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Could Noah's Ark hold all the animals?


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steaknchips, you know all the websites you are referencing to back up your point is like a pro-smoker saying cigarettes don't cause cancer referencing a study on as Phillip Morris website even though that probably doesn't exist because that would be laughed at as idiotic

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The earth is said to round in the bible..

Where's this overwhelming body of evidence that world is as old as evolutionists tell us it is? And please dont tell me its the flawed radiometric dating..

It's not round, no where near.

A few of the Disciples commented on this on the "Novelsforbegginers.com forum"

A rookie mistake on day 1 to be honest, when he was making it God did not have enough water on the clay, basically he rushed it. IIRC, he stuck a pencil through it and noted that it span ...kinda OK but was not really how he imagined it. Bit of a face-palm moment really, this too went wrong. Clay on big beard, getting in a bit of a mess. Anyway quickly sorted, grabbed a towel, wiped face (Remembered to put towel in Jesus's rucksack for up and coming visit to relatives. Got my face on it, what can go wrong. With the right biological powder that will come out).

In his defence, he was doing it in the dark. A bit of forward planning would have done the trick, Microsoft project or similar. Light first, then pottery but it was a really busy week.

(Source Mark 7:12)

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Hilarious invention of geology and complete bollocks. There were only three lahars episodes in the whole of the 1980 − 86 Mt St Helens period of volcanic activity, they will not be considered to be rocks yet and no fossils would be formed, it is impossible….

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Hilarious invention of geology and complete bollocks. There were only three lahars episodes in the whole of the 1980 − 86 Mt St Helens period of volcanic activity, they will not be considered to be rocks yet and no fossils would be formed, it is impossible….

Shut up bro. You can't argue with what the Watchtower tells people to think. It's on several websites on teh interweb FFS!

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The earth is said to round in the bible..

Someone better tell NASA. I'm sure that the artificial satellites up there are orbiting an oblate spheroid. Let me guess, another translation error?

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The earth is said to round in the bible..

Someone better tell NASA. I'm sure that the artificial satellites up there are orbiting an oblate spheroid. Let me guess, another translation error?

TBF I'd be willing to give them this one.
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Really? Do atheists hand out threats about hell when faced with dissident views?

A brief study of Soviet Russia or Communist China might answer that question?! :winkold:

Fair enough :lol:

In today's context though, and when taken relatively, generally no.

And there is credence I think in the idea that Soviet Russia and other communist countries were extremely similar to organised religions in that they were really gigantic cults that replaced an all-knowing God with an all-knowing God-like leader and suppressing dissent.

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The earth is said to round in the bible..

Someone better tell NASA. I'm sure that the artificial satellites up there are orbiting an oblate spheroid. Let me guess, another translation error?

TBF I'd be willing to give them this one.

Nope, no dice. The Bible is the word of God, no room for errors of any kind I'm afraid.

On a side note: Why didn't Jesus use his short life to teach us something useful? Like how to create an infinitely renewable source of clean energy? Or how to decode the human genome? Or how to cure cancer? Why did he waste so much time fannying about on water and drinking wine?

On another side note: Why do JWs divert attention from topics by coming out with completely obscure quotes and trivia?

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The earth is said to round in the bible..

Someone better tell NASA. I'm sure that the artificial satellites up there are orbiting an oblate spheroid. Let me guess, another translation error?

TBF I'd be willing to give them this one.

Nope, no dice. The Bible is the word of God, no room for errors of any kind I'm afraid.

On a side note: Why didn't Jesus use his short life to teach us something useful? Like how to create an infinitely renewable source of clean energy? Or how to decode the human genome? Or how to cure cancer? Why did he waste so much time fannying about on water and drinking wine?

On another side note: Why do JWs divert attention from topics by coming out with completely obscure quotes and trivia?

Third side note: Why did God in his infinite wisdom choose to make thousands of languages knowing that that would lead to translation problems?

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The earth is said to round in the bible..

Someone better tell NASA. I'm sure that the artificial satellites up there are orbiting an oblate spheroid. Let me guess, another translation error?

On closer examination there is surely no conflict with the Earth being an oblate speroid, with poles slightly flattened at either end.

