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Paddy's "Things that cheer you up"


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As mooney said the brain is very powerful and it can play tricks on you. With all the information it takes in regarding what's meant to be real it could possibly be tricking people, and people could be letting their imagination run wild. Take demonic possession for instance, mental illness or really demons at work. Near enough all the cases I'd put down to mental illness but some cases go beyond mental illness. Can't remember her name now but she was from germany I think and that was a prime case of what I'm on about. You probably all think I'm some deluded crazy bastard but I do believe demons exist.


Yes, but we love you still.  :)

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 You probably all think I'm some deluded crazy bastard 


Deluded:  Yes, you hold on to the hope that Aston Villa may one day win something (like all of us).


Crazy bastard:  Yes, you shag vacuum cleaners.  (not like all of us).

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The truth is out there brothers, when your day comes you will look back at this and say yep, rugeley was right. Then you can all meet me in the afterlife bar with designer1 and buy me a drink. Remember through the golden gates and the third cloud down on the left.

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Ghosts are responsible for the worst lyrical passage in all of songwriting history, as such they can all **** off back to whence they came from.


Yeah, I'd rather have a piece toast.  

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How come Ghosts don't tell you anything useful, when they come to visit you in dreams, like the lotto numbers, or which horse will win the 16:20 at Kempton?

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If ghosts were real, imagine how many there would be?



Yep, every time you knock one out there must be about 20 crammed in your room watching you.



"And that's why I thought it would be acceptable to knock one out on the train, officer."

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On topic, do people not realise that when you recall an email, it doesn't magically erase what you've sent from the recipient's inbox and, if anything, probably calls more attention to the gaffe?  :lol:

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Ha, oh you little scamp.


Speaking of spirituality, there's a Buddhist... centre (?) ten minutes from me. It's on the outskirts of this small village and you just see Asian guys in red and yellow robes walking down the street. It's mental. Cool though.

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Ha, oh you little scamp.

Speaking of spirituality, there's a Buddhist... centre (?) ten minutes from me. It's on the outskirts of this small village and you just see Asian guys in red and yellow robes walking down the street. It's mental. Cool though.

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The truth is out there brothers, when your day comes you will look back at this and say yep, rugeley was right. Then you can all meet me in the afterlife bar with designer1 and buy me a drink. Remember through the golden gates and the third cloud down on the left.


I'm not going all the way up to heaven to drink Carling! 

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The truth is out there brothers, when your day comes you will look back at this and say yep, rugeley was right. Then you can all meet me in the afterlife bar with designer1 and buy me a drink. Remember through the golden gates and the third cloud down on the left.

I'm not going all the way up to heaven to drink Carling!

well you can't have no spirits because apparantly they don't exist.
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