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Karim El Ahmadi


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One huge bonus is that he speaks English as well, like most Dutch do pretty well since learning it from an early age

The Dutch speak better English than most UK Citizens in my experience. Perfect English normally.

Welcome KEA (Also a breed of NZ Parrot which is very mischeivous & lives above the snow line)

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Looks a bit like a dodgy used car salesman.

Not helped by the galvanised iron poles at the BMH entrance. A blunder by the architect. A couple of nice sandstone pillars are required to give the place a look of permanence and stately respectability. As it is it looks a bit here-today-gone-tomorrow.

One for the next SCG meeting (That is to say Supporter's Consultation Group, and NOT Sir Cary Gayhill).

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Looks a bit like a dodgy used car salesman.

Not helped by the galvanised iron poles at the BMH entrance. A blunder by the architect. A couple of nice sandstone pillars are required to give the place a look of permanence and stately respectability. As it is it looks a bit here-today-gone-tomorrow.

One for the next SCG meeting (That is to say Supporter's Consultation Group, and NOT Sir Cary Gayhill).

Good point about the pillars...it's all in the little touches. If we can get those awful metal shutters off the Trinity windows it would be a step in the right direction too - they don't half form an unsightly backdrop to the McGregor statue.

Welcome to Villa Karim!

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Looks a bit like a dodgy used car salesman.

Not helped by the galvanised iron poles at the BMH entrance. A blunder by the architect. A couple of nice sandstone pillars are required to give the place a look of permanence and stately respectability. As it is it looks a bit here-today-gone-tomorrow.

One for the next SCG meeting (That is to say Supporter's Consultation Group, and NOT Sir Cary Gayhill).

Good point about the pillars...it's all in the little touches. If we can get those awful metal shutters off the Trinity windows it would be a step in the right direction too - they don't half form an unsightly backdrop to the McGregor statue.

Welcome to Villa Karim!

I bet gabby will be jealous went past BMH today and there was a magic carpet with the reg KEA 6 next to his lambo

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Quite strange how there's no quotes from Lambert yet on the OS about this - just hope he was too busy today tying up other deals!!!


Just noticed a couple of lines at the bottom of the report on the OS..... :oops:

Welcome Karim anyway!

Hopefully you'll be as much as an asset as MON's 1st signing!

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One thing is for sure about this signing people will pronounce his name wrong for as long as he is here. Some people couldn't pronounce McLeish properly, calling him McCleish. El Ahmadi will definitely be a challenge for some folk.

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Pronounced something like El Ah-marrdh-i according to Sir Jack's attempt on OS

He'd been to BMH & VP before according to his interview to have a look round (while PF was on holiday) -

which backs up some of the ITK we'd had.

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Talking about magic carpets - Kaboul of Spuds always looks like my perfect idea of the Genie of the Lamp off Aladdin.

KEA's nose is bit battered to be in a Sinbad tale!

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