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Fox Cull?


Should there be a cull of urban foxs  

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  1. 1. Should there be a cull of urban foxs

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AFter the savaging of the two girls by a fox there have been suggestions that we should carry out a cull of urban foxes.

Some people, however, say that killing a fox just means another will take its place.

Where do you stand on this?

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I was wondering when this would turn up.

Are we having a problem with foxes ravaging children? If we are they're keeping it quiet. So does that make this an isolated and sad freak occurence? Yes.

So no to a cull.

EDIT - and it seems the mother left a door open... little bit of guilt there herself?

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I was wondering when this would turn up.

Are we having a problem with foxes ravaging children? If we are they're keeping it quiet. So does that make this an isolated and sad freak occurence? Yes.

So no to a cull.

Pretty much agree Chind.

Its the same as when a dog attacks a child (which happens a lot more often), do we then say all dogs should be should culled? No.

So its a no from me too.

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to me it just seems like a one off incident. Foxes i have come across are scared of humans and run off straight away, this one wasn't scared even when face with two fully grown adults.

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I was wondering when this would turn up.

Are we having a problem with foxes ravaging children? If we are they're keeping it quiet. So does that make this an isolated and sad freak occurence? Yes.

So no to a cull.

EDIT - and it seems the mother left a door open... little bit of guilt there herself?


I've never heard of this happening before. Its sad and unfortunate but a cull would be over the top.

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As Chind suggested, if this was happening every week then maybe. But a one off freak accident doesn't justify a culling.

it's a tragic accident and I feel sorry for the parents. There are times when you hear about kids getting mauled by dogs but the parents have left a 40kg german shepherd babysitting their 1 week old son and you just think "What the **** were you thinking?!"

But in this case they didn't do anything wrong. Millions of people would have had their doors open hat night because of the heat. Just a one in a million accident I'm afraid

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Millions of people would have had their doors open hat night because of the heat. Just a one in a million accident I'm afraid

It happened during the day which makes it even more of a freak event.

Very very sad.

But as i said in my previous post, its more of a common thing to hear of dogs mauling kids, but no-one suggests we cull all the dogs.

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No chance, enough of em get splattered on the roads already.

as for the foxes attacking sleeping kids.........if I was a copper my nose would be twitching like the **** clappers over this "incident"

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I've been feeding 4 foxes in my garden for years.....they're still very wary & wild & though they will come up close there's no way they'd put themselves at risk of coming into direct contact with me let alone sneak in the house for a rummage. Leave them alone, it's not their fault we've overtaken their natural habitat & they now have to deal with our filtyh dirty ways let alone cars. There is more to this story than is immediately obvious.....

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No need for a cull.

The incident in East London was unfortunate, but if reading the news reports is anything to go by its one of those random things that just happens from time to time. Foxes are common in cities (they are very good at living amongst people and they have figured out that people will leave them alone) and it seems they were especially common in that part of London. Neighbours said that they saw foxes all the time in their back yards and seeing one was just a normal every day occurrence. The fox managed to get in the house through an upstairs window apparently, it was hot this weekend so its not unreasonable for people to have a window open, but fox attacks on humans are ridiculously rare. Some fox expert the news wheeled out the other day said its the first attack he has known on humans in 40 years.

Shooting all the foxes might make the mum feel a bit better for five minutes, but thats about it.

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it seems the mother left a door open... little bit of guilt there herself?

whaaattt?? Leaving the door open is a crime now?

No to a cull though, would achieve nowt, there's millions of the things

Of course I'm not saying leaving your door open is a crime but I am saying that by leaving the door open, she is complicit in letting the animal into the house, if she hadn't this doesn't happen.

Now that doesn't stop this being a freak accident, but she's still not without some blame.

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Like humans most foxes aren't mad but then every so often you get one that goes **** Derrick Bird insane, just like we have in this case. It's not like there's calls to cull every rural taxi driver now is there?

Unless they live in Formby? ;-)

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