just sorted himself out once and for all.

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