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Playstation 4


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Had a go on one last night (mate's got one)

Quite impressed with Fifa.


Need for Speed, how can a racing game not have a 2 player local option?!


Actually had fun playing COD for once! But we were playing locally, not online, which meant we were reasonably competetive against the bots, as opposed to getting owned every 2 seconds by some clearing in the woods.



One thing was I wasn't hugely impressed by the graphics on any game. I know it's early for them to be getting the most out of the machines, but they don't blow me away. I guess we're getting to that stage where things like that will level out?

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I was quite impressed by FIFA or maybe I'm just tainted by how bad the previous gen was.


Battlefield and Killzone are both pretty impressive but like discussed earlier, it's not as much about the textures as it is the resolution, framerate, and amount of things on screen at any given point.

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I'm just saying I think the jump is smaller than previous generations.


Yep, that much was obvious.  We had the PS1 which absolutely blew me away.  It was going from the days of the SNES to arcade-quality games with a rip-roaring soundtrack (thanks, Namco). You could even pop out the disc mid-play and start playing your own discs whilst playing. Largely helped by Psygnosis (RIP) delivering Destruction Derby (ooohhh, look at the damage!) and Wip3out (which was frankly, awesome).  I LOVED the free demo disc bundled with it too to show off some of the power - it's a 3D dinosaur, I can move it whilst playing a music CD! I wish I had kept my PS1 and the games I had...


PS1 to PS2 was excellent but not so much on the same scale - no polygons where you could spot the gaps in between and it played DVD (yay!) but it lacked the excitement factor that anyone seeing Tekken (or Moto Toon GP, my personal favorite) for the first time on a PS1 would bring.   PS3 had Blu-Ray (it's HD!), bluetooth and the store.  I was blown away by the GT HD demo available on the PS Store and the Uncharted series is phenomenal.  


I think it's early days yet but I think of the PS4 as a PS3 v2. 

(FWIW, I still stand by my reckoning that the N64 is best console ever :))

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The controller is too big for my hands, I really dislike it. :(


Wish I could use the PS3 controller, which was perfect for me.


It's basically an XBOX controller (which was too big for me) with a touch pad, I'm gutted.

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There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the N64 is the best console of all time :)


Have you tried playing on one recently? The framerate is shocking, it's amazing how back in the day you just don't even think about those things but try playing Goldeneye now, I can't do it.


I worked on the XBLA HD remake of Perfect Dark (which was a lot of fun) and we played on the original version in preparation. The difference is unbelievable framerate-wise.


It was a brilliant console though, takes me back to some of my favourite days of my life.

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There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the N64 is the best console of all time :)


Have you tried playing on one recently? The framerate is shocking, it's amazing how back in the day you just don't even think about those things but try playing Goldeneye now, I can't do it.


I worked on the XBLA HD remake of Perfect Dark (which was a lot of fun) and we played on the original version in preparation. The difference is unbelievable framerate-wise.


It was a brilliant console though, takes me back to some of my favourite days of my life.


I play mine regularly.


Mario Party, WWF No Mercy, Mario Kart, Perfect Dark all still get played. 


Drinking Mario Party is literally the best drinking game I've ever played.

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There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the N64 is the best console of all time :)

I do agree with this, if mainly for Ocarina of Time. I will also always have a soft spot for the SNES (Secret of Mana is amazing), and GameCube (Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime and the Resident Evil series are fantastic) though.

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2D Nintendo games >>> 3D Nintendo games


id take the snes over the N64 any day of the week, Metroid prime was near unplayable, super Metroid was one of my favourite games ever, link to the past is better than ocarina of time and nothing will ever beat super Mario world, that's when platformers peaked


and PS1 was that console in that stage of my life, absolutely loved it, can still remember me counting down the days for FF8 and RE2


cos of working at GAME for a couple of years and happily trading in everything i think I've owned pretty much every console since the PS1, although I was a late comer to the N64, always preferred playstations though, would say the dreamcast was a great console too real shame that it failed 

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Ps1 for me. Gran Turismo 1&2, MGS, Smackdown, FF7-9, Ridge Racer Racer Type 4, Silent Hill, Resi evil, TOCA, Colin McRae, Syphon filter, ISS Soccer 2, dino crisis, vagrant story, Tenchu 2, front mission 3, klonoa, Driver 1&2, Tony Hawks 1&2, Spyro, Grandia, Tomb Raider, oddworld, crash bandicoot, soul reaver, v-rally, tekken, wipeout, PaRappa........sooo many awesome memories. Probably bucket loads I can't remember too.

GameCube in a close second.

I'd love a new klonoa or dino crisis on ps4.

Edited by Ingram85
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PS2 has got to be mine, though partly because it could play all the great PS1 games as well as so many great PS2 titles.


Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, MGS2 + 3, Final Fantasy X, GTA 3 and Vice City and so many more.

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I'm just saying I think the jump is smaller than previous generations.


Yep, that much was obvious.  We had the PS1 which absolutely blew me away.  It was going from the days of the SNES to arcade-quality games with a rip-roaring soundtrack (thanks, Namco). You could even pop out the disc mid-play and start playing your own discs whilst playing. Largely helped by Psygnosis (RIP) delivering Destruction Derby (ooohhh, look at the damage!) and Wip3out (which was frankly, awesome).  I LOVED the free demo disc bundled with it too to show off some of the power - it's a 3D dinosaur, I can move it whilst playing a music CD! I wish I had kept my PS1 and the games I had...


It's funny, I vividly remember thinking, when playing Gran Turismo on Playstation for the first time, that graphics would never ever get better than that.


Playstation was the best console. Only console I have ever sold was my Gamecube, which I bought near the end of it's lifetime just to play the Skies of Arcadia re-do. Still got my Game Boy, SNES, PS1 & 2, Dreamcast, PSP, 360...and they all still work as far as I know

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