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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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Yeah its the same girl I mentioned a few pages back. I initially ignored her because of how she ignored my advances before, but she rang me twice and stated that she really  wanted to meet up with me. So I changed my mind, and thought why not, whats the worst that could happen. So we agreed Saturday because that is the only day I was free. Because of her insistence that we meet I wasn't expecting her to flake, but she did, and she has the nerve to ask for a rescheduling.

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Right so this weekend might be the turning point for my opinion on older women.


I pulled a 24 year old and was chatting up a 30 year old and didn't feel weird. I know this might not seem a big deal, but I have never had a gf older than me and because I've only been 21 for a few months, this whole thinking myself as an adult (18 isn't an adult) is new to me.


I can't describe it but when I was > 21, I always felt being with somebody older than me was like a kid being with an adult. But now I'm coming round to the idea of being an adult (career sorted, starting to actually look older), older women suddenly don't look that old.


It's a real dating epiphany for me :)

Next thing you'll be a cub on CougarLife

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 I do like this one very much; Malin Josefsson :)

but I think I have blown it big time.

A few weeks back I quit 'snus' which is a kind of tobacco with nicotine, more addictive than smoking its said here in Sweden. The fourth day without SNUS an old friend invited me to a barbecue. Funny how I got the character to quit SNUS and cant say no to a barbecue. Drinking alcohol without nicotine got me ninjadrunk and I ended up offending a lot of ppl on Facebook and every where else.

I like this girl and as I dont remember everything it is a tell all and cross fingers situation isnt it?

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So I'm headed up to Cambridge again tomorrow but JLo is on call tonight so does't know what time she'll be in bed and what time I should arrive tomorrow. I said just text me during the night with the time, my phone will be on silent and you won't wake me up. She replied  



JLo: "What if I need you overnight, what if a patient of mine dies and I need support? Who am I going to call? "    




Me: "The Ghostbusters"    





That did not go down well :(

She sounds like trouble. If one of her patients dies well, that's the way it is, it's part of the job she signed up for, she needs to get over it. You can't be expected to give her that sort of emotional support this early into the relationship, especially in the early hours of the morning when a man needs his sleep.

Edited by Dr_Pangloss
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 I do like this one very much; Malin Josefsson :)

but I think I have blown it big time.

A few weeks back I quit 'snus' which is a kind of tobacco with nicotine, more addictive than smoking its said here in Sweden. The fourth day without SNUS an old friend invited me to a barbecue. Funny how I got the character to quit SNUS and cant say no to a barbecue. Drinking alcohol without nicotine got me ninjadrunk and I ended up offending a lot of ppl on Facebook and every where else.

I like this girl and as I dont remember everything it is a tell all and cross fingers situation isnt it?


Getting offended is such a weak emotion. "This is where I draw the line on your individual choice of behaviour". Pffff....  


Given that you're into this chick, and the fact that you don't remember, there is a SLIGHT possibillity that you might have said or done something stoopid. That said, your chances are probably better if you act like it never happened or laugh it off if something is ever brought up. Compared to scenario of apologizing this and that and the moon and the skies. You didn't mess up, you were drunk. Sh*t happens.

Edited by K-Carlsen
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Have any of you had to deal with a female with a smelly word removed. How did you go about it? Did you tell her?

There is nothing worse than going down on a girl only to find when you get there she stinks like a fish mongers apron. I don't see how you can tell her though. Probably best just to ditch her.

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Hairy is just as bad, but that's not so hard to ask them to shave it all off. Its not so easy to ask a girl to wash her minge cos it smells. How would you even begin that conversation?

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Hairy is just as bad, but that's not so hard to ask them to shave it all off.



Don't mind a little bit of trimmed hair down below, as long as it's neat and not too long ...

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I don't mind hair, but it has to be trimmed. A completely unmaintained forest (or, fwiw a smelly vag as discussed above) would just make me unattracted to that person I'd imagine.

Oh shit, only just say dodyknees' post and now feel bad for talking about smelly and hairy vaginas right after his news!


Sorry buddy. Congratulations and good luck!!

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