“There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth.” (Isaiah 40:22) The Hebrew word chugh here translated “circle,” may also be rendered “sphere.” (A Concordance of the Hebrew and Chaldee Scriptures, by B. Davidson) Some translations actually use the word "Globe" instead of circle. A sphere is the only shape which appears circular from every angle.

IIRC The Latin translation of the Hebrew word Chugh is "Orbis", which is where we actually get the word Orbit from.

The Hebrew word for “compass” (mechu‧ghah′) is related to chugh (circle).

And what's more the Hebrew word Chugh is also used to describe a spinning, whirling dance, which again accurately describes the Earth as a spinning sphere.

Isaiah 40:22 translates as a spinning sphere which is accurate.

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Back on topic.

Why is the thread titled in the form of a question anyway as it seems as if the OP already had their answer regardless ?

How did Noah get around all the continents collecting all the indigenous species by the way ?

Marsupials from Australia....Polar bears fro the Arctic etc etc ?

It seems like a logistical nightmare .

I guess it makes it sound like a chance for discussion, when actually it was simply an opportunity for steakandchips to preach nonsense

He's not preaching, hes trolling. Badly, since rather than antagonise hes simply succeeded in getting the readers of the thread to suspect hes retarded.

Of course, if he did actually believe this, you'd be doing him a favour by calling the local asylum.

Playing devil's advocate here, but when has debate* ever been equivalent to trolling?

* Granted, debate with (what seems to me like) flawed logic, but I doubt he's on here merely to irritate and annoy.

To pick this up from further back

He isn't debating. He's simply plucking stuff from what Google tells him are Christian brand nut job sites. The number of questions, simple questions, put to him that he's failed to address whatsoever nix any attempt at debate.

You can tell he's trolling because of the style he's used. Last night he took to straight up baiting a couple of users in the most obvious fashion I've seen. Early in the thread he was completely copy and pasting whole passages from websites I was able find in seconds on Google. The genuine crazies do this, too, of course, but they also attempt to address questions in their own words (to defend themselves) and also, more sinisterly, they have the undercurrent of ttempting to legitimise their beliefs to convert. He's not done the latter, simply attempted to frustrate instead, and rarely attempts to answer questions directly, face on, in his own words.

He doesn't believe a word.

If he does, which I sincerely doubt, not only do his beliefs betray him as at best ignorant and possibly wholesale snooker loopy, his failure to be able to confront that which has been posed suggests he either doesn't understand, in which case he's an idiot, or intentionally ignores that which he understands because it makes him fearful, in which case he's a moron.

The opposite is Julie, who I've no doubt does believe this claptrap and dearly wants other people to too...

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Ha, we're onto translations again, joy of joys. Word of God, people, Word of God, in no way confused or watered down by years of fudged translation after a bunch of fellas who didn't know each other wrote it all down years after it was alledged to have happened.

Having read back through last nights/this mornings, I'm still in sheer awe that the portrayal of witches vampires and the like in fantasy entertainment is somehow a legitimisation of genuine religious, Christian specifically, belief.

...I think I best go pray to Gandalf and hail the Holy Trinity of Batman, Spidermanand Moon Knight.

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Third side note: Why did God in his infinite wisdom choose to make thousands of languages knowing that that would lead to translation problems?

Did he? Does the bible refer to this creating of languages? RThe religous types have to infer the creation of language as part of man being in God's image. Why would God need language? Who would he have been speaking to? I think language is a sign of man's wickedness, like everything else which makes the biblical god look foolish.

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On another side note: Why do JWs divert attention from topics by coming out with completely obscure quotes and trivia?

Did you know that the fastest land animal is the Cheetah, reaching speeds of over 60 mph?

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Hilarious invention of geology and complete bollocks. There were only three lahars episodes in the whole of the 1980 − 86 Mt St Helens period of volcanic activity, they will not be considered to be rocks yet and no fossils would be formed, it is impossible….

Shut up bro. You can't argue with what the Watchtower tells people to think. It's on several websites on teh interweb FFS!

As far as I am aware Steak & Chips has not quoted from any site that has anything to do with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

From what I have seen it has been from Creationist websites some of which seem to have been written by Creationist Scientists.

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