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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Here's one.


Stuff that exists purely for shitty legal reasons.


This is probably a "health and safety gone mad" rant, but it annoys me. Stuff that is only there to stop people getting sued, but is actually no use to anybody.


I've mentioned it in here before, but at my local Morrisons there's a travelator up to and down from the store. When you're on it there's a voice that blares out "You are approaching the end of the walkway. Please be ready to step off"


I refuse to believe that is of any help to anyone. Nobody has ever been stood on that thing and genuinely been reminded that they need to step off it momentarily, as if they'd have just stood there if nobody reminded them.


What's more, you can hear the voice and what it's saying before you even get onto the flipping thing, rendering it utterly useless.



It's just there so if some old dear trips over the end of it and breaks her hip they can't be sued for not warning people that they have to eventually step off the moving platform that they intentionally stepped onto 30 seconds ago.


Blind people?




I think what he's saying is that it's even useless to blind people because it can be heard at every point on the travelator, including before you get on to it. So it provides no help to anyone, other than to legally cover the asses of the shop.



Exactly. You can hear the voice for the entire duration of the journey. You can hear it before you get on. So I can't see how it helps.



Fair do.

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Tattoos. All of them.

'Piss me off' is a bit strong. Just that I would never ever ever ever get one. Ever.

I suppose I've never really even begun to understand the appeal of wanting to permanently deface your body. I mustn't have that gene.

Definitely this. Both my daughters have tattoos, and I wish they didn't.
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I actually quite like how a lot of tattoos look, for the most parts sleeves look great IMO. Never had the balls to get one myself though.

A guy i know is tattooed all over his face, he is 40 and still having sex with hot 18 year old girls cause they think he is cool, but he do find it very difficult to get a job.
You win some you lose some.
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Here's one.

Stuff that exists purely for shitty legal reasons.

This is probably a "health and safety gone mad" rant, but it annoys me. Stuff that is only there to stop people getting sued, but is actually no use to anybody.

I've mentioned it in here before, but at my local Morrisons there's a travelator up to and down from the store. When you're on it there's a voice that blares out "You are approaching the end of the walkway. Please be ready to step off"

I refuse to believe that is of any help to anyone. Nobody has ever been stood on that thing and genuinely been reminded that they need to step off it momentarily, as if they'd have just stood there if nobody reminded them.

What's more, you can hear the voice and what it's saying before you even get onto the flipping thing, rendering it utterly useless.

It's just there so if some old dear trips over the end of it and breaks her hip they can't be sued for not warning people that they have to eventually step off the moving platform that they intentionally stepped onto 30 seconds ago.

Blind people?

I think what he's saying is that it's even useless to blind people because it can be heard at every point on the travelator, including before you get on to it. So it provides no help to anyone, other than to legally cover the asses of the shop.

Exactly. You can hear the voice for the entire duration of the journey. You can hear it before you get on. So I can't see how it helps.

Fair do.

If the source of the automated voice is right at the point where people need to get off, then that would indeed be a big help to blind people. We don't just use sight to 'see'. We can use sound too. Blind people especially use sounds to visualise the world around them.
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Paying cash in at a bank - they treat you as if you are a criminal nowadays!

Not paid cash into my bank since I was about 16!



Its not a common occurrence for me but what a palava! The counter was on a different floor to the bank as they are all about 'self service' nowadays. 

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I just want to go back to the olden days, is that a crime?  :(


I was younger, fitter, Villa had a decent team and I had the world at my feet. 

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Some posh twonk sat next to me on the train today was talking to his mate about the new office building he is working in. He described it as 'fairly epic'. Surely something is either epic or not, or are there grades of epicness that I'm not aware of?

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I don't think an office could ever be described as epic, whatever the levels!  :D


Same applies to 'fairly unique' 

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I've got a horrible feeling I may get asked to be best man for my mate. I am possibly the worst best man you could possibly imagine in that I hate fun, therefore hate stag dos and will most likely organise a shit one. I also have a phobia of public speaking and dislike most humans, and he has 10 brothers and a sister, so his family alone is going to involve a huge amount of people.

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if it was in a wolf of wall street kind of office then i would go along with the epic.

I've got a horrible feeling I may get asked to be best man for my mate. I am possibly the worst best man you could possibly imagine in that I hate fun, therefore hate stag dos and will most likely organise a shit one. I also have a phobia of public speaking and dislike most humans, and he has 10 brothers and a sister, so his family alone is going to involve a huge amount of people.

same here. id hate to be a best man.

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