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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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There is an issue with spoilers when discussing films/TV. I'd like to discuss the Dark Knight Rises once I've seen it and without the subterfuge of using white text. I'm not sure this can be done unless you have two threads for each film/series.

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I,and the wife gave up watching the news years ago,in fact I only found out about the twin towers episode the next day at work. The news is about the bad/depressing things that happen every day,why cant they have a second news about all the good news stuff that happened ?
You Are Martyn Lewis and I Claim My Five Pounds.

I didnt read it all, but I got the gist of it and I still say the news ( unless its BIG news ) is a waste of time.I mean I can just about tell you what tomorrows news will be.

It will be about people getting robbed, having bad accidents,the price of stuff going up,maybe a fire somewhere,some latest crap that parliment is up to ( maybe a new tax ) AMC replacing PL etc etc etc ?!

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Wanting to tweet "Jack Woodward" on Twitter's #WorstFiftyShadesAudioBookNarrator, but knowing nobody would get it.
Has anybody suggested Jim Bowen yet?
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It's Retard Awareness Day every day on facebook. Every time a friend of mine posts some shite like that, I become aware that they are a retard. So it's a good system in that sense.

Strangely enough, ever since I migrated to Google+, social networking/media has become a lot more bearable...

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It's Retard Awareness Day every day on facebook. Every time a friend of mine posts some shite like that, I become aware that they are a retard. So it's a good system in that sense.

Strangely enough, ever since I migrated to Google+, social networking/media has become a lot more bearable...

Me too. With the amount of people I know on G+, I never have to read anything. Literally.

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:rant: Goddamnit

You could have gone with Vatican , it is a country after all

Yeah, s'just Nepal is the outstanding candidate in that area :)
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Somedays, today being one of them, my iPhone refuses to talk to the work wifi. The wifi isn't password protected, it gets the connection made but no data moves in either direction.

My laptop and iPad talk to the wifi without a problem. iPhone just says no.

It also pisses me off when people say "This should belong in the Tech Room thread". You've been warned :)

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You can self cert for the first 5 days I believe but its always nice to have 'proof' of being ill! I've only had 1 sick day in as long as I can remeber, and that was after doing my back in!!

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