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The, he's finally GONE! Tell us your thoughts Thread


Do you THINK McLeish will be gone by next season?  

370 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you THINK McLeish will be gone by next season?

    • Yes I think he will
    • No I think he will be here

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McLeish rues poor defending in Arsenal defeat.

On AVFC official site today.

Aston Villa manager Alex McLeish was disappointed by his side's 'comedy' defending after their 4-1 defeat at Manchester City.

Taken after a defeat at Manchester City in mid October.

Alex McLeish rues 'soft' Birmingham City defending but denies a nervy start against Fulham

Taken after SHA lost to Fulham in May 2011.

Alex McLeish was left to bemoan his side's defending in the 3-2 loss to Stoke.

Taken after SHA lost to Stoke in November 2010.

Bit of a theme here!

Unbelievable manager. Apparently this multi-million pound job doesn't involve any actual responsibility. You just have to comment on your own team's performance as if you were a pundit.
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I just don't care anymore. McLeish is making us play like shit and the fans hate it. The players look like they don't even care so why should I? The owner clearly doesn't care about the fans and he is happy with Villa's mediocrity. I am not even excited to watch our games anymore.

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To be honest McLeish biggin up Arsenal as one of the elite teams we have no chance of winning, is as bad if not worse than when Houllier said he was happy to lose against Liverplop. McLeish is not only negative in his football, what vibe does this comment give to the players. Funny SHA are playing some of the best football they ever have with limited players now he has gone.

Everytime I watch Newcastle im thinking, why are we not like them!

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To be honest McLeish biggin up Arsenal as one of the elite teams we have no chance of winning, is as bad if not worse than when Houllier said he was happy to lose against Liverplop. McLeish is not only negative in his football, what vibe does this comment give to the players. Funny SHA are playing some of the best football they ever have with limited players now he has gone.

Everytime I watch Newcastle im thinking, why are we not like them!

Houllier never even said he was happy to lose to Liverpool.

But yes, I agree. McLeish's attitude is the most defeatist I've ever seen from any manager ever.

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He beat a better Arsenal team in the Carling Cup final with a far worse team than he currently manages. OK, they were lucky as **** but they still won!

Thats true.

All I would say is that their application was spot on and they stopped Arsenal from playing, something we didn't do yesterday.

Whether that was down to the players own personal application as the game was a one-off, I don't know. I cannot imagine that it was down to a tactical masterstroke by McLeish, although he does seem to take all the credit.

That is what I don't understand with the man. Going by that cup final, you would have known how to hurt Arsenal and cause them problems, yet he seemed more interested in not losing, or when losing keeping the score down.

At 2-0 down we needed to alter the system and start playing to our strengths.

The one thing I noticed yesterday was that we needed to get the ball behind Arsenal to utilise our pace in wide areas and then cutting the ball back from the byline. Playing the ball in front of Arsenal is never going to work and neither is hoofing up to Heskey where he has a 30/70 chance of doing anything with it.

3-0 is a good beating whatever way you look at it and the blame has to lie at the feet of the manager.

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McLeish is a tactically inept manager who is way out of his depth managing a team in the Premier League.

He must have thought all his Birthday's and Christmas's had come at once when Lerner offered him the job at Villa.

Financially he is set up for life and he knows that even if he **** up (which he is currently excelling at) he will get a massive pay day if he gets the sack.

What an absolute joke this all is.

What do we do? Hardly anyone turns up at the protests and a few disgruntled moans during or after the game are soon brushed under the carpet and we go again suffering the same shit week in week out.

It's like Ground hog day in purgatory!

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Shouldn't really be given another season, after all he did say he was hoping to match or improve on our finishing place last season when he joined, but can't really see us moving from our current position till the end of the season now. Doesn't look like its even going to be close. Absolutely shocking. Keeps falling back on old mistakes. Starting 34 year old ever so less mobile Heskey up top yesterday was a terrible decision. Last few times he has played him against good teams he has been shocking, and our team improves when he is subbed. He is making a hell of a lot more bad tactical decisions than good I'm noticing.

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A Call to the Phoenix...

The Villa's lion, that once stood for pride,

has no more ambition: it has died.

Our lion skulks, waiting for a scrap,

at the basement door, where springs a trap.

Ignominy looks set for Villa,

steered by he at the tiller.

How far down can our favourites drop,

before we hear a mighty plop?

We have slipped before, memory vivid,

but never quite like this, so timid.

