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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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25 minutes ago, V01 said:

Brought a new pair of jeans because the weight loss is making my current clothes too big. Brought straight leg, it's tighter in the calf than in the thigh. I wouldn't mind so much but it's not like I'm calfzilla.


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8 hours ago, mottaloo said:

Oh the number of times I've had that comment thrown at me, usually delivered in a haughty, sneery manner.....

It must be right then! ;)

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5 hours ago, villa4europe said:

said this before, being made to feel like a word removed for taking time off work

im up to 47 emails and 9 missed calls today, just had to scan over them all and listen to my voicemails to make sure none of its urgent, 7 of the missed calls are from people in my office who know im off


I booked last Friday PM off. Put my out of office on, changed my voicemail, but needed to keep my phone on as I was expecting a call from a client at about 5pm from his yacht to iron out the finer points of a deal i'm working on. Anyway, the bastard phone never stopped ringing or vibrating with emails all afternoon. It's Friday afternoon FFS! I didn't quite have the 47 emails but was somewhere in the 30's.

I remember Friday afternoon being about having a 3 hour liquid lunch at Hort's wine bar and then doing naff all back in the office. Now we are expected to graft all week! The cheek of it! 

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3 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

Car dealer rang.

Immediately got my back up by starting the conversation with "why didn't you tell me sooner about your holiday?!"
As if it's my responsibility to tell him my holiday plans.

You must have the patience of a saint. I'd have lost my shit at this point. 


2 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

Who the **** is this bloke?

Why does he think he's doing you a favour, or that you owe him something?

Just reading this makes me angry. I'd cancel the order, and then write to his boss explaining why you did it.

The **** ring-piece. 

Me too! I'm wound up by reading about it. 

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1 hour ago, V01 said:

Brought a new pair of jeans because the weight loss is making my current clothes too big. Brought straight leg, it's tighter in the calf than in the thigh. I wouldn't mind so much but it's not like I'm calfzilla.


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1 hour ago, V01 said:

Brought a new pair of jeans because the weight loss is making my current clothes too big. Brought straight leg, it's tighter in the calf than in the thigh. I wouldn't mind so much but it's not like I'm calfzilla.

I get this problem all the time, whenever i buy slim jeans, they always end up really tight round my calfs even though i would have thought my thighs and calfs would be proportionate.  

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I'm getting on board the being out of work thing. 

Cop this:

When on night shift last week, I got a phone call from one of the stores at 10am (remember I'm on nights), this after sending out an email saying don't call me unless its an emergency cos I'm doing nights. 

I asked what was wrong, the reply was we are missing two loaves of bread. OK that sucks, did you get my email about me being on nights, yes I did but I didn't think you would be asleep. 

I'm on nights!

When the f%%k do you think I sleep?



Edited by Villan_of_oz
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15 minutes ago, Villan_of_oz said:

I'm getting on board the being out of work thing. 

Cop this:

When on night shift last week, I got a phone call from one of the stores at 10am (remember I'm on nights), this after sending out an email saying don't call me unless its an emergency cos I'm doing nights. 

I asked what was wrong, the reply was we are missing two loaves of bread. OK that sucks, did you get my email about me being on nights, yes I did but I didn't think you would be asleep. 

I'm on nights!

When the f%%k do you think I sleep?

No time to sleep when you are flogging stolen bread :P

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27 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

I think you'd be quite justified kicking that out so they land on their arse.

And that's just because of the slicked hair, stupid beard, cords and waistcoat combo.

I'll bet he runs a pop up bistro where they serve food in old shoes

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17 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

Who the **** is this bloke?

Why does he think he's doing you a favour, or that you owe him something?

Just reading this makes me angry. I'd cancel the order, and then write to his boss explaining why you did it.

The **** ring-piece. 


14 hours ago, Xela said:

You must have the patience of a saint. I'd have lost my shit at this point. 


Me too! I'm wound up by reading about it. 

That's exactly how he comes across. Like he's doing me a favour.

I really want the car so I won't walk away. I'll definitely threaten to though if it comes to that. He's pushing it though.

I've stood my ground though. The conversation ended with me reiterating I won't be picking up the car until July, and how their business operates isn't my problem, especially when I've been waiting months already.

He said something like "I'll have to speak to my management but I don't foresee a problem"


"No, neither do I"


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Being a professional middleman sucks. This morning I'm faced with what should be a very simple situation, but isn't because I'm between a rock and a hard place. A client has a product where they pay for the amount they use it. They want to pay less, so go away and make some changes. Go back to the product provider who says they've not done enough to drop the price much, so they reduce by a token £100. I'm now stuck between annoying the client who will not view £100 as saving enough and will be pissed off, or trying to force a reduction on the other side which will piss off someone who has basically done me a favour reducing anything at all.

I can't win.

My average day atm consists of making calls on who to piss off least. I usually side with the client but I need some goodwill on the other side as well. I genuinely don't know how people hack doing this for 40 years.

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13 hours ago, bickster said:

And that's just because of the slicked hair, stupid beard, cords and waistcoat combo.

I'll bet he runs a pop up bistro where they serve food in old shoes

You may wish to tw*t this bloke while you're at it: 


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4 hours ago, Stevo985 said:


That's exactly how he comes across. Like he's doing me a favour.

I really want the car so I won't walk away. I'll definitely threaten to though if it comes to that. He's pushing it though.

I've stood my ground though. The conversation ended with me reiterating I won't be picking up the car until July, and how their business operates isn't my problem, especially when I've been waiting months already.

He said something like "I'll have to speak to my management but I don't foresee a problem"


"No, neither do I"


Spoke to his boss.

He actually appeared to be a relatively normal human being, who knew how to talk to people and everything!

All sorted. he did try to get me to come in today and sign and pay everything but I refused.

So we compromised. Nothing changes in terms of what I pay, all they want is me to pay my deposit before the end of the month, which is no skin off my nose.

They're going to tax it on the last day of June (two days before I pick it up) which I'm guessing is technicalities on their side, but throw in a full tank of fuel for the inconvenience.

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