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All-Purpose Religion Thread


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It's only prejudice if it's irrational.

Fear of Islam isn't always irrational, there's plenty to be scared of, even in regards to moderate Islam.

Sounds like a lead in to a daily mail article.

No, it sounds like a comment on something that calls for the oppression of over half the worlds population.

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In my opinion these muslems get their owne way far too much.A good example is that is westerners go there we must confirm to their dress code, ( it is against the law to show an ankel, let alone wear a swimsuit ) but when they come here they refuse to confirm to our laws and dress code.

If westerners are not allowed to wear shorts or a mini dress there then they should not be allowed to cover their face and hair etc here.

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In my opinion these muslems get their owne way far too much.A good example is that is westerners go there we must confirm to their dress code, ( it is against the law to show an ankel, let alone wear a swimsuit ) but when they come here they refuse to confirm to our laws and dress code.

If westerners are not allowed to wear shorts or a mini dress there then they should not be allowed to cover their face and hair etc here.

erm… go where? Islam? You've been reading too much press.

What fecking western dress code, we don't have one, its called freedom

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In my opinion these muslems get their owne way far too much.A good example is that is westerners go there we must confirm to their dress code, ( it is against the law to show an ankel, let alone wear a swimsuit ) but when they come here they refuse to confirm to our laws and dress code.

If westerners are not allowed to wear shorts or a mini dress there then they should not be allowed to cover their face and hair etc here.

erm… go where? Islam? You've been reading too much press.

What fecking western dress code, we don't have one, its called freedom

Its called being respectful to another culture's sensibilities - do you drive on the wrong side of the rode because you don't agree with that law as well?

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This is a very tricky issue. What is Islamophobia?

Is it a fear of Muslims?

Is it a hatred of Muslims?

Is it a dislike of Muslims?

Is it racism?

I work in Bradford, and I have many Muslim colleagues. I neither fear, hate or dislike them on any grounds of religion or race (there are one or two that I dislike because they are clearings in the woods, but that applies equally to several colleagues who are Christians, agnostics or atheists). The vast majority I either like, or I am neutral about.

However, I am very wary INDEED of offending their religious/cultural sensibilities - far more so than I would be with any Christian. That is a shame, because it rules out some interesting conversations.

I DO fear/dislike/hate ANY religious fundamentalism, because it is dangerous. This applies to any religion, but at the moment Islamic fundamentalism is posing a bigger threat to MY idea of progress, democracy, equality, etc. than any other brand of religious looniness.

So, am I an Islamophobe?

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This is a very tricky issue. What is Islamophobia?

Is it a fear of Muslims?

Is it a hatred of Muslims?

Is it a dislike of Muslims?

Is it racism?

I work in Bradford, and I have many Muslim colleagues. I neither fear, hate or dislike them on any grounds of religion or race (there are one or two that I dislike because they are clearings in the woods, but that applies equally to several colleagues who are Christians, agnostics or atheists). The vast majority I either like, or I am neutral about.

However, I am very wary INDEED of offending their religious/cultural sensibilities - far more so than I would be with any Christian. That is a shame, because it rules out some interesting conversations.

I DO fear/dislike/hate ANY religious fundamentalism, because it is dangerous. This applies to any religion, but at the moment Islamic fundamentalism is posing a bigger threat to MY idea of progress, democracy, equality, etc. than any other brand of religious looniness.

So, am I an Islamophobe?

Nah. You're just a miserable old rocket-polisher. ;)

Tbf it is the most reported form of religious fundamentalism - but mostly because we like watching news reports of people with tea-towels on their heads shooting at each other or blowing each other up.

An interesting take on the subject of religious lunacy. Islam is c.1500 years old. Christianity c.2000. Christianity 500 years ago was arguing over heretics/witches and merrily burning/raping/pillaging across Europe. The Europeans eventually learnt to chill the **** out and only go to war over important issues like when Archie Duke ran over the Ostrich and got shot.

Give Islam another half millenia and they'll figure it out eventually...... development and progress takes time. It only seems scarier beacuse they've got Medieval values with 21st century weapons.

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In my opinion these muslems get their owne way far too much.A good example is that is westerners go there we must confirm to their dress code, ( it is against the law to show an ankel, let alone wear a swimsuit ) but when they come here they refuse to confirm to our laws and dress code.

If westerners are not allowed to wear shorts or a mini dress there then they should not be allowed to cover their face and hair etc here.

erm… go where? Islam? You've been reading too much press.

What fecking western dress code, we don't have one, its called freedom


Edit: Though, as we see, wearing a balaclava can get one arrested in France. :P

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Nothing to be scared of, nothing to fight wars over, their revolution will come from within. Most people are good and want to live peaceful happy lives.

Yes, it's less than 100 years ago that women were not allowed to vote in this country and women were fined for wearing bikini's to the beach etc.

There are still people alive today who remember a time when our own society was repressive of "half the population".

The more extreme countries will go through the same developments this country did, it doesn't really have much to do with religion, religion is just a useful excuse to impose those values.

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Islam heralds some disgraceful views and I feel sorry for any people oppressed by the laws that stem from Islamic ruled states.

Saying that it would be no better being under a fundamentalist christian rule either. Check out some of the vile views expressed by those known as the American Taliban.

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