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Charles N'Zogbia


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His spell of good form around the turn of the year was crucial for us.


We got a point (and probably should have won) at WBA, at a time when we couldn't manage a goal (or point) for love nor money.  He was outstanding in that first half and in a few other games around that period.  In the context of our season, his freekick v West Ham was absolutely crucial, as a previous poster alluded to.


But those are the things we can blatently see on the pitch.   Off it (and I am basing this largely on twitter and heresay, I admit)  he comes across as a bit of an arrogant prick.  Taking his two and bit years with us as a whole, he hasn't done enough to get away with being arrogant.   So if Lambert sees anything remotely like that in training, sees the wages he's on and believes he can get better for far less, it's understandable he might have designs on bombing him out. 


For the right price, I wouldn't be totally against that either. 


But his career with us is salvageable with us - if the player himself wants that.  He certainly has something to offer. 

Edited by HolteExile
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he has proven that he has the ability with the short bursts of skill now and again, but he cant keep it up every game, its a problem

We have different definitions of the word 'proven' it would seem.

A few moments in seasons don't prove much in my book.

Do you not agree he has proven ability, but that he is also proven to be inconsistent and, dare I say it, a bit on the lazy side?

Seems to be what Andy is saying.

I like Charles a fair bit mind. I admire his flair and his rare ability to win a game all on his own. He's exciting, though incredibly frustrating, but I think he has things to offer us. I'd like to have him in the squad.

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It's desperate that we're looking at N'Zogbia as our 'creative' option in midfield, it highlights our lack of quality and creativity in midfield. 


As for N'Zogbia, he's an enigma, in a similar sort of way to Stephen Ireland. Charles, however has proved that he has the quality to win games in the Premier League, but his inconsistency is his downfall. But let's get one thing clear, he's not a 'winger' but he could play the wide left position we're currently working with, because it requires lots of runs on the inside and supporting the lone striker, which he is capable of doing. 


I'd still have a place for him in the squad and team becauseI don't think the current blend in midfield is good enough, but in the long term, we need someone better. 

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Do you not agree he has proven ability, but that he is also proven to be inconsistent and, dare I say it, a bit on the lazy side?

Seems to be what Andy is saying.

I like Charles a fair bit mind. I admire his flair and his rare ability to win a game all on his own. He's exciting, though incredibly frustrating, but I think he has things to offer us. I'd like to have him in the squad.



Well yes but then every single professional footballer has proven ability don't they, they are after all professional footballers. 


So the term 'proven ability' is a little ambiguous or even dare I say it a little meaningless really.


Sure N'Zogbia has had a few good moments, a few good games scattered over a few years but to be honest that doesn't really impress me, he has never really impressed me. So no, I don't see him as a proven talent in the way I think the term was originally used.


As for the inconsistency point, it is another term I find a little frustrating as it is often used to describe people who just aren't actually good enough to be consistent if that makes any sense at all.


Granted, unlike you I don't like N'Zogbia and never have done. I didn't like him at Wigan, I didn't like how selfish he was or how much he kept his head down and played for himself. I didn't like the way his form appeared to improve with every approaching transfer window and I didn't like the way he went back on an agreement to sign for McLeish at Small Heath by asking for another 10k a week as funny as I found it at the time.


I think he is lazy, I think he has a questionable attitude and desire, I think he plays for himself and I seriously doubt his real passion for the game other than to earn lots of money. He isn't alone in these things, far from it sadly but then my scorn isn't limited to him alone.


Personally I will be pleased to see him off the wage bill, my happiness will only be tempered by the fact that yet again we will have lost a millions on a player we should never have signed in the first place.

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He may be all these things and you maybe right. Problem is I don't think we have any better apart from the obvious in our squad at the moment. Is KEA, Westwood, lowton better. Ok there attitude may be better, but they are still inconsistent and at least NZog has experience.

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