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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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This requires more information: you spent the whole weekend with her in Cambridge!!

Well...split the beans: did you show her what you're made of or what!? ;)

Nah she came down to London for the day yesterday. I'm going up to Cambridge this weekend.

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When you have a mortgage, bills, bay and a new house to save for, you have to prioritise ;)

Unless you're getting smashed how do you spend £60!

Where I went food was about £20 each. That's 40. a pint each (yeah, she drinks pints, and what?!) and a bottle of wine. Bang, 60 quid

First date I always offer to pay, but if she insists on splitting the bill I'd split it.

Stevo knows where it's at.

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Oi oiiii

Yeah she asked me would I go up for the weekend. So that's in the bag basically on the 2nd date.

Oh and her surname is Lopez. How sexy is that name. Love it.

Edited by CVByrne
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This requires more information: you spent the whole weekend with her in Cambridge!!

Well...split the beans: did you show her what you're made of or what!? ;)

Nah she came down to London for the day yesterday. I'm going up to Cambridge this weekend.

Oh okay, I was skim reading the thread and thought she'd come down here and then you'd gone there.

You'll be showing her what you're made of this weekend then if all goes well :)

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Oi oiiii

Yeah she asked me would I go up for the weekend. So that's in the bag basically on the 2nd date.


You'll be on the sofa, mate.

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Re- 2nd night. No sofas I reckon. Modern women know what they want and they go and get it :thumb: Good man Conor, I'm delighted it all went well for you.

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Cheers Brian. Suppose when you hit your 30s you know what you want so it's much easier for things to move faster than they would in your 20s. Key here was I met her at 9am in Kings Cross station and saw her off at 8pm from there.

It's after a month or two when the initial attraction wares off that you have to think about relationship stuff. Which to date I've not been inclined to make the necessary compromises for.

Never stopped me enjoying this part though.

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It's after a month or two when the initial attraction wares off that you have to think about relationship stuff. Which to date I've not been inclined to make the necessary compromises for.

Never stopped me enjoying this part though.

Absolutely. Cross that bridge when you get to it :) The next few months is precisely what will make your mind up for you going forward.
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A question that answers itself. There's no way you can say 'no' to that without offending her. Not that you'd want to of course, but if you were trying to be all chivalrous, you can't. It's a (lovely) tarp.

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My bird came round on Saturday to "watch a film"


She told me she felt a bit "slaggy" for staying last week. So I thought to myself "I know, I'll be a gent tonight and not try anything. That way I'll show her that I'm all nice and stuff and I like her brain"


Film finished, we watched a bit of telly and she said she was going.


Kiss goodnight and she left. 10 minutes later I get a text


"Shall I come back?"



Nice girl.


She wanted to watch another film?

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Since my last Irish girl I've had relationships with an Australian, Swedish, Polish, South Korean and now Portuguese.

What's wrong with British and Irish girls? Been on plenty of dates with them. Just never got further than that.

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