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Playstation 4


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Why?! By the time you've completed the last of us the next wave of pre Christmas multiplats will start coming out, and destiny

I'll pick up all multiplats on Xbox probably. The way people were banging on about how spectacular the PS4 was compared to Xbox I had to get one to see what the crack was. Can't say i'm wowed, it's a good console, the games look marginally better, but the pad is inferior. But ultimately I have more friends on the Xbox than on the PS4 which is where the fun is :)


It's a sweet console tho! If more exclusives get announced which i'm interested in by the time I finish TLOU then I shall keep it but there's nothing i'm really looking forward too at the minute.   

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Why?! By the time you've completed the last of us the next wave of pre Christmas multiplats will start coming out, and destiny

I'll pick up all multiplats on Xbox probably. The way people were banging on about how spectacular the PS4 was compared to Xbox I had to get one to see what the crack was. Can't say i'm wowed, it's a good console, the games look marginally better, but the pad is inferior. But ultimately I have more friends on the Xbox than on the PS4 which is where the fun is :)


It's a sweet console tho! If more exclusives get announced which i'm interested in by the time I finish TLOU then I shall keep it but there's nothing i'm really looking forward too at the minute.   


PS4 should be for multiplats if you've got both, unless you know loads of people with Xbox Ones

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Why?! By the time you've completed the last of us the next wave of pre Christmas multiplats will start coming out, and destiny

I'll pick up all multiplats on Xbox probably. The way people were banging on about how spectacular the PS4 was compared to Xbox I had to get one to see what the crack was. Can't say i'm wowed, it's a good console, the games look marginally better, but the pad is inferior. But ultimately I have more friends on the Xbox than on the PS4 which is where the fun is :)


It's a sweet console tho! If more exclusives get announced which i'm interested in by the time I finish TLOU then I shall keep it but there's nothing i'm really looking forward too at the minute.   


PS4 should be for multiplats if you've got both, unless you know loads of people with Xbox Ones


Aye, I do know that the games will run a bit better on PS4. But I have too many people who I play with on Xbones unfortunately. I wish companies like EA would allow you to buy a single license of a game which will enable the game on PS4, Xbox and PC. If they sold a £80 edition to run on all platforms i'd definitely purchase that as I have different groups of people I like to game with on different platforms. But the majority are on xbox. 

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Pieface/anybody else with both consoles. Which do you prefer?


For me it depends how you judge a console.


If it's judged only purely games and how they run/look then you can't look past the PS4. As games do look better, though the gap isn't as great as people say from the games I've played (BF & FIFA), however I've not played games like Infamous so can't really speak on that. BF is graphically smoother and holds 60FPS better on the PS4 than the Xbox. When levolution events happen, on the PS4 the frame rate will drop and run turgid for about 1 minute, on the Xbox I've seen it run a bit turgidly for about 2-3 minutes. So the PS4 definitely wins for games, which is ultimately what a console is about, 


The control pads, personally I much prefer the Xbox pads, feels more natural in my hands and the triggers are very well made. The DS4 also hurts my hands after a couple of hours so on that the Xbox wins. But that's just general personal preference. Also, the battery life on the DS4 is terrible compared to the Xbox pad, you get about 4x more playing time out of the Xbox. 


If it's judged on how much you use the console, then the Xbox wins hands down. My Xbox is permanently on, for games, Netflix and TV reasons.I love being able to play games and also snap TV/Netflix at the same time. Specially now the World Cup & Wimbledon is on. I seem to be one of the few who really likes all the Kinect integration, makes the UI really slick. I like being able to navigate through Netflix and other apps, changing the TV channel & volume without needing to turn on the control pad or pick up the remote... A lot of people see it as a gimmick, but it really is incredibly useful when you start using it. When you have an epic moment during a game just simply say "xbox record that" and it's recorded and uploaded instantly. It's pretty sweet.  Smartglass is really good too (not sure if there's a PS4 equivalent?)


So I guess what I'm saying is what's kinda been discussed before. If you want a console for the purpose of playing games and nothing more then get a PS4 definitely. 

If you want something which does a lot of other useful things and becomes and integral part to a home theater setup but is not quite as good when it comes to games then get an Xbox.



For me, Xbox wins. But this is also down to having more friends on the Xbox and my dislike of the DS4 pad. However, the PS4 is still an incredibly good console! 

Edited by PieFacE
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