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Sportswash! - Let’s oil stare at Manchester City!


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The Geordies have apparently sent a strongly worded letter to FA demanding appropriate action against De Jong.


Indeed and I have managed to get hold of a copy....

Dear FA,

Ahm writing te yee as the appointed spokesman of The Toon Utd an thus in turn the Geordie nation an aal geet , canny good an daft card carrying members of wor state. Dyer knaa what Ah mean?

Ah contact yee followin the quite horrific dunsh on the new Ginola a young lad caal'd Ben Arfa bi some guy named De Jong whee is Dutch or summat so they tell me. Dyer knaa what Ah mean?

Ahm sure yee saw the dunsh yourselves bein fancy dan Lunnen types wi yer electricity an yer goggle boxes in yer lounge. Well Ah tell yee yee waad hev none of tha without wor coal yee knaa , none of it! Dyer knaa what Ah mean?

Anyways , as yee will hev seen the dunsh which the ref saw an decided not te even award a free kick fre due te the fact the guy won the baal wez clearly not acceptable. Not acceptable te me, not acceptable te Alan Shearer, not acceptable te Jimmy Nail, not acceptable te Ant and/or Dec or acceptable John McCuric!

Ever since Sunday we've been really narked up heor an its really dyun wor heads in. Wor actually noo concerned aboot wor hopes fre getting CL footie this season noo aal cos of tha Dutch fella an yee Lunnen types an yer bias against the Geordie nation. Dyer knaa what Ah mean?

Well let this be a warning te yee , the nation is rising, the Geordie army will rise as one. There will be ne more coal, ne more The Toon Broon ale an ne more Ant an Dec until wor demands are granted, they are as follows;

* Gadgie City are deducted 3 points an they are awarded te weh

* Keegan is released frem the tower of Lunnen an returned te the thrown of Geordie land

* Wor granted stowed independence an more benefits

* Ant an Dec form a new coalition government

* Nobody can ever syah "I'd love it" te weh agyen

Divvent syah you've not been warned, yee knaa what yee hev te dee an if yee divvent the nation will rise led bi the warrior Spuggie, aye the ginger one frem Biker.

Ah await yer response bi carrier pigeon.


The Geordie Nation

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However, De Jong's international team-mate Mark van Bommel has spoken out in defence of the midfielder, saying: "It's very unfortunate that he has broken the leg of an opponent twice in six months.

"Thanks to Nigel we reached the final of the World Cup. And now I hear people calling him a criminal. What a nonsense.

"Nigel should not change his game, we need him as he is. But maybe he should occasionally go into a tackle slightly differently.

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The Geordies have apparently sent a strongly worded letter to FA demanding appropriate action against De Jong.


Indeed and I have managed to get hold of a copy....

Dear FA,

Ahm writing te yee as the appointed spokesman of The Toon Utd an thus in turn the Geordie nation an aal geet , canny good an daft card carrying members of wor state. Dyer knaa what Ah mean?

Ah contact yee followin the quite horrific dunsh on the new Ginola a young lad caal'd Ben Arfa bi some guy named De Jong whee is Dutch or summat so they tell me. Dyer knaa what Ah mean?

Ahm sure yee saw the dunsh yourselves bein fancy dan Lunnen types wi yer electricity an yer goggle boxes in yer lounge. Well Ah tell yee yee waad hev none of tha without wor coal yee knaa , none of it! Dyer knaa what Ah mean?

Anyways , as yee will hev seen the dunsh which the ref saw an decided not te even award a free kick fre due te the fact the guy won the baal wez clearly not acceptable. Not acceptable te me, not acceptable te Alan Shearer, not acceptable te Jimmy Nail, not acceptable te Ant and/or Dec or acceptable John McCuric!

Ever since Sunday we've been really narked up heor an its really dyun wor heads in. Wor actually noo concerned aboot wor hopes fre getting CL footie this season noo aal cos of tha Dutch fella an yee Lunnen types an yer bias against the Geordie nation. Dyer knaa what Ah mean?