Oh, some ancient Villan to restore

the lion's scent for winning, once more.

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If he said we can't expect anything against Arsenal then the word removed better get on the phone to the FA and ask them to cancel the games against Chelsea, United and Spurs. Why should we bother turning up!? We might as well have those weeks off because we probably shouldn't be expected to get anything from those games either! Twunt!

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Not sure if it has mentioned already, but i was listening to BRMB before the game and Tom Ross interviewed him and he said something like. We can not go to Arsenal and play that would be sucide the only team that could do that is Swansea. Then this is what i find hard to take. He says "Why dont we play like swansea then, well we dont have the type of players swansea have." or something to that affect. I am not sure what the Swansea team cost or what the wages are, but what we spent in the summer should almost cover it. How would Ireland, Bannan etc feel hearing that that are not good enough to try and play. The truth is he does not have a clue how the set up to play.

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One thing about Deadly Doug. When Yorke decided that he wanted to go to Man U, Doug said that we were better than them (them being Man U).

Now, while everyone knew that Doug's statement was bollocks, he nevertheless in public always presented our club as one of the big clubs. He would never have publicly undermined our club in the same way as AM did after the Arsenal game and i suspect that if Doug was still our chairman then after AM's comments on Saturday AM would have been sacked on the spot.

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Not sure if it has mentioned already, but i was listening to BRMB before the game and Tom Ross interviewed him and he said something like. We can not go to Arsenal and play that would be sucide the only team that could do that is Swansea. Then this is what i find hard to take. He says "Why dont we play like swansea then, well we dont have the type of players swansea have." or something to that affect. I am not sure what the Swansea team cost or what the wages are, but what we spent in the summer should almost cover it. How would Ireland, Bannan etc feel hearing that that are not good enough to try and play. The truth is he does not have a clue how the set up to play.

I think this is the point.

He has one gameplan - to draw every game. If we concede, instead of going for it, he sits back and tried to keep it at 1-0. If we go 2-0 down he puts everybody behind the ball to keep the score down.

This is why the win against Fulham didn't change my opinion. If Schwarzer hadn't dropped the ball on Weimann's head it would have ended 0-0. It was purely a stroke of luck.

I honestly believe that McLeish could have the most talented squad at his disposal and he would still get them playing this dross. This is why I don't get excited over a summer rebuild.

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Its just a question of how long we can go on like this.

I'm not sure what the hierarchy at Villa are waiting for....divine intervention.

Every manager deserves a bit of time, but during that time some shoots of progress must be in evidence.

We are just drifting from game to game with lame excuses.

I have seen this before at Villa and I'm seeing it again.... its quite sad really for all involved fans , manager, players, management.

somebody has to get this club by the scruff of its neck and shake it out of its morose slumber.

There are clearly not enough personnel at Villa with the necessary footbal Nous or connections.

Its all simply going nowhere.

PS Comes to something when we are using Swansea as a benchmark to emulate....no disrespect to Swansea.

....we should took that initiative years ago.

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As I've said before, he gets less than 40 points he should walk, I don't think he will because he's a stubborn prick. For the last 12 months the club, at pretty much every level has been taking to piss out of the fans. I don't expect that to change. I don't know whether the chairman and chief executive are pricks or idiots or both.

When you begin to look back to the Ellis years and think, they were never this bad, I do think Lerner is out of his depth at a sports team. The lack of knowledge about the game, fans and **** balancing the books is just ridiculous.

McLeish is an awful manager, he pretty much as been everywhere he's been. I don't expect this to ever change, the brand of "football" is the worst factor.

One more season of this shit really deflates me. It's got to the point where the club Chairman, chief exe, manager and players really don't give a shit about the club or fans, why should I bother to turn up and spend my money?

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He should have been sacked on the spot for his comments yesterday "Arsenal are an elite club we cant expect to beat them". Erm weren't we two up against them at half time two months ago only to be let down by poor defending? Didn't we out play them three months ago only to be let down by poor defending late on? Didn't we beat them at their place under our assistant manager less than a year ago? **** off out of our club AMC, you are a disgrace. What must the players think when they hear his post match interviews?

He needs to go. However we will probably pick up a point against an under-performing Chelsea next weekend and that will buy him more time in the minds of Faulkner/Lerner who don't want to admit to their hugely expensive mistake.

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where was the emphasis in those comments? was it "arsenal are an elite club, we cant EXPECT to beat them" or "arsenal are an elite club, we cant expect to beat THEM"? because they're 2 very different things

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