Well let this be a warning te yee , the nation is rising, the Geordie army will rise as one. There will be ne more coal, ne more The Toon Broon ale an ne more Ant an Dec until wor demands are granted, they are as follows;

* Gadgie City are deducted 3 points an they are awarded te weh

* Keegan is released frem the tower of Lunnen an returned te the thrown of Geordie land

* Wor granted stowed independence an more benefits

* Ant an Dec form a new coalition government

* Nobody can ever syah "I'd love it" te weh agyen

Divvent syah you've not been warned, yee knaa what yee hev te dee an if yee divvent the nation will rise led bi the warrior Spuggie, aye the ginger one frem Biker.

Ah await yer response bi carrier pigeon.


The Geordie Nation


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De Jong is a word removed. If he gets thrown out of the game I won't care one bit. How would we react if that was Young's leg that was snapped in two places by a player that is know for reckless challenges. I think football should remain a physical game and tackles is a part of that. Yes, you will get some injuries because of it, but players like De Jong can **** right off in my opinion.

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De Jong is a word removed. If he gets thrown out of the game I won't care one bit. How would we react if that was Young's leg that was snapped in two places by a player that is know for reckless challenges. I think football should remain a physical game and tackles is a part of that. Yes, you will get some injuries because of it, but players like De Jong can **** right off in my opinion.

But if he was on the 'City scrapheap', would you be happy if Villa got him for a cut price?

Though he's a dirty player, that's occasionally what we're missing.

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I certainly wouldn't want a word removed wearing a Villa shirt. De Jong included. I want a good tackler that actually knows what he is doing as opposed to snapping random legs left, right and centre. Some of you seem to confuse De Jong's style of play with the enforcer type player that can actually tackle properly. Maybe we can get NRC to kick some of our opponents in the chest, or even better, the head!

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The FA cant do anything can they, due to the ridiculous rule that the referee cannot be questioned by using actual evidence that show they were wrong.

De Jongs tackle was a disgrace and I said immediately it should be a red, that's before Ben Arfa seemed to be injured. The rules are clear on excessive force and going through a player head on from so close is risking injury. I dont think there's much of a debate to be had here, the rules on it are quite clear and i'm sure the ref is cringing when he saw replays of both feet making heavy contact.

De Jong is a good player and hard tackling should stay in the game, but it is a question of angles and proximity combined with the force and his radar is all off when it comes to this. He really needs to be taught to curb it, the tackles that have resulted in broken legs arent unlucky like other seen recently, they've been crucnching full contact efforts that have a high risk of causing injury.

As the FA cant do anything, i hope the public criticism and dropping from the national squad sinks in with him and hopefully someone at Man City might consider some coaching. Otherwise, expect to see more injuries.

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I certainly wouldn't want a word removed wearing a Villa shirt. De Jong included. I want a good tackler that actually knows what he is doing as opposed to snapping random legs left, right and centre. Some of you seem to confuse De Jong's style of play with the enforcer type player that can actually tackle properly. Maybe we can get NRC to kick some of our opponents in the chest, or even better, the head!

If that was aimed at me, I haven't confused anything.

De Jong is a good player and if he cut out the dirty, misstimed tackles then I'd welcome him at VP.

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I certainly wouldn't want a word removed wearing a Villa shirt. De Jong included. I want a good tackler that actually knows what he is doing as opposed to snapping random legs left, right and centre. Some of you seem to confuse De Jong's style of play with the enforcer type player that can actually tackle properly. Maybe we can get NRC to kick some of our opponents in the chest, or even better, the head!

If that was aimed at me, I haven't confused anything.

De Jong is a good player and if he cut out the dirty, misstimed tackles then I'd welcome him at VP.

It was a general remark not aimed at you in particular. I think the is lot of fear involved when discussing De Jong on here. A fear that the FA will gimp English football, but I disagree. The game needs to stay physical, but the poor and reckless tacklers shoud be scrutinized and punished when necessary.

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You could argue that despite all the signings they havent gone for world class superstars, CL and they might do, maybe back in for torres etc

To be fair they do actually have a fair bit of shite, adebayor for example, **** him offget another 30m striker in

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